
The Necessary Steps for The Earldom

With a renewed sense of purpose, I led my knights back through the winding paths of the tomb, their torches casting flickering shadows on the ancient walls. The journey back to the surface felt both shorter and longer, my mind preoccupied with the encounter and the power I now wielded. As we emerged into the light of the setting sun, I felt a profound sense of change within myself.

The knights, including Modric, exchanged glances, their respect evident in their expressions. They had witnessed something extraordinary, and I could sense their curiosity and awe. But there was no time for explanations now. There was work to be done.

Back at the Drakhan manor, the grandeur of the estate felt almost out of place compared to the hardships I had seen in the earldom. The sprawling fields, meticulously tended gardens, and the imposing architecture were all remnants of a once-thriving land. Now, they stood as symbols of what could be reclaimed.

"Modric," I called, turning to the captain of my knights. "Gather the estate's overseers and stewards. We have much to discuss."

"Yes, my lord," Modric replied, bowing slightly before hurrying off to carry out my orders.

I made my way to the main hall, where I knew I would find the records and ledgers detailing the estate's operations. The hall was adorned with tapestries and portraits of my ancestors, a constant reminder of the legacy I carried. As I entered, I was greeted by the head steward, a wizened old man named Lorik.

"Welcome back, my lord," Lorik said, his voice trembling slightly with age. "I trust your journey was fruitful."

"Indeed, it was," I replied, my mind still partially occupied with the encounter with Gilgamesh. "But now, we must turn our attention to the state of the earldom. Bring me the ledgers and reports. I need to understand the full extent of our situation."

Lorik nodded and hurried off, returning moments later with a stack of books and parchments. As I began to pore over the documents, the picture of the earldom's decline became clearer. The former Draven had indeed been negligent, hoarding wealth and resources while neglecting the needs of the people.

The agricultural production was declining due to outdated farming techniques and a lack of investment in infrastructure. Trade routes had fallen into disrepair, making it difficult for merchants to transport goods. The cities and villages were suffering from poor sanitation and a lack of essential services.

It was clear that drastic measures were needed to turn things around.

"Modric," I called, summoning the captain who had just returned with the overseers and stewards. "We need to implement changes immediately. First, we will allocate funds to repair the trade routes. Without efficient transportation, our economy will continue to suffer."

"Understood, my lord," Modric replied, his respect for me evident in his tone.

"Lorik," I continued, turning to the head steward. "We need to modernize our farming techniques. Find experts who can introduce new methods and tools to increase our agricultural output."

"At once, my lord," Lorik said, bowing deeply.

I addressed the overseers next. "Ensure that sanitation and essential services are restored in the cities and villages. The health and well-being of our people must be our top priority."

They nodded, their expressions determined. It was clear that they were ready to follow my lead.

As the meeting progressed, I outlined further steps to improve the earldom. Establishing schools and training centers to educate the populace, investing in artisans and craftsmen to boost local industries, and creating a network of communication to ensure that the needs of the people were heard and addressed.

The former Draven's greed and negligence had left deep scars, but I was determined to heal them. With the power and wisdom I had gained from Gilgamesh, I felt more confidence in facing what's going to come.

Once the initial plans were set in motion, I decided to take a walk around the manor grounds. The sun had fully set, and the moon cast a silvery glow over the landscape. The night air was cool and refreshing, a welcome respite from the weight of responsibility that now rested on my shoulders.

As I walked, my thoughts drifted back to the encounter with Gilgamesh. His parting words echoed in my mind, a constant reminder of the legacy and power I now carried.

"Make use of the gifts you have received. Prove yourself worthy of the legacy you carry and the power you possess. And save the world, Hero Dravis."

There was no turning back. I was no longer just Dravis Granger, the professor of mechanical engineering, the young genius professor. I'm now Draven Arcanum von Drakhan, the earl of a struggling earldom, the one who supposed to be a villain. But I'm also now entrusted with a fraction of the power of the legendary king of heroes.

Unlike the foolish Draven, I won't make the same mistakes and let arrogance goes over me.

I don't have the accumulated insecurities that the original Draven has.

And I would use this power to protect and uplift my people, to restore the glory of Drakhan, and to prepare for the challenges that lay ahead.

Especially for my safety.

As I returned to the manor, I felt a renewed sense of determination. There was much to be done, but I was ready to face whatever trials awaited me.

The following days were a whirlwind of activity. I personally oversaw the repair of trade routes, the introduction of new farming techniques, and the restoration of essential services. The people were initially skeptical, but as they saw the changes taking effect, their hope began to rekindle.

The manor itself became a hub of activity, with advisors, craftsmen, and scholars constantly coming and going. The atmosphere of the estate shifted from one of complacency to one of purpose and drive.

Amidst all this, I continued to practice and refine my new abilities. The fountain pen gifted by Gilgamesh proved to be a remarkable tool. It responded to my mana, transforming into different forms as I practiced various spells. With each passing day, I grew more proficient in controlling it, creating new 'seeds' for different types of magic.

The pen became an extension of my will, a versatile weapon that complemented my psychokinesis and 'Control' magic perfectly. I created fire pens for offensive spells, dark pens for defensive and illusion magic, and psychokinesis pens for precise manipulation. The possibilities were endless, and I knew that this gift would be invaluable in the battles to come.

One evening, as I was practicing with the pen in the manor's courtyard, Modric approached me, his expression thoughtful yet tinged with urgency.

"My lord," he said, bowing slightly. "The improvements you have initiated are already making a significant impact. The people are beginning to see hope again."

"Good," I replied, not pausing in my practice. The feel of the pen between my fingers, the precision of each stroke on the paper, it all helped me focus my thoughts. "But we cannot become complacent. There is still much to be done."

"Of course, my lord," Modric said. He hesitated for a moment before continuing. "I have also noticed that your own abilities have grown considerably. The men have been speaking of your prowess and the power you wield."

I continued to write, my thoughts momentarily drifting. Indeed. But I believe it's not the reason why he's here. What happened that I suddenly changed so drastically? From the arrogant and self-centered Draven to the Draven that is now attempting to make the earldom prosperous?

I stopped, turning to face him. "Modric," I called him, staring straight into his eyes. "Don't be cheeky. Never doubt me again."

Modric trembled slightly, his loyalty unwavering but his surprise evident. He nodded, his respect for me clear. "We will follow your lead, my lord. Together, we will restore Drakhan to its former glory."

With that, he left me to my practice. As I watched him go, I felt a sense of pride in the loyalty and determination of my people. They had endured much, but they were ready to rise to the challenge. Unlike Draven, I still have my humanity. And I was a teacher, a lecturer, a professor. Watching the improvement of something or someone excites me.

As the evening progressed, I found myself reflecting on the past weeks. The changes I had implemented were beginning to bear fruit. The trade routes were bustling with activity, the fields were showing signs of yielding greater harvests, and the cities were slowly but surely being revitalized. The people were beginning to believe in the future again.

I took a stroll through the courtyard, my mind wandering. The stars overhead were clear and bright, a stark contrast to the turmoil that had once plagued the Drakhan Earldom. I paused by a small fountain, the sound of the water soothing.

Through it all, I continued to grow stronger. The 'King of Heroes' Might' granted me physical and magical abilities beyond anything I had ever known. My presence commanded respect, my strength felt even stronger, and my mind was sharper than ever.

In the stillness of the night, I could hear the distant sounds of the city—voices, laughter, the clinking of glasses. The people were starting to feel safe again, starting to believe in their future. It was a gratifying feeling, knowing that my efforts were making a difference.

But then I remembered, it's already been twelve days since I arrived. The next two days would bring my next lecture.

"I guess it's time to continue this professorship," I muttered to myself.

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