
Beneath the Surface

Dumbledore was a bit surprised. Usually when people were faced with uncomfortable silences, they got nervous and started to speak. The fact that none of his guests had uttered a single word told him that they wanted answers to difficult questions. Tentatively, he spoke, "There are a number of things that Voldemort could have done to get a new body. You said that you were in a graveyard?"

Harry nodded yes, but he still wouldn't speak until he got some answers.

"There is a dark ritual that requires a few ingredients. One of them is a bone from a family member." Dumbledore paused and leaned forward in his chair, his gaze fixed only upon Harry Potter as he continued, "The other two are a willing sacrifice and blood forcibly taken. I'll ask you again, were you injured in the graveyard, Harry?"

Not really seeing a way out of this predicament, Harry answered, "Yes, Wormtail took some blood from me after he cut off his own hand." He could have sworn that a small smile seemed to pass across Dumbledore's face, but it was gone so fast he wondered if he could have imagined it.

Sirius had transformed back into his human form a few minutes after Fudge had left the room. He was having a hard time not cursing aloud when he heard Harry describe the ritual. It was going to be very hard for him to not kill that traitor, Peter, the next time that they crossed paths.

Remus knew that the ritual would have an unintended side effect if it were successful. The Horcrux inside of Harry's scar would strengthen their bond as well as provide Harry with his own version of a Horcrux. It meant that Harry would be able to come back from the dead once. Suppressing a shudder, Remus said in a low voice that was almost a whisper, "I would like to see your research notes on that ritual, Albus. We need to know what the possible side effects are."

Dumbledore was slightly nervous about Remus' request. He didn't want anyone finding out Harry was a Horcrux and that he now had a version of one himself. If the public ever got wind of that information, Harry would be labeled a Dark Lord and become hunted. The risk of him being killed before he could fulfill the prophecy was too great. Therefore, he lied, "I don't have those books anymore. I only borrowed them and I took no notes so I wouldn't accidentally leave directions for someone else to travel that dark path."

Remus knew that he was being lied to. There was no way that Dumbledore had let those books go. He would just have to figure something else out in order to get the books. Resigned, he asked, "Do you have the names of the books? Perhaps I could track them down so I can do some research?"

Sighing in resignation, Dumbledore said in a regretful tone, "I'm afraid that I don't. Those books were so old that they didn't have titles, just leather bindings." He made a show of pulling out his pocket watch and stood up after checking the time elapsed before speaking, "We need to head down to the Great Hall for the award ceremony."

He beckoned them towards the door and after they had filed out, he closed it behind them and followed them down to the Great Hall in silence. Dumbledore was thankful that one possible plan that he had figured out was starting to progress properly. Voldemort had miscalculated and provided Harry with the perfect way to sacrifice himself while taking out a piece of Voldemort's soul. The act would also remove Harry's pseudo Horcrux from existence, as it would be used to bring him back to life.

Remus was itching to get back to the library and start researching ways to remove the Horcrux from Harry when he remember Harry saying something about Voldemort's presence in his mind was gone. Slightly relieved, Remus vowed to find the underlying cause of this mystery as soon as he was back at the Black ancestral home.

Harry and Hermione were holding hands on the way down to the ceremony, both lost in their thoughts about what was coming in the future. He gave her petite hand a gentle squeeze and pushed his feelings for her through the bond.


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