
7. Wild World.

As I entered the examination room, the air was heavy with tension. Wulfe sat next to Eddie, his anger evident in his expression. I sensed that there was something more going on beneath the surface. Determined to fulfill my role, I directed the nurses to take Mariella, Mimosa, and Number Two into one examination room. Meanwhile, I discreetly instructed a nurse to inform Eddie that I couldn't join him for coffee.

As I let out a weary sigh, I tried not to dwell on the situation. Inside the room, a nurse stood by, ready to assist. Mimosa, in her wolf form, lay on the table, her leg cannulated and a powerful painkiller administered to her. She was in a dazed state.

Mariella, pale and with puffy eyes, looked at me and mumbled, "She was hit by a van that didn't even stop. She ran away from me after a rabbit."

The nurse provided comfort to Mariella while I reached for a pair of gloves from a nearby shelf and began to remove the makeshift bandage around Mimosa's leg.

The nurse asked if I needed anything, and I assured her I would manage. I looked into her eyes, compelling her she should take a break and forget what had transpired in the room, not put anything on record. She left, leaving us alone. As I examined Mimosa's wound, I caught a whiff of Number One's dental scent, showing that this was some sort of ruse to bring me in or meet me. But I couldn't comprehend the reasons behind the theatrics.

As the nurse departed, Number Two muttered a spell and approached Mimosa, healing her leg. She was still groggy from the painkiller. Mariella's gaze sharpened as she looked at me, and just then, the door swung open. Wulfe stepped in, casting a spell to ensure our conversation remained private.

He locked eyes with me and exclaimed, "Unicorn, we know about Project Omega and your involvement. Why the hell do you keep these damn secrets? I'm over 2500 years old. I can and will protect you. I can only guess that many times you've been shot or killed because of this, but you refuse to say anything!"

I met his gaze, feeling a wave of exhaustion wash over me.

I replied wearily, "My problems, my burden, my shit. I won't endanger you or anyone else for my secrets. I will protect you and everyone around me, even if it means sacrificing myself! You should know me well enough to understand that!"

I was weary of them scrutinizing me for my determination to shield them. I knew what my problem was and what I needed to keep to myself. My shit, my secrets, no need to get anyone else in deep shit over them.

Number two's voice echoed through the room, filled with urgency. "You will come to the base," he said, his words cutting through the tense air. "This little play of being a vet stops right now. Your little date is a goddamn government assassin or worse, so grow the hell up. You are not safe. You need to keep a better eye on things!"

Surprised by Eddie's identity, it had been a true revelation; I felt a wave of shock wash over me. It was just another unexpected turn in my unpredictable life. The base was actually quite close by, and I knew I had to go there.

I responded, "I will go to the nearby base. You've been driving from quite far, right? It's time for me again to step up and be the leader. It's not for me to have an actual life!" My voice was bitter. 

Mariella remarked, her voice filled with determination. "Oh, we will go with you to that base. Damon has taken care of your friend. He has been moved to a secure site to be interrogated and disposed of. You will learn to share your shit with us so that we won't be caught off guard like this again."

I bit my tongue, holding back any harsh words. Snapping at her wouldn't help anyone.

Instead, I calmly stated, "I need to inform them I am not coming back. It's not good to leave them hanging."

Wulfe interrupted, his voice filled with assurance. "Damon will take care of that. He will make sure there are enough staff here. You, my unicorn, are more precious to me than you can ever imagine. Your attempts to protect me by keeping secrets only put you in danger. You will learn. I am quite an outstanding teacher. Your little mental hints don't work on me, I can assure you that."

I was not going to try to use my powers against Wulfe. No need, for him to know every single of my powers. My little secret was out, and I accepted it. I walked towards the break room to retrieve my bag and belongings. I had to change my clothes first. I opened my locker. As I took off my scrub top and my pants, I realized I wasn't wearing a bra, and only had my panties on. Well, it is not likely that no one would come in and besides, this was the female dressing room. I began fishing for my clothes when the door suddenly swung open. Number one stepped in, his eyes lingering on my partially exposed body.

His voice, husky with desire, filled the room. "Don't try to seduce me, but I must admit, I am more than impressed. You still know how to do it."

Feeling a rush of something in my body, not sure what, I quickly scrambled to put my shirt back on. It was just one of my snug tee shirts, and I pulled it on, trying to maintain a neutral expression. My cotton panties were plain and skimpy, and I hurriedly dug out my jeans, pulling them on. No need for him to see that I was more than affected by his tone and his words.

Number one continued, his tone filled with authority. "Wulfe knows about Harrison, as we all do. It's time for you to start learning to share. And you will learn. I can make sure of that."

Not bothering to reply, I grabbed my bag and searched for my car keys. I had yet another huge SUV, a metallic blood-red Mercedes Benz with black trimmings. It was a dream to drive. Knowing it wouldn't take more than 45 minutes to reach the nearest base, I set off on my journey.

I let out a heavy sigh, feeling the weight of my mind as I contemplated the looming workload that awaited me. I pulled my blonde hair into a ponytail.

I glanced at Number One and casually remarked, "You don't seem to have much influence over Canada's bases, do you? They're quite loyal to me, so don't hold your breath expecting them to obey you. It's even a challenge for Magnum to get anything done when I'm around."

He simply stared at me, a smirk forming on his lips, and said, "Go ahead, be the hot, tough, leader chick. You know what it does to me."

Oh my god, now was definitely not the time to be seduced. And he knew just how to do it.

As I closed my locker, he took a few steps closer, pressing me against it. I could feel the warmth of his body radiating against mine, his face so close to mine that my breath caught in my throat. He was looking at me, trapping me fully. 

He reached out and effortlessly plucked the car keys from my hand, smirking as he said, "Good to see that I still affect you, baby."

His voice was dark and seductive. Then, without another word, he turned and walked away. I took a shaky breath. I followed closely behind, listening as he spoke on the phone, instructing his team to collect my vehicle and sweep it. He was all business now, fully professional. But I couldn't help but remember the times when he first entered my life, the seduction that had always been present, and how he still managed to shake my very core. What a fine time to be a flea, not Mimi, who was ready and willing. Have to work with that damn seducer. 

As Mimosa walked alongside Mariella in her wolf form, having successfully rid herself of the potent drug she had been given, a sudden vision struck her. It was a glimpse into the future, only minutes away. Mimi would walk out of the building, pushing Wulfe to the ground, her back exploding into a bloody mess. Someone would drive away on a motorcycle. Mimi would fall into a coma for months, her heart ripped apart by a poison bullet. Mimosa reacted instinctively, sending a message to Number One, alerting him to take action. It was not time for Mimi to protect and take the hit.

Stepping out of the building, I scanned my surroundings. My senses heightened as I shifted into work mode. I spotted Harrison on a motorcycle, pulling out a gun and aiming it at Wulfe, who was a few steps ahead. Without hesitation, I leaped forward, grabbing Wulfe's arm and throwing him behind me. But before I could react further, an unseen force knocked me off balance, sending me crashing onto Wulfe. A gunshot rang out.

Number one, Wulfe, received the vision from Mimosa. As he watched, Mimi emerged from the shadows, swiftly grabbing Wulfe and positioning herself as a shield against the bullet. Damon struck her with a surge of pure energy, sending her crashing to the ground. Without hesitation, he stepped in front of her, summoning an energy shield while whispering incantations, fortifying the shield with a powerful spell and teleportation magic. The gunshot echoed through the air, but the bullet collided with the shield and instantly vanished, transported back to the base for analysis. It was crucial to find an antidote for the poison it carried.

Number two immediately pursued the fleeing shooter, sprinting away. Meanwhile, I struggled to my feet, annoyed by Wulfe's frustration.

"What the hell, unicorn?" he exclaimed. "I'm a powerful wizard. I could have handled it!"

I shook my head and replied, "Nope, it was a poison bullet. I could smell it. I won't allow you to be put into a medically induced coma just because you think you can handle everything. You're far too important to me."

Number one glanced at me, irritation evident in his expression. "Let me guess, your friend Harrison," he remarked. "You know, baby, I'm a telepath. If you think strongly enough, I'll hear it and can act accordingly. Thank goodness Mimosa witnessed this, or it would have been you in a coma for months." He seemed equally frustrated. 

We continued our walk towards one of the work cars, and I settled into the backseat, clutching my bag tightly. Number two returned, cursing under his breath as Harrison escaped. However, now they knew he posed a genuine threat. Lost in my thoughts, I realized the Winnipeg base was only 45 minutes away, and soon it would be time to take action.

As for Project Omega, I wasn't sure what I could do about it. Perhaps I could hand it over to the Salvatores to handle. I could also target a few despicable medical facilities I knew of in Canada. But I kept my mind closed off, not allowing my team to catch a whiff of my plans. They were no longer my pack, just my team. My people. And soon, as we entered the base, they would witness that I truly was the leader here. If they had any issues, I was prepared to assign them missions here and there. I knew that my chosen targets would require meticulous planning, and I would assume the role of team leader, deciding who to bring and what to take. 

Number two was confidently driving, his hands firmly gripping the steering wheel as Wulfe sat next to him. Damon, Mimosa, and Mariella occupied the middle seats, engrossed in their own conversation. I barely paid attention, too preoccupied with preparing myself mentally for the task at hand. Gathering all my patience, I knew this would be a time-consuming endeavor.

Wulfe, having been in Canada bases before, was accustomed to being part of a team and had no issue with me taking the lead. However, as I glanced at number one, I sensed a hint of resistance. He had been the leader here and there, so my authority might not sit well with him.

I grabbed my work phone, quickly checking messages and informing everyone that I would arrive at the base soon. Finally, we parked in the base's yard, and I wasted no time hopping out of the vehicle, grabbing my bag, and making my way to the entrance. Wulfe was right by my side, like a protective ghost. His presence reassured me, and I welcomed it. 

Entering the base, I walked towards the main hub, or rather, near it, only to be greeted by a flood of people approaching me. One by one, I patiently answered their questions, assessing the situations that needed my attention. Number one joined me, and I instructed him to go to the central hub and familiarize himself with everyone. I reminded him I was the leader here. Mariella, Mimosa, and number two received the same order. It took an exhausting two hours to handle everything at the start. 

With my bag in hand, I ascended the stairs and entered my spacious office. Placing my bag on the luxurious sofa, I settled down at my desk and powered up my laptop. The papers I had received required my immediate attention. Among them were offers from businesses for supplies, requisitions that needed overseeing, and financial arrangements for those who had gone missing on missions. And a few deaths as well. Confirmed deaths, those missing ones were pretty sure dead as well, so I would send money to their families.

My office exuded an air of grandeur, with a plush sofa and a perfectly ergonomic work chair. Despite its size, my desk quickly became cluttered as I delved into my tasks. Rugs adorned the floor, and a well-appointed bathroom stood nearby. A large cabinet housed an array of first aid supplies, guns, and my personal gear. 

A wave of dizziness washed over me, a reminder that I should eat something. I stood up and headed towards the coffee maker, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee enveloping the room. Cream powder and sugar were readily available, ensuring a satisfactory cup of coffee. Among the array of coffee mugs, my favorite one caught my eye. Jake had either bought or brought it back from one of his trips. Another mug, a simple one from the original Chicago house, held cherished memories for me. 

Damon's eyes locked onto Mimi as she gracefully entered the room, emanating an air of authority. The entire pack gathered around her, drawn by her presence. She swiftly instructed him, Mariella, Mimosa, and Number Two to head to the central hub, offering help and the opportunity to acquaint themselves with everyone. It became clear that everyone saw Mimi as their leader, as any suggestions Damon tried to offer were met with the response that they would defer to Mimi's judgment. 

Hours later, as the buzz surrounding Mimi quieted down, and she ascended the stairs, Damon couldn't help but notice her office on the upper floor.

Curiosity piqued, he approached Mariella and playfully remarked, "She really is the boss around here, isn't she? Did you see how fancy her office must be? Perhaps it's time for me to have my own space, too. I could have some fun teasing her." 

Mariella glanced at Damon, knowing his true feelings for Mimi and his desire to rekindle their relationship in the pack.

With a sigh, she replied, "Alright, let's go explore. I'm almost finished here, anyway. Mimi entrusted a few cases to Wulfe as well, indicating that she wants some peace for herself. My guess is she has some missions lined up." 

Damon grunted in agreement and approached Wulfe, sharing Mimi's plan for her own missions.

Wulfe frowned and said, "Fine, let's go. I wonder when she last ate. I have a feeling it's been quite some time."

Number Two smirked and joined them, remarking, "More Salvatores are on their way, including Number Four. Our little lady will soon realize she is well taken care of." 

Number One grunted and confidently ascended the steps leading to Mimi's office. He was ready to show his prowess in this role, determined to show just how skilled he had become. 

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