
Chapter One Hundred And Ninety-Eight

Pleasure Vessel. Goranak

It had been some time since I'd taken my small personal ship down to a planet. It wasn't exactly the fastest of craft and normally if I'd been going anywhere near a combat zone I'd have taken a more nimble shuttle, but the ship had been enhanced by a mass effect drive and as ever it was a very comfortable place for important diplomatic talks.

This would not be the first time I'd ended up in bed with someone I was supposed to be all business with and having Ishta of the Hak'tyl Resistance lying on her bed with taut backside on display as she read through the latest draft of the document that proclaimed our alliance.

Its terms were more complex than hoped since it required the Hak'tyl to give up the use of symbiotes. However this wasn't as bad as it might sound since they could only get them from other Jaffa and they didn't want to go around killing their own. With the worlds once belonging to Moloc now in the hands of Jaffa liies it was time to make more formal arrangements.

"It's not like I'm demanding that you only purchase the drug from us just that you stop shoving baby alien parasites into your guts'' I said "Besides, your only alternative aside from killing other Jaffa is finding a Goa'uld queen who you can control. Good luck with that".

Of course Ishta had already considered this.

"We can't be certain that you will always be able supply us with enough tretonin" she pointed out "I have to think of my people and balance that with my loyalty to you".

It had been decided between us that we would be discreet about how close we actually were. Having sex with an abhuman could tarnish my reputation and her standing with other Jaffa could be damaged as well. So it was for the best of her to stay here and act as ambassador to the Imperium. That way I'd have excuses to visit her.

"Then get the Tau'ri or the Tok'ra to help you set your own tretonin manufacturing" I suggested "Or find something to trade with me. Molloc must have something good hidden away".

Istha considered my words carefully.

"If Ba'al left any treasure or rare technology behind that Moloc once held claim to it should belong to the Hak'tyl" she pointed out.

I didn't agree.

"There's little point in having treasure if you all get sick and die" I debated "Besides you're going to need my help with farming equipment, setting up mines for any Naqudah deposits we can find, quarries, roads, sanitation, it all adds up".

The Hak'tyl needed a more modern nation if they were going to become the powerful Jaffa faction that I wanted them to be within the Free Jaffa Nation. Having a large army was good and they were well armed thanks to me, but as they had no space ships they would need other ways of ensuring that they remained a powerful faction. Having enough homes, food and water not just for themselves but for others, would go along towards that.

There were many details to go over despite our meetings before this and Ishta would have to get the other Jaffa to agree, but it would benefit us all. The Hak'tyl would become stronger and I would have more of the allies I needed to help extend my influence over this galaxy.

"I was wondering why you have women's clothes in this room" mentioned Ishta as we took a break from going over the paperwork "I doubt they would suit you".

Well no they weren't for me. They were for my consorts and wives to wear. Something I explained to my newest lover.

"We Jaffa women do not need to wear special clothes to make a man sexually aroused" she said.

Even with the weird pouch thing in her stomach she certainly had no trouble getting me going.

"Human women sometimes wear these outfits to make themselves feel more attractive" I informed Ishta "It can make them feel more confident in the bedroom as well".

The Jaffa on my bed seemed perplexed by this idea.

"Human sexuality is different from that of the Jaffa, although I've learned that like Jaffa men you prefer to take me hard." she let me know.

She was a great warrior so she could take it.

"Anything else you noticed about sex you wish to discuss?" I wondered


"Nothing important" was her reply.

Right now she had a tiny smile on her face which meant something I could only guess at.

"On the subject of sex" I said "Are you up for some more".

She kept smiling.

"As you wish" she replied in what I thought was a very casual tone.

Before long I had gotten behind and I had my hands on her waist. She'd already gotten on to her hands and knees.

"Would you tie my hands to the best post" she requested "Jaffa women sometimes enjoy having their men dominate them in such a way".

It wasn't just the Jaffa and I indulged her request using whatever I could find to secure her hands to the bedpost. This would make it difficult for her to stop me from doing whatever I wished to her, which was the point, but she was a warrior with decades of experience so she wouldn't need her hands free to fight back if she so desired to.

I'd tied Jack up like this more once and I was just about to start fucking Ishta when the comm aticvated and someone tried to get my attention.

"If we're not under attack by a fleet of Ha'tak then someone is going to be sorry" I promised.

I'd given orders that I was not to be bothered unless something very bad was happening.

"Yes, what is it?" I demanded to know over an audio only channel.

The reply wasn't long in coming.

"Sorry to bother you, my lord" someone said.

They would be if this wasn't very important.

"We just received word from the tech-priest crew that was returning the captured enemy vessel to the colony" the voice said.

I knew the person speaking to be the second in command of my battlecruiser,who'd not been promoted to captain since I was still captain of that vessel as well as a commodore. As for the captured enemy vessel, that was an Al'kesh that one of the boarding parties had found in the hangar bay of the Ha'tak.

"They couldn't have made it back to Thrax III already" I said.

I had a bad feeling about this.

"The ship made an unexpected stop at a world with a Stargate that is between here and the colony" I was told "There was apparently some sort of engine problem only Vala Mal Doran took off after landing the ship and getting the crew off".

Engine trouble while they just happened to be near a world with a Stargate. Why did they strike me as being a little too unlikely to be true?

"So Vala stole the Al'kesh" I said.

"That was my assessment as well" said my second officer "The tech-priests felt that they could trust your consort to fly the ship for them so that they wouldn't have to sully themselves by making use of xenos tech".

It had seemed reasonable at the time. The Ad-Mech wanted to know what Goa'uld tech was capable of without them having to actually use it, but Vala was already impure due to her once having been a host so it was a bit of a loophole.

As for Vala. it looked as if I'd failed to turn her.

"Thank you Commander" I was now saying "You were right to contact me".

I didn't care why Vala had betrayed me. She was now a dead woman walking. I was going to put a huge bounty on her head. I could not forgive her stealing from me successfully, and it called into question my ability to lead House Thrax unless I made an example of her that made every other thief think twice about stealing from me.

Sure I did want to know why my mental adjustments had failed when everyone else's had gone so well but she'd be dead before I got the chance. Something to do with her being a former host perhaps? I might never know but I should examine the minds of those I'd made loyal to me just to be sure.

Starting with Ishta who was already confined and ready to do as I wished.

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