
Chapter 80

I could feel the attention of the shinobi hidden in every street, and of one particular shinobi who tried to follow me unnoticed from the very exit of the inn, but that didn't stop me from taking in the atmosphere of the festivities and bustle that reigned in the streets with the influx of rich and fancy guests, their entourages and guards.

But that didn't stop me from taking in the atmosphere of festivity and bustle that reigned in the streets with such an influx of rich and distinguished guests, their entourages and guards. Unlike the shinobi, the ordinary citizens of Suna didn't see them as a threat, but as a great way to profit from outsiders.

I had bought a rather large set of spices from the Land of Wind, several bottles of various liqueurs and tinctures, as all the available supplies of homemade plum tincture had been drunk long ago, and my participation in the war and the enormous amount of work I had to do afterward kept me from doing so. In any case, a great gift for Saya, who had to switch back to drinking sake. I also took a few liters of a popular local drink, which turned out to be a specially prepared cactus juice, very unusual sweet and sour taste and excellent thirst quencher.

Also my attention was attracted by a shop selling glassware of excellent quality and very beautiful to look at. The price was almost three tens of thousands of ryo, but the merchant swore that all of his goods were made with chakra and would last for decades, with an enviable resistance to damage. In fact, the man immediately demonstrated this by slamming the airy-looking cup to the floor.

Turning in my hands completely unharmed product, I found on the bottom of the tiny disguised seal of strengthening as part of the trade mark, but said nothing - here such little secrets are considered a family heritage and passed down through generations from parents to children. So, having given a decent amount of money for a set of dishes, I still did not miss - such a set would cost at least a hundred thousand in Konoha.

I was also attracted by the traditional Suna fans made of chakra-conducting metal and specially treated paper, which serve as a perfect conductor for the transformed elemental wind chakra.

At first, I was surprised by the fact that this unique weapon (in my initial opinion) could be purchased by anyone with enough ryo, but the elderly man behind the counter of the gun store explained the reasoning behind it, explained the matter - to create real hurricanes Suna fighters allows not so much unique weapons, which can make any sufficiently experienced master, but unique methods of training in the use of elemental chakra, which can hardly be repeated even by those who have a suitable affinity with futon.

So, even though I was squinting at the huge fan at my waist, I took a small one as a souvenir, one and a half palms long. It would be fine for a trial run, but there was no point in spending three hundred thousand ryo on a completely unnecessary weapon.

I also bought two small humanoid puppets of excellent quality, used by novice kugutsu practitioners for control training. I could hardly control them, but they would be a good gift for Kushina-chan. In addition, I was interested in the seals used in the creation of the dolls, which I discovered by channeling my chakra through them, so I'll give one as a gift and take the other apart at the first opportunity.

In addition to spending a large sum of money, which I had thoughtfully taken with me for this purpose, I was also engaged in a less pleasant, but undoubtedly necessary task - collecting information and rumors in bars and eateries, where I popped in to escape the heat and have a glass of something cool.

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