

Tomura woke to a notification on his phone, he turned his head and squinted at the bright screen.

'Happy Birthday - Tony $450,000,000'

Tomura laughed, he honestly wasn't sure if the man would even send over the money, it's not like Ultrons corspe actually belonged to him.

He had a surprisingly good sleep last night, he looked across his room and contemplated life for a minute or two before standing up and getting dressed.


He might aswell see how the X-Men are doing with the kidnapped senator.

He flew on Nomus back and quickly made his way to the Xavier school.

He landed with a thud "Nomu, go have a flight" he said to the servant.

He walked into the Xavier mansion and had to ask multiple students where to go, problem was several of them recognised him.

Not from when he nearly killed them all though.

James the sharkheaded boy he saved from Stryker rushed over to Tomura with a smile on his odd face "Tomura! I never knew you were an Avenger!"

What the fuck?

The words of James brought a lot of attention on him, these kids knew the X-Men but an Avenger was more trendy right now, especially after just saving the world.

The kids crowded him with questions.

"Is Thor hot?"

"Black widow! Does she really have a nice butt?" Some tiny kid with glasses said.

"Shut up Marcus, But does Captain Americas eyes actually sparkle!?" That green girl sounded half mad as she screamed her question.

What's wrong with kids nowadays?

He pushed through the crowd "Uh, sorry James I'll talk to you later" Tomura said as he pushed through the frankly absurb crowd of children and young teenagers.

Problem was he couldn't escape the crowd as the kids only followed and barraged the teenager with questions.

His eyes came across a familiar face and he sighed in relief "Logan" he said and gestured to the children surrounding him.

The man snorted and slowly walked over with a smirk on his face "Hey kids, I think I saw Captain America out there" he said while pointing to the front door.

All the kids ran off in an instant, seems he's not anyone's favourite Avenger.

"So, your an Avenger huh?" Logan asked with a smirk.

Tomura sighed "No, I don't think so but I did save the world" he said to the older man with a shrug.

Logan rolled his eyes "Why you here kid?" He asked bluntly.

"Wanted to know what happened with the US senator?" He asked.

Logan snorted "No you don't, why you here?"

Tomura scowled "I don't know, I guess to see Jean" he admitted with crossed arms.

Logan's eyebrows raised "Huh, really? Why you wanna see her" he asked.

"Well I wanted to ask about birthdays" Tomura admitted.


Tomura sighed and leaned back against the wall behind him "…she made it out like birthdays were something amazing and well right now I'm not really getting any of that" he said to the older man.

"Yeah, I'm not great with birthdays myself, follow me" he said and walked off with Tomura on his trail. "So what I usually do is simple" Logan slammed 2 glasses on a kitchen counter.

"Drink?" Tomura asked.

"Drink" Logan confirmed and sat down.

Tomura sat down opposite the man and watched him pour the drink into the two glasses.

Logan picked up his glass and raised it high "To your birthday" and then took a sip

Tomura nodded and took a large sip of his own drink. "Is that it?" He asked.

This birthday thing was kind of boring.

Logan snorted "It's your birthday kid, your gonna be drinking a whole lot more of those"

Tomura took another sip, yeah this birthday was going to be boring.


Birthdays were great!

He was laughing into the glass as he took a sip, he didn't know Logan was actually funny.

He wasn't.

But drunk Tomura found everything funny.

"So I was at home then suddenly this man in a dress broke down my door-"

Tomura was already laughing and nothing funny had happened yet.

"What are you two doing?" Dr Henry McCoy said as he eyed the odd pair sat at the kitchen counter.

Tomura stared at Beast in confusion "Your blue" he said to Dr McCoy who sighed and nodded.

"Logan, why are you and a kid drinking?" He asked in a harsh tone as he saw the 5 empty bottles of whisky.

Four and a half of those bottles were drunken by Logan, and Tomura was definitely far more drunk than he was

"It's his birthday, he's uh" Logan looked at the boy across from him "I don't know how old actually"

Hank sighed miserably.

"18" the voice of Tomura interjected "I'm 18"

Logan perked up "See Hank he's 18"

Hanks eyebrows furrowed.

"Your lucky to have found us Beast" Tomura half slurred into his glass "Your the first one, pick a wish if you dare"

Hank sighed again, he was not the first to find them. He was the first person not

absolutely terrified by Logan and Toruma who walked past

"I am the Avatar of a god afterall, I'm sure I can get a wish or two" Tomura said as he took another sip of the whisky.

Hank sighed "Really? I wish you two would stop drinking in the kitchen, some of us want to eat"

Tomura put his fingers against his temple "Hmm, yeah I'm sorry…he doesn't like that wish."

Logan snorted as he took a swig straight from the bottle.

"Hey Logan look at this" Tomura fumbled with his phone and spent a while tapping at it before handling it to Logan.

Logan's eyes widened as he looked at the screen.

"…..holy shit…" Logan said as he looked at the screen.

Hank curious and looked over Logan's shoulder only widen his eyes in shock aswell.

This kid had $449,999,997.49 in his fucking bank account.

Hank felt suddenly light headed.

Fucking kids nowadays.

Logan laughed "Ha next rounds on you then" he said as he took another swig of the whisky on the side.


A few hours later.

Jean made her way down to the kitchen together, she still couldn't believe the news.

Tomura is an Avenger,

She almost laughed as she shook her head, she will need to visit him soon and ask how the hell that happened.

She turned the corner and she stopped in shock, Toruma and Wolverwine were both drunk in the kitchen.

Beast was looking awfully depressed as he ate a bowl of cereal while staring down Logan's laughing form.

Her eyes locked onto the the gesturing smiling form of Tomura she wasn't used to seeing the usually somber guy smiling while talking to Logan of all people.

"-then I dodged under the kick right and then I grabbed his leg, so what I do here is insane alright! I then spin him and throw him at Thor! Me and Thor worked together! And then Thor smashed him down into the ground and then we jumped him-"

Huh, this was actually interesting, she sat down next to the drunk teenager who clearly hadn't noticed her yet.

"Then he starts beating the hell out of me Logan, I mean like real bad, he's smashing my head into the floor and he does it again and again and I mean I still got the bruises on the side of my head! I healed from broken ribs in like 8 hours but I'm still bruised"

She winced, that didn't sound great. She tapped the rambling teenagers shoulder and he turned with wide eyes.

"Hey Tomura, you okay?" She asked, he didn't look too good.

He blinked "Oh, hey Jean" he said "You know you were right about this uh, this whole birthday thing." He took another sip of the whisky. "They're fun" he said with a large grin.

Jean was confused "Huh?" She looked to Hank to her left to explain.

"Kid just turned 18, Logan thought it would fun to liquor him up" Hank said with a sigh.

Jeans eyes widened "You picked your birthday? When?"

"After the saving the world thing, hey Jean you know I saved the world?" He said to the redhead who nodded.

"Yeah I saw it on the news, I hear your a Avenger now?" She asked.

He scoffed "pfft I don't wanna be one of those, they're not even that cool" he said into his glass. "Thors awesome though, hey Jean you heard that me and Thor teamed up on Ultron?"

She nodded "Yeah I heard, so why did you pick your birthday to be today?" She said slower than normal,

"Oh, I needed a bank account" He then handed her an unlocked phone that loaded onto the bank app, she went to hand it back but froze once she saw the account balance.


"Holy shit"

"That's what Logan said" Toruma said with a laugh. "Hey Jean you want a million?"


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