
Chapter 3: The Training Start Now!

Chapter 3: The Training Start Now!

Chapter Start:


{Third Person P.O.V.} 

The forest is illuminated by the warm sunlight, streaming through the trees and creating a patchwork of light and shadows. Alongside a meandering stream is a cozy campsite with a spacious tent. Inside the tent, the main character awakens and prepares for the day. After changing into his traveling clothes and stowing away his nightclothes, he steps out of the tent to start a fire. Setting up a portable stove, he prepares a satisfying meal for himself and his Pokémon. He reflects, "I'm grateful that Dean's parents taught him how to care for himself and his Pokémon; otherwise, I would have been in trouble for a while."

Wasn't that an understatement? Some people think that being a Pokémon trainer involves only collecting and training Pokémon to battle strong trainers and their Pokémon. While that is part of it, there's a lot more to being a trainer. One of the most critical aspects is learning to care for and treat your Pokémon. Dean's lesson with Professor Oak's class and his Dad's instruction on the matter opened his eyes to how important it is to treat your Pokémon properly so they won't get hurt after every battle. Ensuring that injuries don't pile up over time from consistent battling and fighting is crucial. It's important not to overstrain your Pokémon and not push them to their limits.

The trainer can prevent overworking their Pokémon by using massage techniques to improve flexibility, unlock stiff joints, and enhance muscle movement. His parents also taught him the importance of a balanced diet for his Pokémon, ensuring that each one receives essential nutrients to foster growth and prevent sickness. A nutritious meal can enhance a Pokémon's strength, providing them with the energy they need for battles and training.

After finishing cooking, he placed the food on a plate. He prepared homemade Pokémon Kibble tailored for grass types and some energy blocks made from a few berries to give his starter and future ace Pokémon an advantage for the day. He and his partner decided to take a break from their journey to work on their teamwork and improve Pokémon's overall move set and physical abilities. Once he was done setting up his and his Pokémon's meal, he took a Poké Ball from his left pocket, pressed the button to enlarge it, and deactivated the stasis function.

He then pressed the white button again to release his Pokémon. "I hope the little guy is feeling much better after that sudden jump from a gang of Rattata out of nowhere. He spent the rest of yesterday in his Poké Ball healing and conserving energy," he thought. As he pressed the release trigger, the Poké Ball opened, emitting a flash of light and a white beam of energy, which merged into the shape of a small turtle-like creature. When the white light finished coalescing into his partner and future best friend, Turtwig, he was overjoyed.

"Turtwig?" Turtwig looked around for its trainer, and when it spotted him, it became excited. It charged at him with a weak tackle and nudged him in a friendly hug. Duke chuckled, gently hugging his friend with one arm and patting its head with the other, being careful not to touch or damage the seedling sprout on its head. Turtwig purred in excitement and contentment at its trainer's attention. While petting Turtwig's head and scratching underneath its chin, Duke checked on its health by feeling along its rocky shell to ensure it was moist.

After a hard day of work, he spent his free time searching Pokémon websites and recalling memories from his past. He also shared his experiences with his Turtwig companion, explaining how he remembered his past life, death, time in the afterlife, and being reborn. Although Turtwig was initially skeptical, he eventually became worryingly understanding of his friend's experiences.

He was concerned about his trainer's mental health. It's impressive how Pokémon can communicate with humans and other Pokémon through their facial expressions, movements, and eyes. With enough time, trainers and Pokémon seem to develop an understanding and can communicate effectively. Even though his Turtwig had only been with him briefly, they didn't have many issues communicating after just a week of traveling together.

After explaining everything to Turtwig and the little turtle, Pokémon settled down after trying to comfort his trainer. He explained to him what he was planning: "Turtwig, I want us to be strong, strong enough to travel the whole world and to see everything it has to offer; I want us to go on many adventures, to travel to many distant lands, and meet all kinds of people and Pokémon." He said excitedly, and that seemed to catch his Pokémon's attention. "But above all else, I want us to explore and have fun with one another to climb to the peak of the world that is my dream, not to become champion or a Pokémon master, but to obtain the strength I needed to travel this world unhindered will you help me?"

Turtwig froze at that omission, and then, just as suddenly, He bellowed a trumpet, "Twig!" as if to declare to the whole world that he would follow him to hell and high water. Duke smiled, glad his partner was on board; his help would make his journey more manageable, "Okay, Turtwig settled down; let me explain our plan going forward, and you tell me if it would be alright with you or if you see any faults with it." Turtwig immediately calmed down and listened, nodding firmly after he was sure his trainer was done speaking; once more, Duke smiled.

'I'm fortunate mom got this little guy for me for my journey; her noticing my love for grass types after caring for Dad Venusaur for so long and wanting to give me an edge for the Kanto circuit, she decided to get me one of the starters from her local region of Sinnoh.' he thought, 'And if I remember correctly, Turtwig should evolve into Torterra a grass-type Pokémon well know for its sheer endurance and defense states.' 

"Twig?" he was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard his partner's voice. Shaking himself out of his thoughts, he said, "Sorry, buddy. I was thinking anyway. I thought I would stop and take a break here in this forest to train and maybe find a few partners to train with. Then we will go to town to register for a Gym Battle." he said, "Thoughts? Would you instead immediately go to town to rest and train there? If we did stay, what kind of future partner do you think we should have?" once he was done talking, he gave his partner time to think it over while he finished packing up his supplies and tent and storing everything in a small storage device called a "Pokecube" which was similar to the sylph-Co storage backpacks but much more advance and capable of caring much more supplies then the everyday carrier bag. He could even buy a lot more of them and shrink them to a small cube that can be put into his sylph-co suitcase and still have plenty of space for other things. One of the many things he loved about his new world was technology, which was much more advanced than his old world and seemed to only advance further after every discovery and subsequent generation.

"Twig, Turtwig!" he was finished putting everything up and putting the rest of his gear on; once he was done, he looked down at his partner, who was standing there with a firm look in his eyes, "Yeah, Bud? Did you decide what you want to do and who you want to join on our journey?" Turtwig nodded and chirped; he then went through a few charades to explain what he wanted; he wanted someone to cover for use, someone with more maneuverability as he knew his species fault was being we to Pokémon that specialized in agility. 

When he thought about it, it made mad sense since Turtwigs weren't known for their agility in the games. Still, when he thought back on the Turtwig that had been in the Sinnoh League, He remembers how Ash trained his Turtwig to use quick attacks to move to and from point A to B in seconds and thinks that this world isn't just like the game but also the anime. Whether this world had more elements to it other than the games and shows remains to be seen, "I hear ya, Bud, but not to worry about your maneuverability; we can work on that and shore up your weaknesses later." he spoke encouragingly. "At the moment, why don't we focus on catching a flying-type Pokemon and maybe a few land-based Pokemon as well?"

"Turtwig," he nodded, seeming to like his trainer's Idea. 

"Great, let's get going then. I was hoping to find a place to train without interruption and find some decent Pokemon to catch and train, not ones that would be too much trouble to see and reason with; sound good to you?" he asked.

"Wig, Turtwig !" Turtwig chipped chipperly, seemingly like that Idea. 

Duke nodded, "Okay, sound good bud; let's get going."

They then started moving towards the stream, where he remembered a small clearing with an open field near the outcropping. He had scouted the surroundings yesterday before his breakdown. Once they came upon the field, he set his pack aside, carefully keeping it within reach in case he and his partner had to run away in a panic.

He grabbed a notepad and pen and began jotting down a list of upgrades that Turtwig required to level up in this world. The primary goal was to boost Turtwig's move power and proficiency in essential energy types like grass-type and normal-type. By specializing Turtwig in a specific energy type (T.E.), executing these moves would be much smoother, allowing for longer durations. This approach aimed to enhance the moves by concentrating on the energy required to manage them more effectively. He aimed to ensure that Turtwig mastered standard and Grass T.E. to improve his ability to perform moves further. 

"Right, Bud, time to work on your moves, so let's see," Duke said, taking a small device from his back pocket. Looking to be a hybrid of a cellphone and a Gameboy colored green, this device was none other than the Pokedex. This magical device can scan a Pokémon and tell the user everything about said Pokémon, including its species, biology, current health, and move set. It also has additional functions, such as accessing the world's vast internet, or Poke net, as this world likes to call it, and using it as a communication device for calls from long distances. 

Currently, Duke was using this wondrous device to scan his partner for his current move set, 'I know from memories that he had a tackle, bite, razor leaf, and synthesis, but let's check from more.' he thought while pulling up Turtwig Pokedex-entry. So far, from what he could tell besides the usual trivia, the Pokedex-like things such as "Turtwig the tiny leaf Pokémon, type grass, gender male, height 0.4m (1'04"), weight 10.2 kg (22.5 lbs.), abilities 1. Overgrow, Shell armor (hidden abilities).

His buddy's current move set was Tackle, Bite, Growl, Razor Leaf, Synthesis; Egg moves were Sand Tomb, Seed bomb, and Growth. Overall, it is a decent enough line-up but can undoubtedly be improved. For one, he wanted to help his friend perfect the basics, laying the groundwork for some of the crazier ideas he had in mind for the future. The thought of his Turtwig being a future Torterra, a mountain of a Pokémon crushing his enemies under hoof, sent giddy energy through his body. 

"Right, let's get started, bud!"

"Turtwig!" his partner shouted out in agreement.

Chapter End: 


Hey guys, GreatSage here. This is my third chapter for this fanfic. I wanted to thank you for your constant support. I hope you all like this chapter. Please comment below on where I need to improve if you don't. Don't flame me just because; otherwise, I won't read it. That's all I have to say. Have a great day.