
Chaos and Conviction

Minerva had been expecting Albus to claim the boy was turning dark for a while now, just because he didn't worship at the altar of the great Dumbledore. This though was way too much and her fiery Scots temper was already close to the surface after three of her first years had to be carried out of Hogwarts tonight. Mount Minerva erupted, pouring scorn as hot as any lava all over the headmaster.

"Albus Dumbledore, you are talking a load of tosh! That boy bears no resemblance whatsoever to Voldemort, either in appearance or actions. He lovingly calls a pair of muggles mum and dad with his wife being a muggle born. Tom riddle didn't have a loving bone in his body, far less the ability to love anyone bar himself. Everyone can see this but you, did it ever enter that mind of yours that perhaps Albus Dumbledore could be wrong?"

Albus was indignant and totally unrepentant, "I'm truly sorry you feel that way Minerva but it won't deflect me from my course. The boy must die so we can all live in peace. It's for the greater good and one day you'll thank me."

That wasn't going to be happening anytime soon as wands were drawn all over the hall, even before Amelia and Cornelius screamed for Dumbledore to be arrested.

The old wizard fired off a curse that radiated out from him, knocking every current occupant of the hall onto their backs. Albus then struck a pose resembling some geriatric superman doing his impression of up, up and away, except he didn't go anywhere. His outstretched arm was waiting on a phoenix that never appeared, cursing Fawkes as a traitor he was forced to think fast. It was pretty much common knowledge now that the Potters had purchased the old Weasley place, Albus summoned a plate and made it into a portkey that would transport him to the spare bit of land that lay directly in front of the old house. The halls occupants were starting to get their bodies back under control and Albus activated the impromptu portkey a mere instant before the stunners flew in his direction.

Amelia was struggling to her feet but already taking charge, "I want a team of aurors ready to transport to the Potters…"


Amelia stared at Tonks, wondering why she dared to contradict her.

"The Potter home is guarded by the best wards money can buy, they won't permit entry by apparition or portkey unless the people concerned are on a very short list of those allowed access. They will have to apparate to the Lovegoods or Diggorys and make their way there on foot. Remus, we need to go now!"

Remus had just returned from showing a team of aurors where the troll was and had missed Dumbledore's exit, his girlfriend screaming at him to follow as she raced past was always going to see him chasing after her. He would find out where they were going as they made their way outside the Hogwarts wards.

Amelia arranged for eight aurors to follow them, four to the Lovegoods and four to the Diggorys. The two teams would then make their way as quickly as possible to the old Weasley place. The head of the DMLE hoped those wards were as good as Auror Tonks said they were, Amelia was heartened when she heard the Longbottom boy comforting Susan and the Bulstrode girl, both of who were crying.

"Don't worry girls, they'll both be safe in their home. The goblins erected those wards, with Harry and Sirius being two of their most important customers, there's no way they'll let that crazy old man through. Hermione's portkey was especially made by the goblins, no other will work. Dumbledore is going to find himself bounced clear into the next county. Entry to Harry and Hermione's home is strictly by invitation only, Dumbledore clearly was never going to get one."

Cornelius pulled Amelia aside, "The press are bound to be here soon, that alert will have them running to Hogwarts in packs. I do not want anything hidden but see no reason not to accentuate the positive here. Young Auror Tonks kept her head when many with more experience would have panicked, she then showed tremendous spirit by daring to countermand your order because she had information about the situation we did not. She also just rushed out of here once more placing her life on the line against a very powerful wizard who's clearly lost his mind. I also understand she voluntarily gives her free time to teach these children how to protect themselves, the heroic actions of this young ministry auror deserve to be highlighted. I can't think of anyone more deserving of an award or a more positive image of the ministry to promote."

Amelia now realised that, while Cornelius had definitely changed, he was still a politician. The difference now though was he appeared willing to heap praise on a person who'd actually done something worthy of it and then be content to bask in the reflected glory the ministry would receive. If this was the price to be paid for not only the truth being told, but the guilty punished it was one Amelia would gladly pay. Auror Tonks would have some good things coming her way in the very near future.


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