
Chapter 130 Homeroom Teacher (Two in One, 5000 Words Chapter)

Slipping out of grip, aside from occasions when it's truly unintentional, is actually a technique in Arm Wrestling.

It's often a deliberate move by the person at a disadvantage during the contest to end that round and secure some time to catch their breath and adjust their state.

In order to prevent this from happening repeatedly, competitors usually have their wrists bound together with straps after a slip in the next round.

However, today's situation clearly didn't necessitate this.

Li Ang pretended to be fatigued as he shook his wrist, saying to Griffin:

"I'm too worn out from today's training. I'll seek you out next time when I'm in better shape for learning and competing."

The implication of these words seemed like he was making excuses for himself, and coupled with his recent slip, it was an acknowledgment of his slight inferiority to Griffin today.

Griffin appeared stunned for a second, then quickly agreed.

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