
Chapter Seventy-Four

Adams Air Force Base. Outside of the Capital Wasteland.

Getting an appointment with Mr House hadn't been that difficult, but he'd decided to make me wait before meeting him, no doubt he wanted time to try to figure out what he could about me, and to prepare his defences in case I planned to attack. I would do the same if I were in his place so I wasn't offended.

Since I didn't need to fly off to New Vegas any time soon I'd decided to take Sarah Lyons, who was never far my side these days, to the former Enclave base that the guard regiment had taken just as I had offered to do. The Colonel was already working hard to bring the base under her command so that it could be used as a centre for operations in this world. Once fully set up here she'd be able to send out troopers on a variety of combat mission while I handled the diplomatic stuff as well as the trading required to acquire us the technology the Ad-Mech wanted to inspect.

I wasn't the only one visiting. The Archmagos Arx Del had come here personally, taking a break from overseeing the construction of the base the cogboys were building on Mars, bringing with him a few of his fellows to check out the technology here. The base's tech needed to be consecrated and examined to unsure that it would all work properly. Also the Enclave had some neat toys that the Ad-Mech people wanted to inspect right away.

"The value of these spoils can not be underestimated" informed the high ranking member of the Machine Cult once he'd recognised my presence "The Fabricator-General will be most pleased that we have recovered so much of the Ommisah's bounty".

If this technology benefited the Imperium then that was a good thing. However I cared more about the Ad-Mech paying me well for what I brought back with me as I wanted a small fleet of ships not just one cruiser. It was possible for a ship that used my vessel's advanced warp drive to drag smaller ships into its wake so I should be able to take escorts with me when I went to more advanced universes in search of bigger prey.

There was also the fact that the Chaos forces were planning on ripping the galaxy in half with a massive warp storm and when that happened I intended to abandon the Imperium for greener pastures. For that to work I would need the support of my crew, my allies and the resources of other organisations such as the Brotherhood of Steel to call upon. This was partly why I wanted to strengthen the Brotherhood before I left this world.

"I trust that the Fabricator-General will express his pleasure by offering me greater support" I said.

As the red robed cyborg confirmed this to be the case I looked around some more to see what Del and his fellow cogboys were working on.

There was a mini nuke lying in pieces at work station and some microfusion cells taken from the Enclave soldiers resting on another. I saw in the corner a red robed figure removing the optics from a helmet while his partner did something to mouth piece that I felt sure had to do with filtering out harmful gases. The prayers, burning incense and the anointing of bits of tech with oils seemed out of place given the complex work they were performing. Watching the cogboys trying to appease the machine spirt of a A scoped .44 magnum was amusing. They believed that even simple weapons could have a machine spirit.

The Archmagos was working on a Ripper, which was a small, handheld, militarized chainsaw that saw extensive use in the armed conflicts before the Great War, or so the red robed cyborg told me. He was anointing it with special oils as he tenderly cleaned the old weapon.

"If we were in our home universe I would say that this weapon was an early version of the chainsword that we produce in great amounts for the Imperium's armed forces" Del Arx was now saying "These Rippers could see use alongside the chainswords, as a weapon used in smaller confines".

I could imagine that while in a trench or a narrow corridor how a full sized chain weapon could prove to be limited in use.

"Here with have the real prize" said Del Arx.

The high ranking cogboy began to explain about how plasma rifles or plasma casters are high tech weapons firing superheated bolts of plasma, powered by either micro fusion cells, heavy energy cells, plasma cartridges, or plasma cores which find numerous applications in military and industrial fields. The bolts form into toroids while in the plasma chamber, which are then sent down a superconducting barrel, propelled by electromagnetic forces.

"Over here with have a power fist" the red robed cyborg told Sarah and I as we followed Del Arx.

In this world a power fist was a type of glove or armoured gauntlet, with a powered ram or similar device. In the 40k universe a Power Fist (also known as a Power Glove) is essentially an over-sized, armoured gauntlet that generates an energy field around it, one that is capable of violently disrupting any solid matter it touches. It is a favoured close combat weapon of many a Space Marine.

"Here we have a mostly undamaged set of Enclave power armour" the Archmagos was now saying "It is composed entirely of lightweight composites rather than the usual combination of metal and composite plates found in the models favoured by the Brotherhood. This model of armour features a large profile, and more effective, segmented armour plates in order to achieve a superior degree of protection. It is more difficult to produce and sets will likely to be limited to Imperial Stormtroopers and other elite units".

While these weapons were inferior to their 40k counterparts we were informed by the Archmagos that they would be much simpler to produce. The Space Marine Chapters wouldn't benefit from this stuff, however the Imperial Guard wouldn't mind have squads within their regiments who were armed with easily produced plasma weapons and who wore power armour. It could make a real difference in some battles and perhaps aid the Imperium in the long run.

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