
Chapter 172 Search!

When Jiang Jiese spoke those words, he wasn't just saying goodbye to the past; in Jiang Lu's view, he was also saying farewell to himself.

Jiang Lu couldn't live without Jiese, just as 3D Zone couldn't exist without Tifa, just as the West can't be without Jerusalem.

"Our paths diverge, and we no longer plan as one."

We... have been drifting apart.

"But don't worry, if you need me, I'll still help you," Jiang Jiese, seeing Jiang Lu's mood was somewhat downcast, reassured him.

"Even if it means giving up your current life, everything you have now?" Jiang Lu asked.

"..." Jiang Jiese was silent.

Perhaps he was weighing the cost, or maybe he didn't want to make any promises he couldn't keep.

A person with emotional intelligence would know not to ask further at this point, but Jiang Lu did not.

He smiled, "So what's all this about you not being able to pretend being tough?"

"?" Jiang Jiese squinted his eyes.

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