
Start of the Blockade

I was currently sitting in my council chambers. Every single member was here and Representative Davis was also sitting, but in a HoloGram. Similar to how the Jedi Order does it.


"I am Queen Padmè Nabierre of Naboo, beside me is Governor Sio Bibble, and we request a favor from you, Count Thalron Veridian as a fellow leader of a royal family and planet. We have not yet gained a formal military, economic, or political alliance. But I know that you have a good relationship with Senator Palpatine." She said, to which I nodded, and she continued.


"The Trade Federation has performed an illegal blockade of the Planet of Naboo because Senator Palpatine put forward a pill of inducting taxes on trade routes." She said as I could hear the sadness in her voice.


She truly cared for her people, and the newly arrived consequence was grand, to say the least. It could and would hamper their economic situation for years, and if it went south, they could be destroyed.


"Queen Nabierre, as much as I would enjoy charging over there and engaging in a large-scale war with the Trade Federation, we both know that won't work. My 4 Munificents and support ships cannot compare with the Trade Federation Fleet, they simply have too many Lucrehulks. I will prepare my forces and will help you if the Trade Federation gives any indication to attack, however until then I can only help you in the Senate." I said and she sighed, she expected this.


"I understand, Count Veridian. I thank you for your show of loyalty and trust. I hope that this will end peacefully, but in the case it turns south the Naboo Government will be relying on you." She said and I nodded, and with that, the meeting ended.


"We have to do something!? This blockade is a direct threat to any world that the Corporations can and will attack you if they can." General Tyr said.


"While I do agree with you, General Tyr. Respectively if we want to diminish the Trade Federations' power then we can't do it militarily, we have to do it by overtaking them economically. Even if we overtake them in terms of Naval power, which will take years due to their Lucrehulk fleet and alliance with the Banking Clan Fleet, they can just hire the Ailon Nova Guard, with close to a billion soldiers they will completely annihilate us." Representative Davis said and Admiral Jason spoke up.


"I agree with Representative Davis, even with the 11-year militaristic build we won't be equal to the Trade Federation. Their sheer number and potential to build thousands of Lucrehulks within a few years make them extremely dangerous. But like Davis said the Trade could do, we can do as well once we get richer than them. By hiring the Ailon Nova Guard we will beat them." He spoke.


He was correct. Even though we started our plan 14 months ago not a lot had happened. We had created 2 Gladiators, 1 Munificent, 4 CR90 Corvettes, 4 Cumulus Class Corsairs, 8 DP20's and 14 Carrack-Class Light Cruisers.


We wouldn't even stand a chance against the 30 Lucrehulks blockading Naboo currently. Sure, we could fight the blockade that remained after Padme escaped or even when she escaped, but not right now. I don't know why the Trade Federation more than halved their fighting force after the Jedi escaped down to the planet, that's when they're supposed to reinforce it.


"I agree with all of you, we lack the main naval firepower to match that of the Trade Federation, therefore we shall match it." I said gaining everyone's attention.


"Me and Lira have designed the Valiant-Class Star Destroyer, a more capable main warship variant of the Venator-Class Star Destroyer. Prime Minister, contact Kuat Drive Yards and rent out enough space and workers to create a large capital ship within 1 month." I said.


"If I'm correct we have about 62,6 million Vratix working under us?" I asked Harry.


"Yes, My Lord. The locations, clients, and vehicles of Xucphra have been holding up to sell our bacta. We currently have a total of 90 144 000 000 000 credits, a bit over 90 trillion credits. Then with 60% in Government upkeep, which comes out to 54 068 400 000 000 credits which comes out to 36 075 600 000 credits, a bit over 36 trillion credits." He said


"And the medical creation project required 21 trillion credits, giving us 6 trillion credits. The building of the ships and equipment required 6 783 360 000 credits, 190 billion in yearly pay, and other expenses coming out to a total of 1 trillion, then there is republic tax which is 9 trillion, leaving us with a total of 5 trillion credits." He said.


"Very good, direct 1 trillion to the building of 3 Valiant-Star Destroyers this year, use whatever is necessary. Another 1 trillion to increase the enslavement of Vratix and the defensive outpost, then send the last 4 trillion to the new Veridian Holdings." I said and he immediately began writing things down.


"There is not much we can do right now, Admiral Jason prepared 15,000 naval crewmen, 300 V-wings and pilots, 60 H-6 bombers and 100 bomber pilots, 100 V-wing fighters for the Munificent and 72 for the Gladiators. General Tyr, prepare your 50200 Marines for the Valiant, 22,500 soldiers for the Munificents, and 2000 for the Gladiators." I said and they both nodded.


"Harry, continue the good work and increase the amount of Vratix we get under us, Axel continue recruiting enforcers and police officers according to the growth of the Vratix and Humans." I said and they both too nodded.


"Now lastly, Prime Minister Jaime. I rarely give you the stuff to do, but you usually have your plate full of leading the entire government body. However, we need to increase our human population. Use your government funds to encourage reproduction among our citizens, increase bonuses, and add benefits or whatever is necessary. Also, increase international immigration, create propaganda posters on overpopulated planets, and focus on planet cities. Offer bonuses such as free travel, free living, and immediate citizenship. Do whatever is necessary, I trust you." I said and he nodded.


"Representative Davis, how is the case against Zaltin going?" I asked.


"My Lord, there's been 14 months since we officially sued them. 2 months after the preliminary hearings began, but they didn't show and did whatever necessary to prolong it, ending with it being hosted and finished after 7 months, proceeding the case. The main hearing with the Judiciary ended with them forwarding it to the Senate with the recommendation of the Jedi Council, which started 10 months after we officially sued them. And it has been going on until now with it mostly being equal but slowly but steadily shifting towards us. The blockade will hurry it due to the planets feeling pity towards Naboo and anger at the Core Corporations. The Senate tried to object to our subjugation of the Xucphra but our overwhelming proof and their non-international recognition made it easy for us." He said and I nodded.


"As expected. Don't bother attempting to do anything. If the Trade Federation invade which I believe they will then Zaltin will lose due to the Corporation's ever-growing hate amongst the Senators, especially the general and the Peace faction." I said and he nodded, agreeing with me.


"Your mission will be to help in the negotiations with Kuat, hate will be directed at all the Corporations after this and we can use it to gain a favorable relationship and cheaper prices." I said and he nodded.


"Very good, you all are dismissed. We don't have a lot of time so hurry with your tasks." I said and they all stood up and quietly left.


"Jon, send for someone to gather Lira and Walex." I said and he nodded, turning around and whispering something into another guard's ear.


He ran off and came back 20 minutes later with the pair of them.


"Ah, the shipbuilding duo!" I said as they sat down, easing the tension. I had gotten to know the duo quite a lot during the last year and we were basically family friends at this point, especially me and Lira.


"Hello, Thalron."


"Greetings, Count Thalron." Lira and Walex responded differently. Walex was older and decided to refer to me as Count when we were in public while Lira didn't give a shit.


"Well, I got an extremely important mission for the pair of yous." I said gaining both of their attention. They both had been holed inside working on their unique missions. Walex had even had multiple failures in adding a hyperdrive to the V-wing, which he so desired to do. Meanwhile, Lira had finished the Valiant and Imperator design and was now working on a new ship which was meant to be a mix between them.


"I suppose you've heard of the Trade Federations blockade above Naboo?" I asked. Although it had happened a few days ago almost everyone who cared about international stuff knew about it. Which honestly was less than 2% of the population.


"Aye, the Corporation has gotten too cocky." Walex said with a sigh. A bit happy he left Kuat.


"Well sadly, you both need to help us by working with one of them, namely your previous company, Kuat." I said and Lira and Walex smiled a bit. They had some good memories of Kuat, it was a magnificent and glamorous place.


"We'll rent thousands of workers and a part of Kuat. Your mission is to lead the creation and building of a single Valiant-Class Star Destroyer." I said and they looked confused.


"With all due respect, Count. Creating a single Valiant won't require both of us? Nor Kuat. We can build it within 6 months in our own spot." Walex said confused.


"Yeah Thalron, what's the catch?" Lira said catching on.


"You have less than a month." I said completely baffling both of them.


"What!? Do you know we haven't built a prototype yet? Even a Venator require a bit more than a month and they have built hundreds of them. The Valiant is not only larger, but it doesn't have a prototype!?" Lira exclaimed, thinking I'd gone mad.


"I know, I've put 1 trillion credits towards this project. We'll hire the finest builders, designers, managers, everything. You won't even be close to short on money." I said and Lira began thinking.


"We use a lot of Venator parts, so if we just steal a few mass-produced ones from the current building Venators we could barely reach the 1-month mark." Lira said.


"Yes, and with that amount of credits we can pay double for the producers to double the traveling speed." Walex said.


"It can be done, My Lord." Walex said.


"That's good to hear, I'll entrust it to you two. This will be our capital ship for a few years so do not spare any firepower or armour." I said and they both puffed their chest out, pride filling them due to them getting the honor of creating my first capital ship.


I couldn't help but notice Lira's ever-growing chest, though she was small. But so was I, and I was full of hormones.


The fucking teenage years all over again. I exclaimed to myself and with that time passed as I discussed the details with the pair.


i = e on (patrion)

8 advance chapters at Patrion. 


It really helps me stay motivated by getting a few donation. And maybe if we all are lucky i get grammarly premium and we get some better grammar :) 

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