
The Price of Arrogance

Ron Weasely was shaking now, though whether it was in anger or fear no one was really sure. They didn't have to wait long to find out though.

No sooner had Harry finished with marking Ginny and turned to him, then Ron opened his mouth and let everyone know exactly how he felt. He was furious. He'd never in his life been as furious as he was now. He was so furious he'd burned through the silencing spell Harry had put on him and could hardly see straight. His face had gone past red into blood purple he was so very angry.

His hands were clenched into tight fists and his whole body was shaking with rage as he prepared to deal with the boy he'd consistently been making a monkey of for the last four years. Luckily he couldn't seem to move or he'd have tackled and began pummeling Harry for what he'd done to the girls.

All Ron could think was, 'This cretin had marked both his girlfriend and his sister. And he acted as if he had the right to do so. They, he and Ginny, were purebloods and Hermione was his girl. That placed her above this . . this freak! Who did this halfbreed think he was?' He opened his mouth to tell him off but he never got a single word out before Harry spoke.

"Don't even bother to tell me how you think I've acted incorrectly, Ronald. I haven't though I'm sure most of your family will believe I have. You, however, I'm well aware, lack the necessary brainpower to ever understand just what exactly has given me the right to act as I have today. Smart, is the last thing you've ever been and because of your bigoted belief, you'll never do anything to try and rectify the situation as you fully expect the fact that you are a pureblood to solve every issue for you. Much as you claim Malfoy does. Unlike you however, Malfoy actually has reason to believe his blood and station will solve issues for him. He's the heir to his house while you are merely the sixth son."

"However, that is neither here nor there. You are just as entitled to your prejudices as anyone else is. For the here and now, I was very careful to make sure the punishments I've handed out to your sister and Ms. Granger, and will be handing out to you, are not only justified and within my rights but that they're still on the books as legal courses of action a wronged wizard, no matter his or her age, may take against those who have wronged them. Therefore, you can take it to the ICW for all I care and you'll get nowhere because I have all these lovely witnesses to your admission of the crimes the three of you have committed against me since you met me four years ago."

"You should be grateful I'm dealing with you myself rather than have your lazy butt hauled before the Wizengamot and kicked out of this school because, Ronald Bilius Weasley, since I'm well aware of exactly where your tuition money for the past four, now five, years has come from, I am totally within my rights to do so. Because in all the years you have attended this school on my coin, not for one single semester have you achieved a passing grade point average."

"But I know you well enough to know you won't be. You are an arrogant ponce of a boy who feels he's entitled to all the good things in life just because you were fortunate enough to be born to a pair of pureblood magical people. Just as you feel you are entitled to come to a premier magical school instead of one of the many lower end schools where children are trained to actually work for their living. Grateful for my handling of this situation is the last thing you'll ever be."

"Especially since you put forth so very little effort to actually earn a decent education here to make my subsidy of your education a profitable venue for investment. You are and have been wasting my coin but you don't care because you are a pureblood. How many classes did you fail last term? How about the term before that? Can't remember. Tell you what. Just tell me one class you've actually passed here since we were first years. Can't name one? Doesn't surprise me. You can't even pass Divination with an EE like everyone else in the class does. All you get is an A and that's just pathetic."


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