
Chapter 15. Vampire Sovereign Physique...[2]

Outside The Mirror...

All the Cultivators Outside The Mirror gasped, Their collective gasp echoed through the dimly lit chamber like a chorus of shock and disbelief.

The reflective surface, adorned with intricate etchings of serpents and mystical symbols, seemed to ripple and distort, as if the very fabric of reality was being warped by the horror that stared back at them.

The first to utter a sound was of petite woman, her voice trembling like a leaf as she whispered, "Devil..." The word hung in the air like a dark cloud, heavy with foreboding and malevolent intent. Her eyes, wide with terror, remained fixed on the mirror, as if mesmerized by the unspeakable evil that lurked within.

Next, a lanky, bespectacled man, his face drained of all color, stammered, "S-she is... Suc-kking the Youn-ng Heavenl-yy Emper-ror's b-blood..." His words trailed off, lost in a sea of revulsion, as if the very thought of the act was too heinous to be spoken aloud.His gaze darted about the room, searching for an escape from the macabre scene unfolding before them.

A statuesque blonde, let out a blood-curdling scream, "WHAT THE HELL...!" The words exploded from her lips like a pent-up fury, shattering the stunned silence that had gripped the group. Her eyes blazed with a fierce indignation, as if she dared the mirror to reveal its darkest secrets.

A soft-spoken, bookish individual, whispered, "WHAT THE ACTUAL FU*K...!!!" The phrase hung in the air, a profane prayer uttered in the face of unmitigated horror. His voice trembled, as if the sheer audacity of the scene had left him bereft of coherent thought.

Finally, a Women Fan Cultivator Of Cris let out a wail of despair, "WHAT...! (NANNNNNNIIIIII)" The sound was a keening lament, a mournful cry that seemed to pierce the very soul of the mirror itself.

As the atmosphere hung heavy with anticipation, Empress Hera's voice sliced through the silence like a razor-sharp blade, her words dripping with an air of majesty and domination that was impossible to ignore. Her voice, a masterful blend of icy detachment and regal authority, sent shivers down the spines of those present, a testament to her unyielding power and control.

"Clam down, everyone," she commanded, her gaze sweeping the room with an unnerving intensity, as if daring anyone to defy her. The weight of her imperial presence was palpable, her very aura radiating an aura of command that brooked no dissent.

As the room fell silent, Hera's voice continued, its tone as cold as the winter winds that howled through the frozen tundras. "It is said that when a Vampire Sovereign Physique awakens fully, the possessor of this physique will crave blood..." Her words hung in the air like a challenge, a gauntlet thrown down to those who would dare to defy the ancient lore of the vampire bloodline.

An elderly cultivator, his face etched with the lines of age and experience, stepped forward, his eyes gleaming with a deep understanding of the mystical forces that governed their world. "I took it to be common knowledge, Your Imperial Majesty, that cultivators of the vampire bloodline have long utilized the blood of any being for their cultivation," he said, his voice laced with a hint of reverence.

Hera's gaze narrowed, her eyes flashing with a hint of annoyance at the interruption, but she permitted the old man to continue, her interest piqued by his words. "Well, in the case of other vampires, it is indeed true that they can use the blood of anyone or any being for their cultivation," she acknowledged, her tone as detached as a winter's breeze. "But in the case of the Vampire Sovereign Physique, the possessor requires blood only at the time of its awakening, and not just anyone's blood, but that of their beloved or someone for whom they harbor deep feelings."

As she spoke, a subtle, almost imperceptible shift occurred in her demeanor, a faint glimmer of concealed jealousy and envy seeping into her voice like a slow-moving poison. "After this happens, the possessor can only choose that one as their life partner, for they become obsessed with that person for the entirety of their existence... Thus, that one is said to be the Soulmate of the possessor of the Vampire Sovereign Physique."

The room was silent, the only sound the soft, heavy breathing of those present, as if they were all holding their collective breath in anticipation of what was to come.

And then, Hera's gaze fell upon Mirror Showing Valeria, who was embracing Cris with a fervor that bordered on desperation, her lips locked onto his neck as she sucked his blood with an abandon that was both captivating and terrifying.

Hera's eyes narrowed, her thoughts a jumble of envy and jealousy as she muttered to herself, "Soulmate with him... How fortunate for that Girl, and yet, how cruelly fate has dealt me a different hand." The same thoughts echoed in the minds of the other three women present, their faces a mask of serenity, but their eyes burning with a fierce, unspoken longing.


Next Chapter "16. Aftermath...[1]"

Maybe Next Chapter will come late.My Readers, please leave review and comments as well as Powerstone and Golden Tickets...


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Lone Raut


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