
CHAPTER 288 Safety


  My wolf snarled as everything spun and the whole world seemed to suck in around me, sound only reaching me from the other end of a long tunnel that was too brightly lit.

  The power had taken too much from me- obviously. I was sitting in the dirt, frustrated and shaking as the nearby Gammas whirled to circle Jesse and I, and everyone else grew frantic.

  "Stop," I hissed, but the words were thick on my tongue. "I'm jus' tired."

  I tipped my head back to find Jesse, because I couldn't seem to move my eyes properly. She stood over me, her eyes so wide they were white all the way around. I tried to lift a hand to soothe her. "Iss okay. Imma be fine-"

  Rake was there, pulling her back and away from me even as he scanned me with worried eyes while a couple of Maya's acolytes slid to the dirt next to me.

  "Stop stop stop," I said, but I couldn't make the words strong. "Imm tired, thassal-"

  Jesse was clinging to Rake, but staring at me with tears in her eyes.

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