
Chapter One Hundred And Eighty

Meeting Room. Stargate Command.

After finishing yet another very long phone call with people who worked at the Pentagon, Jack O'Neill was able to bring together his former teammates and give them the news.

"There's a lot of mixed opinions on if these Imperials can be from a fictional universe or one that's close to it" said the general "Hammond believes us, and the President is willing to listen, so the SGC will be refocusing its efforts for the near future".

While neither Daniel Jackson nor Samantha Carter, Teal'c was again off-world, knew exactly what this meant they didn't like the sound of it so far.

"What does this mean for us?" asked Doctor Jackson.

O'Neill took a deep breath before replying.

"Home World security, which I will taking command of in the next few weeks when Hammond retires, will be tasked with building an entire network of laser defences which are officially for shooting down any asteroids that might strike the Earth" he told his friends "Carter you'll be in charge of the all the science stuff, the lasers will need to be powered but we can't just install naquadah reactors since the weapons will be public knowledge. Any ideas on that".

While she was shocked by this news she did have an idea.

"Actually yes the Imperials use a self-contained fusion reactor to power the energy weapons they are supplying us with" she said "Building our power cells that small is years away, but creating one large reactor to power a defence laser is possible, that way we wouldn't need to draw from the national grid, at least not unless it was an emergency, and fusion reactors are something that we've theorised about for many years"

She had more to say on that matter.

"Unlike the nuclear fission underway at our current nuclear plants, fusion generates far more energy without any harmful waste products" she explained "Theoretically, fusion reactors are capable of producing nearly limitless energy using nothing but seawater as fuel. Assuming that we can upscale the Imperial made technology then the military can claim to have made it possible".

That sounded good to O'Neill, what he had to say next didn't.

"Given the level of technology possessed by these Imperials the President and other the nations involved in the Atlantis project believe that we need more access to Ancient technology" the head of the SGC informed "So Daniel you'll be heading to Atlantis on the Daedalus, assuming that Atlantis is still standing we need to help them find something we can use against the Imperials if they decide to throw a crusade at us".

Jackson badly wanted to go see the Lost City, but he couldn't find it in himself to feel happy about this.

"What about SG1?" he asked.

O'Neill sighed again, it had been a long day.

"Since Teal'c is going to be busier than ever with with the FJN, who were going to need as allies if the Imperials go all 12th century on us he'll be off-world a lot and you will be in a different galaxy" Jack was now saying "So SG1 will be reformed under Colonel Mitchell when the SGC gets its new commanding officer, a General Landry".

As if this wasn't enough there was more for him to say.

"Stargate Operations will focus on securing supplies of Naquadah and trinium for the BC-304's and less on exploration" Jack said "There's no direct threat to Earth right now, but the Wraith over in Pegasus have a lot of people nervous, and we should keep an eye on the Imperials, but mostly we'll be focused on setting up proper defences for the planet".

O'Neill didn't blame his bosses for being nervous as the idea of ships full of hungry space vampires descending on the population on Earth was downright scary. Although he felt certain he'd seen that in a movie once long ago.

"The Imperials might be a threat, but we have a treaty with them, which they have honoured so far" Jack reminded his two former teammates "The Wraith, if they reach Earth, they will feed on everyone they can, that's why we need those Defence Lasers".

There was a bit more for him to share.

"Daniel you'll need to report to Colonel Cadwell tomorrow and Carter we'll be setting up at the Pentagon next week" said the General "Oh and we'll be redesigning the fortress the lasers are being built around, the Imperial version has too many skulls for the President's liking".

At least the Imperials had a better sense of style than the Goa'uld. Although in his view that wasn't really saying much.

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