
Have you forgotten about your Thunderclap Hammer?

By the time Mike came to his senses, he was already leaving the 99th floor. The Chaotic Lightning Tribulation he had just witnessed left a deep impression on him.

"I'm absolutely speechless," Shadow Three exclaimed. "Lightning truly is the most powerful damage skill."

Mike rolled his eyes at Shadow Three. "Do you remember what you asked me earlier?"

Shadow Three nodded. "Yes, about giving me a name."

"Not that," Mike said seriously. "About your leg."

Shadow Three was adorned with a string of bone ornaments, all crafted from the bones of demon gods. According to him, he only needed four more pieces to complete a full skeletal set.

"You mentioned wanting a Vortexarchon leg bone. I spent a fortune having one custom-made for you at the Mystic Market."

Mike pulled out a small leg bone. This tiny bone had cost him a whopping one hundred thousand Lord merits!

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