
Chapter 165: Out of the Woods, a New Dawn Emerges, Finding the Edge of the Extreme! (5k)

[In the tenth year, besides cultivating and studying the Diagram of Wishful Visualization every day, you began to explore various secondary instances.]

[However, for someone close to legendary status like you, common instances posed almost no threat.]

[Within a year, you explored dozens of instances, hoping to find a suitable place of extreme limits, but you ended up failing.]

[In the eleventh year, with the enhancement of great wisdom, you had entered the threshold of the Wishful Visualization Technique.]

[That year, your Divine Sense range surged to 4,500 zhang!]

[By the twelfth year, after several years of exploring, you had delved into more than a hundred instances, and even bosses at the Martial Emperor level had been killed in abundance.]

[Although there were places akin to evil grounds in those instances, none suited you – you still couldn't find a place of extreme limits that you yearned for.]

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