
Chapter 327: Despair in Hope

Chapter 327: Despair in Hope

As Audrey spoke, everyone's attention focused on her. 

World calmly said, "There is indeed still a bit of trouble. I'd like to make a request - I need a ship to help me leave that deserted island."

Audrey and the others turned to look at Alger. Currently, only the Hanged Man had the ability to handle maritime matters.

Suppressing his reluctance, Alger spoke coolly: "There are many uninhabited islands in the sea. You'll need to provide a specific location for me to arrange a ship."

"It should be in the waters near the Roselle Islands," World replied, giving a fairly plausible location based on his observations of the surrounding waters, night sky, and ocean currents over several days.

"Should be?" Alger frowned slightly.

"Yes, I drifted at sea for some time before washing up on the island. I can only estimate it's somewhere near the Roselle Islands."

Alger shook his head. "The information you've provided is too vague. I don't have the ability to survey the entire area around the Roselle Islands."

World asked disappointedly, "Is there no other feasible solution?"

"The sea is dangerous, especially unexplored areas. There are hazardous waters near the Roselle Islands that need to be avoided. Your luck may have been quite poor," Alger explained. He then shared some advice on survival techniques for deserted islands and methods to attract the attention of passing ships.

"Mr. Hanged Man, thank you for your help," World said sincerely.

Alger's expression softened, his wariness towards this new member diminishing somewhat.

Fors, ever attentive to details, inquired, "Mr. World, how did you end up stranded on the deserted island?"

"The ship I was on encountered huge waves. Unfortunately, I was swept into the sea. Luckily, I managed to cling to an empty oak barrel and drifted until the currents pushed me onto the beach of an uninhabited island."

Fors nodded, silently recording this information about the new member.

World turned to Miss Justice. "Since I'm still trapped on the island, I can repay part of my debt with some extraordinary knowledge. Of course, you can also choose to discuss this after I escape."

Audrey generously replied, "Mr. World, I deeply sympathize with your plight. Providing some food and water was just a small gesture. As fellow Tarot Club members, I don't need any repayment for that."

*As expected of Miss Justice, she doesn't care about such small favors*, Klein thought to himself, feeling somewhat relieved.

After the Tarot Club meeting ended, Klein returned to the deserted island and began clearing thorny jungle and sparse trees, applying the survival knowledge provided by the Hanged Man. Thick smoke by day and firelight by night were effective ways to attract passing ships. The survival tips included efficient methods for producing billowing smoke.

Unfortunately, his luck remained poor. Another week passed on the island without encountering any passing vessels. He began to worry that the island might be located in one of those dangerous sea areas. With the frightening stone church on the island, it may well have been designated as a restricted zone to avoid.

During this time, he had thoroughly explored the entire island, finding nothing noteworthy except in the center. It was truly a resource-poor island.

"Surely I won't have to spend my whole life on this deserted island..." Klein mused. He had tried using his underwater breathing ability to swim away, but the powerful waves in the area kept forcefully pushing him back to shore. As for building a raft, the island's trees were scarce and mostly stunted and twisted from poor nutrition.

"If only Miss Justice could sacrifice a steamship to me, I might have a chance to leave," Klein fantasized, though he lacked the power to accomplish such a feat at his current level. Perhaps after advancing to a higher sequence...

Sitting by the campfire, Klein ate strawberry ice cream from Backlund with a worried expression. This treat was among the many luxuries Miss Justice had been "feeding" him - things he normally couldn't afford or wouldn't splurge on. It almost felt like she was keeping him as a pet...

Three more days passed, and Klein was once again thrown back onto the beach by merciless waves. Lying in the sand, gazing up at seabirds freely soaring overhead, he sighed deeply.

Just as another disappointing day was drawing to a close, Klein's peripheral vision caught sight of a vessel approaching the island. At first he stared in disbelief, blinking rapidly. Then he scrambled to his feet, rubbing his eyes to confirm that a small ship was indeed slowly nearing the shore.

Hope had finally arrived! 

Overjoyed, Klein quickly added the remaining damp wood to his fire, creating an even larger plume of smoke. He waved a tattered piece of light gray sailcloth that had washed ashore, shouting loudly in hopes of attracting the crew's attention.

His luck seemed to have turned - the ship steadily approached his position, clearly having spotted the smoke signal. 

Along with his excitement, Klein remained cautious. Pirates were common at sea, and he couldn't be certain of the crew's intentions. As a precaution, he hastily buried the remnants of food Miss Justice had provided under the sand.

As the ship drew close enough to make out details, Klein inhaled sharply and took a few steps back. 

Seated cross-legged at the bow was a tall, slender figure with silver hair reaching down to their back. They wore a simple, modest linen robe and had layer upon layer of luminous wings behind them.

At first glance, Klein's mind registered a single thought: Angel!

The figure on the ship closely matched the angelic images Little Sun had seen in the temple ruins.

Klein's heart raced, his mind momentarily blank as an angel stepped from myth into reality before his eyes. Could this be one of the Ancient Sun God's angels? Or perhaps one of the Kings of Angels?

*I can't think about these things!* Klein struggled to control his thoughts, worried his unique nature might be detected. But he couldn't simply run away - escape was impossible in the presence of an angel, and such behavior wouldn't fit the image of a shipwrecked survivor.

As the vessel gently reached the shore, Klein put on his best expression of joyful relief and stepped forward to greet them. 

The angel at the bow merely glanced at him before spreading its radiant wings and flying towards the center of the island. Soon, violent tremors shook the ground as if a massive hammer had struck, knocking Klein off his feet.

Another figure emerged from the ship. Though his appearance and demeanor differed from before, Klein instantly recognized him as Mr. A of the Aurora Order - the same man who had extracted divinity from Loenley Wes right in front of them.

Wasn't he supposed to be the Aurora Order's leader in Backlund? How did he end up here in the middle of the ocean, coincidentally appearing before Klein? If Mr. A discovered his identity as a Nighthawk, he certainly wouldn't let Klein go. Even if Klein could somehow defeat a Sequence 5 Shepherd like Mr. A, the angel accompanying him could easily crush Klein with a single finger.

Klein could only hope that his appearance had changed enough after being stranded for weeks that Mr. A wouldn't recognize him from their brief encounter. Inwardly distressed but maintaining an outwardly joyful expression, Klein hurried over to Mr. A.

Bowing deeply, he said, "Sir, I'm an unfortunate castaway. Thank you so much for coming here. I hope you can take me with you when you leave. I can offer ample compensation." Klein's eyes even reddened, on the verge of tears to complete the act.

Mr. A, who had been observing the commotion at the island's center, turned his gaze to Klein and calmly asked, "Do I look like the kind of person who enjoys helping others?"

Klein was stunned into silence. Indeed, this was Mr. A of the Aurora Order - how could he possibly be inclined to assist strangers? Simply leaving Klein stranded on the island would already be an act of mercy. If the island held any secrets, Mr. A might well decide to kill him.

Should he strike first? The thought flashed through Klein's mind, but before he could act, the angel returned, wings shimmering. Whatever dangers the island held were clearly no match for a genuine angel. Klein had no desire to die by challenging an angel.

Forcing a ingratiating smile, Klein continued, "If you can help me leave this place, I can pay you 1,000 pounds in compensation!" Though he knew such an amount was unlikely to sway an angel, he did his best to portray a castaway desperate to leave the island.

Mr. A ignored Klein and respectfully addressed the figure now perched on the ship's bow: "Lord Ouroboros, did something happen just now?"

*It's over. I'm doomed*, Klein thought, his scalp tingling with fear. This angel was actually Ouroboros, the Angel of Destiny - one of the eight Kings of Angels under the Ancient Sun God!

Klein no longer held any hope for survival.

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