
Personality (part 2)

"Good morning! I hope you're not too bored with having me here."

"Not at all! How can we ever hate someone such as you?"

Miss Rina said as she approached the gate, and the kids were already rushing in front of her.


Luca arrived first, and she hugged my robe.


"Did you bring any food?"

"A-Actually I haven't even eaten breakfast myself…"

I said apologetically, and Luca looked disappointed. I patted her head and turned to the kids around us.


"Well, maybe once the big brother returns, he can treat us to some tasty meal from the plaza."




The kids here are so easily pleased. Then again, this is probably what pure happiness looks like.


I want to live here… if possible, I want to stay here forever.


Luca and the others, watching them growing up, helping their daily lives…


I want to be a part of it all.


"Come in, then. Maybe you want some bread in the meanwhile?"

Miss Rina said, and I can't help but laugh a bit. I feel quite ashamed receiving something from them, but in the end I am also one to receive everything from the big boy.


I hope everything goes well with him… I just hope he doesn't kill anyone there.


For the next few hours until noon, I spent the time playing around with the kids. Miss Rina is grateful that there is an extra person dealing with the children, since she obviously will get tired dealing with them by herself all the time. Simply having me here is already helping her health.


Noon finally comes, but Rake still hasn't returned. That guy… I hope he's not going over the boundaries…


But a few minutes after 12pm, someone arrived in the front yard. I was expecting someone to come, and since I heard the gate being opened, I went outside to have a check.


"There's people outside?"

"It's probably that guy."

Miss Rina asked, and I nodded. I stood up and walked towards the door.


But as soon as I opened the front door…




Eight knights are waiting right outside the church.


"T-That's one of them!!"

"Get him!!"


It's the yellow haired bastard's knight group!!


What the shit!??


I knew that running back inside the orphanage is a bad idea, so I began running towards the backyard instead of the side. I can't let the kids or Miss Rina get involved directly, so I ran away from their position.


I jumped the wall on the back and managed to gain some slight distance. But those knights are pretty fast themselves, running from them will be difficult.


Damn it all!!! Where are you Rake!??


I looked behind me, and it seems like they are still chasing. All eight of them, including the yellow haired bastard.


Good, at least their attention is fully diverted to me. They won't be annoying the orphanage any time soon.


I kept on taking tight turns as I ran. Thankfully, the slums are quite tight with buildings, so running in the area is pretty good when you're the one being chased. I also occasionally hide in corners, but I will get found immediately since they are rather keen for a knight.


On my last hiding spot, it was at the edge of the slums. There's a tall wall that is blocking my path, and there is nowhere to go.



I looked around, trying to find anything that could help me hide.


There's a large box on the left side of the wall. Not sure what's inside, but I ran to it with hopes.


I opened the box and found… a cat?




It's a pregnant cat. Oh god, why does it have to be a pregnant cat!?





I forcefully picked the cat up, ignoring the fact that it was biting my fingers and clawing my hands continuously. I dropped it on the floor, and luckily it managed to land. If only it fell on its back, I might've killed the kittens inside.


I began climbing into the large box, and I closed the lid just in time when the knights entered the area.


"Not here!! Check the right turn!"

"Let's go!!"

The knights can be heard shouting as they move quickly from the area. I kept on listening to their footsteps, and made sure that it was completely clear before peeking my head out.


I looked around, and found not a single soul.


L-Looks like I'm safe for now…


I looked below me, and found the cat lying down on the ground. It doesn't look like it's having problems, but it is looking at me angrily.



"What are you doing here?"



A voice came from behind me, and I turned towards the corner of the wall and the building. Rake is right there, leaning his back.


"H-How long have you been there…?"

"Two seconds. How did they find you?"


So he just arrived… he is always so late. I began climbing out of the box as I talked with him.

"They came to the church. For some reason, they went to visit the orphanage. But they didn't expect me to be there…"

"So, they didn't come there to meet you. That's… problematic."

"Yeah. It's like they have a tracker on me--"

"No. That's not it. You are not the problem."

Rake is back on his cold behavior, and not the funny act we agreed for him to do. I noticed that there is no blood on his robe, but there is an abundant amount of dust on it.


"Did you… kill them?"

"I didn't. But, I can't say that I didn't leave them untouched."

"You wrecked everything, didn't you?"

"It was worth it. They messed with us, they got what they deserved."


I let out a sigh knowing what just happened, even though I should've expected it. I turned away and noticed the poor pregnant cat was already walking away.


"Right. Let's go back to the church."

I said while walking away, and Rake followed. He did end up taking the lead, telling me where to turn so that we won't meet the knights.


After ten minutes, we finally made it back to the orphanage again. The building seemed fine, and no wrecks could be seen on the gate, which means the knights had not come here just yet.


We entered the gate, and Miss Rina immediately exited the building.


"What happened? Are you okay?"

She asked me worriedly, and I shook my head as she held my hands.


"I'm fine, I'm fine. I'm very good at hiding."


"T-That may be true, but… why did those knights come here?"

"They definitely came for me. As to how they know about my whereabouts… that's still a mystery. I thought I hid myself pretty well. Did those knights ever visit the orphanage before?"

"Not a chance. They never even entered the slums in the past. This is the first time they've ever ventured this deep, let alone actually visiting the church."

Hearing her explanation, I can't help but realize that bringing the knights here was my mistake all along. Because I'm here, the people of the slums will be getting problems. Just from me being here, those knights will annoy anyone who has ever come in contact with me.


It can be said that… the orphanage is no longer safe from those knights, since they did see me exit earlier.


"That is… unfortunate."

"Not really. It's wonderful."

Rake suddenly said coldly, and I turned my gaze back to him. I can't help but notice the aura around him turning very cold, which gets me shivering very easily.


This isn't an aura, nor was it me imagining things. This is his pressure.


Rake is angry.


"T-Tone down, idiot--"

"Why don't you bring out the culprit, Miss Rina?"

Rake said coldly once again, and that made me shiver even more. The guy is extremely dangerous, and just having him around me is already pretty bad.


And now, here he is. Emitting his anger freely at a poor orphanage lady.


"I-I don't know what you are talking about--"

"Bring Luca out. Now."

Hearing him saying that name made me realize something. Something only a genius like Rake can only figure out quickly by himself.


Miss Rina has said that she has never seen the knights enter the slums in the past, and the only reason they've ever entered was to chase me. She also has said that the knights have never visited the orphanage before, but what if they visited them in another place?

Miss Rina answered based on her experience, which means she has never seen those knights. Ever. 


But what if she wasn't the one who was seeing them?


What if there is another individual in the orphanage that has seen the knights before?


And what if… that individual… is very close to us?


Miss Rina then turned her gaze to the door hurriedly, and it didn't take long for the expected person to come back out. Her hands are wrapped together while her gaze is locked to the ground. A young girl with the age of around nine years old, and her eyes are crying heavily.


The brown haired human, Luca.

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