
Chapter 2

I made my way through the crowded area of the Duel Arena and took a seat in a random seat, not paying attention to who was around me as I watched the Duel Arena below.

It had been a week since I'd come to this very strange rendition of Yu-Gi-Oh, and I had spent that week creating my new deck using my blank cards.

One somewhat useful thing I'd discovered was that when I used one of the Blank Cards to make a card, I received three copies of that card. So, I didn't have to use 3 Blank Cards for my own custom Dark Magician Girl… Thankfully, it would have been very annoying if I did.

Thus far, I had used 16 Blank Cards to build my Main Deck and Extra Deck. Among those 16 Blank Cards, 4 had been Legendary, the rest had merely been Epic. Of course, I was also running my Earthbound God in my deck. I was a Dark Signer; I was pretty sure I was legally obligated to do so.

I also wasn't ashamed to admit that 2 of the 5 Legendary Cards had been for Pot of Greed and Graceful Charity. The infamous 'Thousand Year Banned' Cards of Yu-Gi-Oh, that either only came off the ban list for a single instance or remained on the ban list for eternity.

And yes, I tried to create them using Epic Cards… It wasn't enough, I had to use the Legendary ones. Which did only leave me with 5 Legendary Blank Cards, but you know… I'd live with it.

I watched the duels below, waiting for my number to be called… The Duels weren't bad, I heard people whispering about the backgrounds of various duellists who had duelled already, and others who were currently duelling.

"It's my turn," a brown haired beauty declared. "I activate the Spell – Dragon Shrine! This card lets me send a Dragon-type Monster from my Deck to the Graveyard! However, if I send a normal monster, then I can send another! I send two Blue-Eyes White Dragon to my Graveyard!"

My eyes widened as I leaned forward, quickly realising just who this girl was!

Seto Mother Fucking Kaiba!

… But thicc.

 "Next I activate the Spell Card, Dragon's Mirror!" She declared. "I banish the three Blue-Eyes White Dragon's in my Graveyard! To Fusion Summon Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon!"

I gripped the edge of my seat as the titan sized dragon roared to life, three heads glaring down at the Proctor, who had only 7-Coloured Fish on his field.

"Battle!" She declared. "Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon attacks your monster! Neutron Blast Attack!"

All three heads unleashed their blinding light, obliterating the monster… The Proctor's Life Points had no chance.

I just shook my head. "That Kaiba… Busting out Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon for a test like this…"

"Indeed," a female voice spoke from behind, causing me to look back and blink at the sight of what was undoubtably a female Yugi Moto, wearing the Millennium Puzzle. "Kaiba is… A bit of an overkill kind of girl."

"I can tell," I responded. "I think it was a bit extreme… A simple Monster Reborn would have been enough for her to secure her win."

"I agree," she smiled and offered her hand. "I'm Yugi Moto."

I recognised her name, of course… She was not only the King of Games back in my original world, but in this one she was the number one ranked under 18 Duellist in the World.

"I'm Adam Yule," I told her, shaking her hand. "Nice to meet you."

"You as well… I'm sorry if I sound rude, but your name isn't familiar to me?"

"Ah, I've never participated in any tournaments," I elaborated. "This is my first time duelling in front of such a large crowd, so I'm a little nervous… That said, I'm confident in myself and in my deck."

She smiled warmly. "I see… I'll wish you luck when your turn comes then."

"I can't wait to see what deck you've got!" Another girl's voice came, and I looked to my side… Only to spot the girl who was unmistakably Jaden Yuuki, the protagonist of Gx.

"Well, I'm not sure if it's special, but it is my deck, and that's what matters," I told her, offering my hand. "Adam."

She smiled and shook my hand happily. "Jayden," she told me, and I could hear the extra 'y' in the name. "I'm honestly glad I made it on time. My bus broke down, and I had to get a taxi, I only made it right as they were starting to pack up."

"Oof, that's rough buddy," I told her. "Well, at least you made it on time. I'd be prepared in case we've got a hard ass teacher watching over the exams who wants to make your test a little harder as punishment for being late."

"Haha, that would be awesome!" She smiled, seeming even happier after my words.

Part of me thought she was happy at the thought of a tough duel, but part of me also realised that she was happy I called her 'buddy.' After all, Jaden had a pretty tragic backstory which meant she had zero friends before Duel Academy.

"Adam Yule, please proceed to Duel Field Twelve."

"Ah, that's me," I told them. "Wish me luck," I smiled kindly before I headed down to the Duel Field, walking past Kaiba on the way, who gave me a slightly intrigued look before continuing on her walk.

I made my way onto the Duel Field, Duel Disk at the ready as I slowly shuffled my deck while waiting for the examiner, a man in a blue jacket wearing sunglasses.

"I am the Proctor for your exam," he told me. "Proctor Jones."

"Hello, Proctor," I nodded politely. "My name is Adam Yule. Please guide me," I slipped my deck in place as my Duel Disk activated.

"Polite," he nodded. "Good, then let's duel!" He declared, readying his disk.

Jones – 4000LP

Adam – 4000LP

"You can make the first move," Jones told me.

"Yes sir," I nodded, drawing five cards from my deck. "I draw!" I pull a card from my deck, looking over the options I had in my hand. "I'll start my turn by summoning Seeker Magician Girl!"

Seeker Magician Girl

4 Star – DARK – Spellcaster/Effect


A magic circle appeared, before my monster burst out of it, a mature young woman with a stoic look on her face in black robes with gold lining, wearing a hat just like Dark Magician Girls, but black and gold.

"Seeker Magician Girl's effect activates," I told him. "When she is Normal or Special Summoned, I can search my Deck for a Spellcaster or a card that lists 'Magician Girl' in its text to my hand. I add Secret Magician Girl from my deck to my hand!" A card slid out of my deck which I placed in my hand. "I set two cards face-down and end my turn!"

Adam Hand: 4

"It's my turn!" Jones declared. "I draw! I activate the Spell Card – Cost Down! I discard a card from my hand," he slipped a card into the Graveyard. "And now, until the end of this turn, all monsters in my hand become two levels lower! With that, I can summon the now Level 4 Black Dragon Jungle King to the field!"

With a roar, a black dragon stepped onto the battlefield. A familiar one I recognised from Forbidden Memories, a regular card to make until you could make Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon.

Black Dragon Jungle King

6 Star – EARTH – Dragon/Normal


"Battle!" He pointed at my monster. "I attack your Seeker Magician Girl!"

"I activate the effect of Apprentice Illusion Magician from my hand," I declared, revealing the card and causing her to materialise on the field, giggling mischievously.

"W- What!?"

"During damage calculation, if another of my DARK Spellcaster's battles an opponent's monster, I can discard this card from my hand or send it face-up on the field to the Graveyard, and that monster gains 2000 ATK/DEF for the battle!"

"What!?" I heard many exclaim in shock as I discarded my monster.

1600/1000 > 3600/3000

"Seeker Magician, destroy that monster!"

She twirled her staff before she slammed it on the ground, dark energy shooting from a magic circle behind her, causing the Jungle King to roar in pain before it exploded.

Jones LP – 4000 > 2500

"Kuh… I wasn't expecting you to have a hand trap," he murmured. "I set two cards face-down and end my turn!"

Jones Hand: 1

"My turn," I declared, drawing another card and putting me back up to 4 cards in my hand… I could be fancy with this, but there was no need to overextend here. This duel was already mine.

"I activate the effect of Magicians' Souls from my hand," I revealed the card.

"Magicians Souls?" Jones murmured.

"Isn't that card…" Yugi whispered, eyes wide. "Wait… Magician Girl?"

Kaiba's eyes also widened. "Could it be-!?"

"Magicians' Souls lets me send a Level 6 or higher Spellcaster monster from my Deck to the Graveyard," I declared, pulling out Dark Magician Girl without showing it to him and slipping it into the graveyard.

"Then, I can either Special Summon Magicians' Souls, or I can send it to the graveyard to Special Summon the monster!"

I placed the card in my graveyard, and another card came out. "I send Magicians' Souls to the Graveyard…" I lifted the card with a smile. "Show yourself! Magician who studies the most vile of magics!" I slammed the card onto my Duel Disk. "Dark Magician Girl!"

A magic circle formed in the air as the crowd exclaimed in shock… But their shock didn't end there as the Dark Magician Girl that came out was not the same one that they remembered from Yugi's duels.

Her skin was dark, her hair silver, her eyes and clothing red as blood. Unlike Yugi's magician who was playful and sweet, this one had a wicked smile on her face, as if she couldn't wait to inflict pain onto her opponent.

"Dark Magician Girl?" Yugi stared in shock. "But… It looks far too different from my own."

"The aura it gives off is totally different," Jaden agreed. "But it's still so cool! I can't believe Adam has such a rare card!"

I smiled in amusement before I saw Dark Magician Girl look back at me and grin.

My own lips curled into a grin.

"I activate the Field Spell, Sanctum of Dark Magic!" I slipped the card into the slot, causing black columns to appear around the field, a slight black mist filling the air, giving off an ominous feeling.

"What? What is this!?" Jones looked around in shock, no doubt having never heard of this card.

"Sanctum of Dark Magic," I told Jones, "Is the home of my Dark Magician Girl, the place she can experiment and practise her forbidden arts as much as she desires! In other words, this is her home field advantage! Let me show you what I mean! When I activate Sanctum of Dark Magic, I can add one card that lists 'Magician Girl' in its card text to my hand! I add Secrets of Dark Magic to my hand," I revealed the card before I put it in my hand.

"Furthermore, I hope you didn't decide to set some destruction cards on the field. Because while my Sanctum is in play, Magician Girl monsters cannot be destroyed by your card effects!"

Jones' eyes widened, and I knew immediately that I'd hit the nail on the head.

"Let's end this! Seeker Magician Girl attacks your directly!"

She lifted her staff, unleashing black bolts of magic that slammed into Jones.

Jones LP – 2500 > 900

"And now," I smiled. "Dark Magician Girl, it's time to end this duel! Dark Burning Attack!"

A twisted smirk bloomed on her lips as she lifted her staff into the air, crimson eyes glowing maliciously, before she swung it down, black flames erupting from the tip of her staff and slamming against the Proctor.

Jones LP – 900 > 0


"GG," I declared as the holograms faded away.

"Haa…" Jones sighed before he smiled. "Very impressive, applicant. You performed very well; I was surprised by your skill. Welcome to Duel Academy!"

"Thank you, sir," I bowed politely before I turned and headed back up to the stands, walking over to Jaden, Yugi and Kaiba. Jaden was staring at me with excitement, Yugi staring with minor shock, and Kaiba looked intrigued.

"Well, there's your answer for what deck I use," I told Jaden as I slipped into my seat. "Magician Girls."

"That's so cool!" Jaden's eyes lit up excitedly. "You used them so amazingly too! I know Dark Magician Girl is rare, but yours looked so different than Yugi's! Why is that?"

"Well…" I looked back at Yugi and Kaiba, both who seemed curious at the answer too. "I'm not quite sure about that… But based on looks, I'd say maybe it's something like a difference in priorities."

"How so?" Yugi asked.

"Your Dark Magician Girl is one who fights for the sake of her comrades. My Dark Magician Girl is one who fights only for herself."

"That ain't true, Master," a voice spoke beside my head, making me tense up slightly as I noticed both Yugi and Jaden shifting their gazes to my side. Even Kaiba glanced over before she looked away indifferently, focusing on the duels. "I also fight for you, don't forget that!"

I tried very hard not to react. Luckily, both Jaden and Yugi had their attention on Duel Spirit beside me, so they didn't notice how I'd tensed up and was now relaxing.

"Don't you fucking ignore me," she growled.

"Any other questions?" I asked them.

Yugi shook her head, and both she and Jaden focused on the duels as I slowly turned around to do the same…

Moving to float in front of me, my Dark Magician Girl gave me a smirk, her breasts bouncing in front of my face as I had to act like I was looking through her.

"Let's get along well, my Master~"

… Is it too late to go to Naruto?




Authors Notes

Created Cards

Seeker Magician Girl

4 Star – DARK – Spellcaster/Effect

When this card is Normal or Special Summoned to your field, you may add 1 Spellcaster monster or one card that lists 'Magician Girl' in its text to your hand. When this card is sent from the field to the GY, you may draw 1 card. You may only use each effect of 'Seeker Magician Girl' once per turn.


Sanctum of Black Magic

Field Spell

When this card is activated, you may add 1 card that lists 'Magician Girl' in its text from your deck to your hand. Once per turn, if you control no monsters, you may Special Summon 1 'Magician Girl' monster from your GY to your side of the field. 'Magician Girl' monsters your control cannot be destroyed by your opponent's card effects. When this card is destroyed, you may Special Summon 1 'Dark Magician Girl' from your Deck or GY to your side of the field.

Secret Magician Girl

4 Star – DARK – Spellcaster/Tuner/Effect

When this card is Normal or Special Summoned, you may Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower 'Magician Girl' monster from your hand or GY to your field. That monster's effects are negated, and its ATK and DEF are reduced to 0. If this card is used as material for a Synchro Summon, you may treat this card as a Level 3 or Level 4 monster.


Modified Cards

Dark Magician Girl

6 Star - DARK - Spellcaster/Effect

This card gains 300 ATK for each monster in either player's GY with "Dark Magician" in its name.


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