
From Now On, Let The World Feel The Pain!

(2300+ words)


Looking at the ninja coalition rushing toward them, Yahiko, Nagato, and Konan had expressions of despair on their faces.

Seeing the increasingly clear faces, Konan and the others could even make out the ferocious expressions on their opponents.

If nothing unexpected happens, today, they're probably going to die here.


Just when they were desperate, a clear voice sounded. Immediately afterward, a terrifying chakra erupted.

"Wood Style: Deep Forest Emergence!"

With a low cry, countless trees burst out of the ground instantly. In a moment, an impenetrable forest formed, swallowing up all the ninja coalition forces.

"Damn, what the hell is going on?"

"Trees...this isn't Wood Style, is it?!"

"Damn it, could it be that the Hokage himself came?"

"Don't panic, everyone, there are so many of us, let's rush out together!"

Being swallowed by the forest, the ninja coalition immediately panicked. Seeing the thick trees rising into the sky, everyone felt the ultimate danger in their hearts. They wanted to resist, but it was futile.

When the forest was fully formed, countless huge vines began to attack the ninja coalition.

"Fire Style: Majestic Destroyer Flame!"

Outside the forest, Senju Takuya snorted. Opening his mouth slightly, a sea of fire hundreds of meters wide spurted out instantly. In a moment, the entire forest turned into a sea of fire.

"You...who are you?"

Listening to the screams of the ninja coalition forces in the sea of fire, Yahiko, Konan, and Nagato all opened their mouths in shock. Not to mention the forest that formed in an instant, but the Fire Style Ninjutsu released by the opponent was terrifyingly powerful. A sea of fire hundreds of meters wide… They had never seen such a terrifying Fire Style ninjutsu.

"I already told you. Takuya. Senju Takuya."

 Takuya shrugged.


"Are you the Hokage?!"

Yahiko lost his voice.


 Takuya smiled.

After receiving a positive answer, Yahiko, Konan, and Nagato were stunned again.

Why did you come to the Land of Rain? And this strength is too strong. The 1,000-strong ninja coalition was wiped out just like that. Even killing a thousand pigs is probably not that simple, right?

Looking at the now silent sea of fire, Yahiko and the others showed a look of fear on their faces. This kind of power...terrible!

"Why did you appear in the Land of Rain?"

Yahiko suppressed the fear in his heart and asked Takuya.

"Of course, it's to defeat the ninja coalition."

 Takuya said matter-of-factly. He came here just to get rid of the ninja coalition in the Land of Rain. Thus, the pressure on other battlefields could also be greatly relieved.

"But haven't all the ninjas in Konoha evacuated? Do you plan to do this kind of thing alone?"

Nagato couldn't help but ask.

"That's right."

 Takuya nodded lightly.

Yahiko and the others fell silent again. According to their observations, there are nearly 20,000 ninja allies in the Land of Rain. Defeating so many ninjas with just one person's strength is a fool's errand.

Only, such words came from Takua's mouth, but they had to believe him. After all, they had seen with their own eyes the powerful power that Takuya displayed at the moment.

"Thank you for saving our lives."

Konan looked at Takuya with mixed feelings in her heart. It turns out he is the Hokage.

"Hokage, why war? Isn't there something that can't be resolved through discussion slowly?"

Yahiko suddenly said. Takuya was the first high-level person he could contact. He wanted to know why those in power wanted to start wars at every turn.

"There are some things that discussion alone can't solve. Moreover, we did not initiate this war; Konoha is just defending itself."

Senju Takuya said calmly.

"Not like this. I believe that as long as everyone is willing to open their hearts to each other, we will be able to understand each other. You are Hokage; if you are willing to let go of your hatred, the war will definitely stop!"

Yahiko retorted loudly. He always believed that some things could be solved perfectly without resorting to force.

"No, you are wrong. People's emotions are different, and mutual understanding is difficult to achieve. It is instinct and nature to compete for more and better survival resources. What you said is impossible to achieve."

 Takuya said softly. Yahiko's idea was really too naive; he was completely a middle-aged boy.

"Then how will you know if it doesn't work if you don't try?"

Yahiko asked, unconvinced.

"You must have tried a lot, right? Have the results changed?"

 Takuya asked rhetorically. Hearing his words, Yahiko's expression darkened. He had indeed tried many times, but to no avail.

"Let's face reality. However, it won't be long before the ninja world can achieve true peace."

 Takuya patted Yahiko on the shoulder and chuckled lightly.

"Um? Why?"

Yahiko, Konan, and Nagato all asked in surprise.

"Because... I will unify the entire ninja world. With my power, I can suppress everything!"

 Takuya said calmly.

Hearing his words, Yahiko and the others were stunned. Suppress everything with force?

"This is not real peace. True peace is when people cherish each other from the bottom of their hearts and hate war, instead of suppressing it by force."

Yahiko shook his head and retorted loudly. After hearing his words, Takuya was too lazy to continue arguing.

"Hokage, I will find Hanzo-sama, and together we will persuade other villages to stop. I hope you can stop the killing then."

Yahiko looked at Takuya and said.

"It's not your place to teach me what to do. One last reminder: Your contact with other ninja villages has touched Hanzō of the Salamander's bottom line. Be careful of Hanzo, otherwise, there is only a dead end waiting for you."

 Takuya said calmly. The Akatsuki organization daring to cross Hanzō of the Salamander and negotiate with other shinobi villages as Amegakure is something no ruler could tolerate.

"Hanzo-sama is not the kind of person you say he is."

Yahiko snorted coldly, turned, and left. After knowing that Senju Takuya was the Hokage of Konoha, he had no good impression of him. After all, the Land of Rain was in such a miserable state, and Konoha was one of the causes.

Seeing Yahiko leaving, Nagato quickly followed. Konan glanced at Takuya and thanked him again.

"Anyway, thank you for saving us."

 Takuya waved his hand.

"You're welcome. When you are desperate, remember to come to Konoha to find me. I'm waiting for you."

Senju Takuya said something ambiguous, and then handed a special kunai to Konan.

Looking at Takuya's handsome face, Konan's heart beat wildly. This was an unprecedented feeling.

"I see. Then...goodbye."

After giving Senju Takuya one last look, Konan put the kunai into her pocket, turned, and left.

Watching Konan's leaving figure, Takuya smiled.

The charming angel of God, from now on, just bloom for me.

After watching Konan leave, Senju Takuya turned around and continued walking deeper into the Land of Rain.

No need to rush Konan's matter.


He wanted to get rid of the ninja coalition stationed in the Land of Rain first.


With a muffled sound, the sharp kunai instantly pierced Yahiko's heart.

"Nagato, live well with Konan."

The last smile appeared on Yahiko's lips as his body fell to the ground weakly.


Seeing this, Nagato and Konan shouted.


Seeing that Yahiko actually wanted to die, Hanzō of the Salamander snorted coldly.

Even so, he had no intention of letting go of these threats to his rule. Just as the hand holding Konan's throat was about to tighten, Nagato appeared in front of him with a Body Flicker Technique. Hanzo dodged Nagato's attack and retreated quickly. Just as Nagato was about to leave with Konan, his feet were covered with explosive tags.


With a loud noise, Nagato's legs were blown to pieces.

"Nagato, are you okay?"

Konan asked with concern.


Nagato shook his head.

The two of them looked at Hanzō of the Salamander, their eyes cold.

It had been a month since they last met Senju Takuya. In this period, Takuya massacred the ninja of other villages in the Land of Rain. From dozens to thousands, as long as they encountered Takuya, they would only end up being wiped out. After losing more than 10,000 people, the Ninja Alliance gave in and withdrew from the Land of Rain.

The Land of Rain, for once, regained its calm.

Shortly after the ninja coalition withdrew, they received a reply from Hanzō of the Salamander. In the letter, Hanzō of the Salamander invited them to discuss the future of the Land of Rain. But when they arrived, they discovered it was a trap set by Hanzō of the Salamander. His goal was to eliminate them all!

"Rain Village can only have one ruler. For the peace of Rain Village, you must die."

Hanzō of the Salamander said coldly. With a wave of his hand, the ninjas from Rain Shinobi Village rushed towards Konan and Nagato.

"Summoning Technique: Demonic Statue of the Outer Path!"

Looking at the Rain Shinobi ninja rushing towards him, Nagato slammed his hands on the ground.


With a roar, a huge demon statue wrapped in chains emerged. Immediately afterward, a purple chakra dragon rushed out of the statue's mouth and toward the crowd.

Wherever the purple dragon passed, all the ninja chakra of Rain Shinobi was absorbed. In just a moment, dozens of elite ninjas lost their chakra and fell to the ground dead.

"These eyes..."

Hanzō of the Salamander was shocked when he saw the Rinnegan revealed by Nagato inadvertently. Immediately, with a clap of his hands, he summoned his own summoning beast, Ibuse.

"Ibuse, Poison Mist!"

Ibuse opened its mouth wide and sprayed out a large amount of purple poisonous mist, covering everything. When the poisonous mist dissipated, Hanzo's figure had disappeared.


Once safe, Nagato suddenly knelt on the ground and spat out a mouthful of blood. His back was covered with black rods.

"Nagato, are you okay?"

Seeing Nagato's condition, Konan asked in panic.

"I'm fine, I won't die yet."

"Konan, Yahiko was wrong."

Nagato gritted his teeth while coughing up blood.

"Wrong? What do you mean?"

Konan asked, confused.

"Senju Takuya was right. A world in which people understand each other cannot exist. The only way to stop fighting is through force!"

Nagato said coldly. Yahiko had spent his life advocating for peace, hoping that people could let go of their hatred and open their hearts. But even Hanzō of the Salamander, whom he admired most, couldn't trust him. In the end, they were betrayed.

Nagato had recognized the reality. People who have not experienced pain for themselves will never understand it.


Konan was a little surprised to hear Nagato's words. She didn't expect that Nagato, who always had a gentle personality, would express such a point of view.

"By the way, Nagato. Remember when Senju Takuya saved us? He said that when we are desperate, we can go to him. Why don't we just go to Konoha?"

Konan suggested. Although Hanzo had run away now, he would definitely not let them go. As long as they stayed in the Land of Rain, they would be hunted down non-stop. In Nagato's current state, it would be better to go directly to Konoha to seek Senju Takuya's help.

"Who can guarantee what Senju Takuya is thinking? I want to rely on my own strength to achieve true peace."

Nagato clenched his fists and rejected Konan's proposal. He no longer trusted anyone. Not to mention, Yahiko's death had allowed him to awaken the power of the Rinnegan. He could now clearly feel how powerful a force was hidden within him. He must rely on his own strength to realize their shared dreams.

"But... Nagato, your current state..."

"It's fine."

Nagato shook his head.

"Konan, if you want to go to Konoha, take Yahiko's body with you. It's too dangerous to follow me."

Nagato spoke slowly. Since Konan last met Senju Takuya, she had often looked at a kunai in a daze. Having grown up with Konan, he naturally knew what she was thinking.

"But your legs now..."

Konan looked at Nagato's bloody legs and hesitated. Nagato's legs were so injured that walking would be a problem in the future. She was really worried about letting him stay here alone.

"Don't worry, Konan. I have now mastered some of Rinnegan's powers. Help me find some corpses."

Nagato said calmly. After awakening the power of Rinnegan, he had more information related to Rinnegan in his mind.

Soon, Konan followed Nagato's request and placed several corpses in front of him. Subsequently, Nagato refined six puppets based on the memories in his mind.

"The Deva Path, the Asura Path, the Animal Path, the Human Path, the Preta Path, and the Naraka Path. Together, they are known as the Six Paths of Pain. Each path has different abilities, and I can control them through the chakra rods on my body. So, you don't have to worry."

In order not to burden Konan, Nagato controlled the Six Paths of Pain to help him move.

"I see. Then I'll go to Konoha first."

Seeing that Nagato could indeed take care of himself, Konan didn't insist anymore. She didn't know why, but she couldn't help but think about Senju Takuya. So, she must go to Konoha.

"And you? Where will you go?"

Konan asked, looking at Nagato.

"I will first familiarize myself with my power, find Hanzō of the Salamander, and avenge Yahiko. From this moment on, let the whole world feel the pain!"

After Nagato finished speaking, with the help of the Six Paths of Pain, he slowly disappeared into the darkness.

Watching Nagato leave, Konan also used her Paper Ninjutsu and carried Yahiko's body towards Konoha Village.


Thank you for reading 🖤


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