
An Uphill Battle

But as the day wears on, her struggles only intensify.

No matter what she does, she seems only capable of making mistakes.

During their first lesson on proper table manners, Robin's nerves also get the better of her. As she gingerly picks up her fork, her hand trembles, and she accidentally knocks over her water glass, sending it crashing to the floor in a shower of crystal shards.

"I-I'm so s-sorry," Robin stammers, her eyes wide with fear as she scrambles to clean up the mess. "Please, forgive me. I'll clean it up right away."

Mr. Sinclair quickly waves away her panicked apologies, his expression kind. "No need for apologies. These things happen. Let's take a moment to collect ourselves, shall we?"

Robin nods, her shoulders hunched as she carefully gathers the broken glass, her movements hesitant and clumsy.

The next lesson focuses on the proper way to greet and address guests.

Robin stands stiffly, her back ramrod straight, as Mr. Sinclair demonstrates the graceful, fluid motions of a simple bow.

When it's her turn to practice, Robin's movements are jerky and unnatural, her head bowed so low that she nearly topples over.

"Ah, Robin, let's try that again," Mr. Sinclair says, his voice sweet. "Remember, the key is to move with subtlety."

Robin nods, her brow furrowed in concentration, but her second attempt is no better than the first.

She stumbles, nearly colliding with the elderly gentleman, and immediately shrinks back, her eyes watering.

"I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry," she whispers, her eyes downcast. "I'm just... I'm not good at this."

Then There's the session on the proper way to hold a teacup. Robin tries her best, but she still manages to fumble the delicate porcelain, nearly spilling the hot liquid onto her lap.

Her panicked apologies fill the room, and she shrinks back, her entire body trembling.

"Sorry, sorry," she repeats repeatedly, her voice laced with anguish. "I'm so sorry, Mr Sinclair!."

Mr. Sinclair sighs, his brow furrowed with concern. "It's fine, Robin," he says, his tone gentle.

"You are simply learning, and learning takes time. We will get through this, one step at a time."

Yet, despite the elderly gentleman's reassurances, Robin's progress remains painfully slow.

She struggles to maintain eye contact, her gaze constantly drifting to the floor, and her movements are always stiff and hesitant, no matter how often the teacher tells her to relax.

Ramsey, observing the lessons from the sidelines, can see the toll it's taking on Robin.

Her self-doubt and sense of inadequacy are palpable, and he knows that if she doesn't find a way to break free of this headspace, she'll never be able to achieve her goals.

The teacher's lip keeps growing thin with concern at each mistake, and eventually, he calls a halt to the lesson, gesturing for Ramsey to join them.

"I'm afraid Ms. Robin is having a bit of trouble finding her footing," Mr. Sinclair murmurs to Ramsey."She's pretty challenging on herself, and I fear the pressure may be too much for her now."

Ramsey's brow furrows with worry as he glances over at Robin, who has retreated to a corner of the room, her shoulders hunched and her face hidden in her hands.

Ramsey sighs before nodding. After thanking the man and seeing him out, he comes back to the room.

"Robin?" Ramsey calls out softly, approaching the curled-up woman with caution. "Hey, it's okay. You're doing great, you know that, right?"

Robin lifts her head, her eyes red-rimmed with unshed tears. "No, I'm not," she whispers brokenly. "I can't do this, Ramsey. I thought I could, but I'm just...I'm just not strong enough."

Ramsey's heart aches at the sight of her distress. He crouches down beside her, laying a gentle hand on her shoulder.

"Robin, listen to me. You are one of the strongest people I know. You've been through so much, and you're still standing. This is just a temporary setback, that's all."

Robin shakes her head, a single tear escaping down her cheek. "I feel like I'm back to being that scared, helpless woman Malik married. I can't...I can't get past it. I thought I could, but every time I try, I just...I fall apart."

Ramsey's expression softens with empathy. "I know this is hard, Robin. I know. But you can't give up, not when you've come this far. You're so close to returning your life, to taking Malik down. Don't let him win, not again."

Robin meets his gaze, her lips trembling. "I'm...I'm just so tired, Ramsey. Tired of fighting, tired of feeling like I'll never be free of him."

Ramsey nods slowly, understanding dawning in his eyes. "Then let us help you, Robin. Let me and Mr. Sinclair help you through this. We're in this together, remember?"

Robin hesitates momentarily, then slowly nods, the tension in her shoulders easing ever so slightly.

"Okay," she whispers, her voice barely audible. "I'll...I'll try again."

Ramsey offers her a warm smile, his hand squeezing her shoulder reassuringly. "That's my girl. You'll be amazing, Robin. I know,w it."

Robin takes a deep, steadying breath, then nods again, her resolve hardening.

She knows this won't be easy, but with Ramsey's support, maybe, just maybe, she can overcome this and take one step closer to her ultimate goal.

'To Make Malik Pay'

As she rises to her feet, a new determination settles over her.

Her past may still haunt her, but she won't let it define her future. Not anymore.


The following day, Robin arrives in the living room, a renewed determination on her face. Mr Sinclair greets her with a warm smile, sensing the shift in her demeanour.

"Ah, my dear, I'm so pleased to see you back and ready to continue our lessons," the man says, gesturing for her to sit.

Robin nods, squaring her shoulders. "Thank you, Teacher. I want you to know that I'm fully committed to this now. No more setbacks, no more doubts. I'm ready to do whatever it takes."

The teacher's eyes crinkle at the corners as he nods approvingly. "Excellent, my dear. Then let us begin."

Over the day, Robin throws herself wholeheartedly into the etiquette lessons, her focus unwavering.

She practices the proper way to hold a teacup, the graceful cadence of polite conversation, and the nuances of table manners with unwavering concentration.

Though she still stumbles occasionally, Robin refuses to get discouraged.

Whenever she makes a mistake, she takes a deep breath, apologises briefly, and then redoubles her efforts. Her teacher watches with growing admiration as her poise and confidence slowly blossom.

"Wonderful, my dear, simply wonderful," he praises as Robin executes a flawless mock tea party.

"Your progress is remarkable."

Robin feels a surge of pride, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "T-thank you, sir. I've been working hard, as you can see." She says, stumbling briefly over her words, not yet used to being praised so easily.

"Indeed, and it shows," the man affirms. "Now, let's move on to the next lesson. Navigating a formal dinner party is a crucial skill for any discerning socialite."

As the day wears on, Robin continues to impress her teacher with her quick adaptability and unwavering tenacity to make it.

Ramsey, who has been observing the lessons, can't help but feel a swell of pride and admiration for Robin.

He can't wait to see her bloom into the woman he knew she should be.

She'll be magnificent

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