

Damon pulled his sword out and saw a reaper trying to flank one of Anya's men, so he charged the man.

"Awoo awoo awoo." The reaper made weird noises as it charged him before bringing down a massive mace toward the top of his head.

Damon rolled on the ground and quickly cut the reaper's ankle making it fall to one knee before Damon stood up and cut off the reaper's head with practiced ease.

In one fluid movement, he had already taken the life of a reaper. Anya who had seen the whole thing out of the corner of her eye couldn't help but respect the sky leader even more as even her best warriors couldn't take down reapers so easily.

It seemed she would need some of her people to train with the sky people.

"Rah!" Damon cut through the body of another Reaper taking its life before looking over and seeing the last Reaper being surrounded by a few grounders.

Damon was going to watch them kill the reaper before he remembered something making him scream out.

"Wait!" Damon screamed out making Anya look over.

"What is it?"

"Capture the reaper don't kill him. There is something I want to do." Damon said making Anya frown before nodding at her people who proceeded to beat the Reaper and knock it out before tying it up and bringing it back to an old stone building from the old world.

"Lay him down on that stone slap and hammer the metal spikes down!" Damon commanded a few of the grounders before finally the reaper was tightly secured to a concrete slab with chains over his chest and hammered into the ground.

"What games are you playing?" Anya said not understanding why he would keep a reaper alive.

"Just wait," Damon said before having a grounder fetch Clarke who was with Nyko helping a few of the sick grounder kids.

A minute later Clarke appeared with Nyko following behind her.

"I want to try something, Clarke. See these needle punctures here." Damon pointed to the reaper's neck.

"That's how they administer the drug right?" Clarke asked remembering when Damon had said a long time ago that it was the mountain men who made the reapers.

"Yeah, and if we can keep this reaper alive until the drug leaves his system, we could turn him back into a man," Damon said making Clarke nod before opening her medical bag and laying out an assortment of medicines and drugs.

"Well need to keep his fever down and restart his heart if it stops but I think I can do it." Clarke nodded while Nyko and Anya who were listening to their conversation looked at each other before looking at the two sky people like they were crazy.

"You're saying you can turn reapers back into men?" Nyko asked

"Yes." Damon nodded

"Impossible!" Nyko denied. He had tried many times to cure a reaper, but it never worked.

"Just watch and see." 

Damon and Clarke spent the entire night keeping an eye on the reaper who would start convulsing and screaming before sometimes his heart would stop and they would have to restart it.

Finally, by morning the drug seemed to have worn off some as the grounder appeared to be lucid and calling out Anya's name when he saw her making Anya run over and grab his face.

"How did you do this!" Anya screamed with emotion

Hundreds of her people were turned into reapers. If they could cure them all she would have hundreds of people back who had been taken by the mountain.

"I have to bring this information back to the commander," Anya said while still looking at the cured reaper in disbelief.

"First if you want me to cure the reapers, I need something in return," Damon said making Anya turn around and pull out her knife.

"You threaten me?" She said but Damon stood calmly as he knew the shock from learning of the reaper cure had made Anya a little unstable right now.

"No. An offer. More of my people are still in space. I need your permission to let them live in Trikru territory as they are my people." Damon said

"How many?" Anya asked with a frown.

"2,280," Damon said making Anya's eyes widen.

"That's an army and you expect me to let them live right next to my people!" Anya yelled 

"No, they aren't trained like the rest of us. They're simple farmers, healers, not fighters." 

Anya stood with a calm face before speaking.

"And you can promise to keep these people under control when they get here?" Anya asked

"Absolutely. Anyone who disobeys my orders will not be part of Skaikru." Damon said meaning that they could kill them since they would no longer be Skaikru people.

"I will bring this to the commander and see if she allows it, but I will put in a good word for you Damon of the sky people," Anya said before leaving with her grounder guards following behind her.

It seemed she was going to go up the chain of command and set up a meeting with the commander of the twelve clans to talk about the cure for reapers and allowing his people safe haven in trikru territory in exchange.

"We will head back to our camp now and Tris and the others should be doing the same," Damon said to Nyko who nodded and shook his hand.

"Anya will contact you when she's ready. It was good learning from you Clarke." Nyko shook Clarke's hand before they went and got the rest of their people and ran back toward their camp.

They had expected to see Bellamy and his people with Tris as they had all agreed to head back thirty minutes before sunset, but they never saw Bellamy appear at the bridge.

"Something is wrong. Shit!" Damon yelled before he and Clarke sprinted through the woods and back to camp as fast as they could.

As soon as they got there saw a huge commotion outside of the gates with Bellamy bent over a dead body while a few other bodies could be seen getting dragged into camp.

"Bellamy!" Damon screamed making Bellamy turn around and stand up allowing Damon to see his shoulder that was wrapped in bandages with blood seeping through.

"What the hell happened?" Damon said while looking around at the chaos.

Tris could be seen surrounded by grounders, but a few were lying on the ground in a pile, they had been killed.

"What happened? These assholes did!" Bellamy said before kicking the dead body on the ground in front of him in anger.

Damon looked down and saw the usual hazmat suit with a radiated body, this one had an arrow sticking out of his eye.

"Mountain Men," Damon whispered with a deep anger in his voice.

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