

Billy was all smiles as he settled into his seat on the bus, recalling how his current mother, Nora, had taken him in after he ran away from the foster home he was placed in. He had tried to run from her too, but no matter what he did, he could never escape her determination and kindness. Eventually, she had gone as far as adopting him but still let him use his birth name. Over time, he came to see her as his real mother.

He knew Nora had her own family, but something impossible had happened, and she found herself here in Fawcett City. Despite this, she always held onto the hope that she would see them again someday.

Today, Billy was particularly excited because he was going on a school excursion. The anticipation buzzed through him as the bus began its journey. However, his excitement quickly turned to dread when a man in a black suit with a lightning bolt on his chest suddenly appeared in front of the school bus, floating in the air. He was an imposing figure, with a muscular build and a fierce expression.

The man's voice boomed as he demanded, "Bring me the champion!"

All the kids on the bus were instantly terrified. Billy's heart pounded in his chest as he looked at the man, realizing he was face to face with someone with powers. The other children huddled together, eyes wide with fear.

Seeing no response, Black Adam grew impatient. Without a second thought, he summoned a bolt of lightning and aimed it directly at the bus. The sky seemed to crack open as the bolt shot down, and in that moment, Billy thought it was all over.

But just as the lightning was about to hit, a figure appeared in front of the bus, taking the full brunt of the attack. When the dust cleared, Billy couldn't believe his eyes—it was Superman, kneeling and visibly shaking from the impact. The magical properties of Black Adam's attack had weakened him, revealing a vulnerability he hadn't known he possessed.

Black Adam, unfamiliar with Superman or any of the current heroes or customs of modern civilization due to his long banishment, hovered menacingly in the air. He stared at the fallen hero with a mixture of curiosity and contempt.

Superman struggled to his feet, his voice strained but firm. "You won't harm these children," he declared, standing protectively between Black Adam and the bus.

Billy watched, his fear mingling with awe as he witnessed the courage of the Man of Steel.

Superman turned his head slightly towards the bus, his voice urgent but calm. "Kids, get out of here! Run to safety!"

The children, still terrified, hesitated for a moment before scrambling out of the bus. Billy hesitated, looking back at the man who had saved them and then towards the city, his mind racing. He couldn't bear the thought of Nora losing another child, so he decided to run back home to make sure she was safe.

As he sprinted away from the bus, his heart pounding, the scenery around him began to blur. The sounds of the city faded, replaced by a strange, echoing silence. Suddenly, Billy found himself in a different place entirely.

He was in a vast, dimly lit cavern. The walls were adorned with ancient symbols, and the air was filled with a sense of profound power. At the center of the cavern, an old man sat on a throne made of stone. The man had a long white beard and wore a flowing robe. He gazed at Billy with eyes that seemed to hold the wisdom of ages.

Billy slowed to a stop, his breath catching in his throat as he took in the surroundings. The cavern had an eerie, yet majestic atmosphere, with torches casting flickering shadows on the walls. The old man on the throne radiated an aura of authority and mystery.

"Welcome, Billy Batson," the old man said, his voice resonant and filled with gravity. "I have been waiting for you."

Billy looked around, bewildered. "Where am I? Who are you?"

"You are in the Rock of Eternity," the old man replied. "I am the Wizard, the keeper of the powers you are destined to inherit."

Billy's mind raced as he tried to comprehend what was happening. "Powers? What do you mean?"

The Wizard rose from his throne, his movements slow but deliberate. "You have been chosen, Billy, to be the champion of magic. The world is in need of a hero, and you have been deemed worthy."

Billy felt a mixture of fear and excitement. "What do I have to do?"

The Wizard extended his hand, and a staff appeared, glowing with a mystical light. "Speak my name, Shazam, and you will be transformed into your true self, a champion with the power to protect the world."

Billy took a step back, shaking his head. "No. This can't be real. I'm just a kid. I can't be a hero. I have to get back to my mom."

The Wizard's eyes softened with understanding. "Billy, I know this is overwhelming. But the world is in danger, and only you have the power to save it."

Billy clenched his fists, torn between his desire to return to his mother and the responsibility being placed upon him. "Why me? I'm just a kid who runs away from everything."

"Because, despite your fears and doubts, you have a good heart," the Wizard said gently. "The name Shazam is an acronym of the six immortal elders: Solomon, Hercules,"Atlas, Zeus, Achilles, and Mercury. Each of these gods and heroes grants you a portion of their power," the Wizard explained, his voice reverberating through the cavern.

Billy hesitated, his mind racing with the enormity of the situation. "I don't know if I can do this. I'm just a kid."

The Wizard nodded, understanding Billy's reluctance. "Courage is not the absence of fear, Billy, but the will to face it. You have the heart of a hero. You just need to believe in yourself."

Billy looked down at the ground, his thoughts a whirlwind of uncertainty. The Wizard's words echoed in his mind. "What if I mess up? What if I can't handle it?"

The Wizard stepped closer, placing a reassuring hand on Billy's shoulder. "You will not be alone. The power of Shazam is great, but so is the wisdom that comes with it. You will learn, and you will grow."

Billy took a deep breath, trying to summon the courage he needed. He thought about Nora, about Superman, and the kids on the bus. He couldn't let them down. "Okay," he said, his voice trembling but resolute. "I'll do it."

A smile spread across the Wizard's face. "Good. Now, speak my name with purpose and conviction."

Billy took another deep breath, his heart pounding. He closed his eyes and shouted, "Shazam!"

A bolt of lightning shot down from the ceiling of the cavern, striking Billy. The air crackled with energy as he was enveloped in a blinding light. When the light faded, Billy was transformed. He stood tall, clad in a red suit with a white cape and a golden lightning bolt on his chest. He could feel the power coursing through him, filling him with strength and confidence.

The Wizard looked at him with pride. "Now go, Champion. The world needs you."

Billy nodded, he knew what he had to do. In a flash, he disappeared, ready to face Black Adam and protect the innocent.

Back in the city, the battle between Superman and Black Adam raged on. Superman, weakened by the magical attack, struggled to hold his ground. Black Adam loomed over him, ready to deliver the final blow.

Suddenly, a streak of red shot through the air, and Billy—now Shazam—landed between Superman and Black Adam. "That's enough," Shazam declared, his voice echoing with newfound authority.

Black Adam's eyes narrowed as he assessed the new arrival. "So, the champion finally shows himself," he sneered. "Let's see if you're worthy of the power you wield."

With a roar, Black Adam launched himself at Shazam, but Billy stood his ground. He met Black Adam's attack head-on, their clash sending shockwaves through the city.

As the battle ensued, Billy felt the strength of Hercules, the wisdom of Solomon, the stamina of Atlas, the power of Zeus, the courage of Achilles, and the speed of Mercury guiding him. He fought with everything he had, determined to protect those who couldn't protect themselves.

In that moment, Billy Batson truly became Shazam, the champion of magic, ready to face any challenge that came his way.


Just decided to use this medium to let those who loved The Omnipotent System that I have began rewriting it and I am going to release the chapters tonight and would like you all to support me by adding it to your collection.

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