
183. Maybe, Maybe Not

I waited till Doc was finished with his work before I entered Zach's ward. He almost jumped out of his bed as soon as he saw me but Doc kept him down.

His left arm was in a cast while his abdomen was heavily bandaged with the thick scent of medicines and herbs wafting in the air.

"Don't get so excited," I smiled as I walked up and took a seat on the chair.

I crossed my legs one over other while I crossed my arms at my chest as I looked at Zach's over all condition and then at Doc.

"How are his injuries?" I asked.

"The gash on his side is quite deep it will take around two weeks to heal but he'd be fine enough to move within a week, as for his arm then it will take some time since the bone was broken and the wound is also serious. So, his arm will take around two months to heal completely, until then, no strenuous exercise at any cost." He spoke the last part while giving Zach a stern look while I hummed.

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