
Finishing My 'Training'

Sitting in the middle of another classroom we finally finished up the lessons on colourless essence. I had spent years at this stage just learning from this man. In reality the time had not been even a second, of that I had no doubt, loneliness filled me as I remembered the kisses of Shuna and the playful if crazy hugs of Milim.

He tapped the board and continued talking on all of the colours of essence. Over these years of learning about these essences and the fact that they represented the majority of magic in themes and uses. 

RED, with its primordial roots to creation itself. The forging of planets, volcanoes, tectonics, atmospheres, explosions, implosions, detonations... these were all just a few things that this essence represented.

BLUE, the concept and idea of magic itself. Changing one's fate or circumstances. Disruption, Space, Gravity, Dimensional Energy, Water, Reflections, Spells, Mage-craft... This essence was essentially the 'meta-physical' essence of reality, the threads with which reality combines things.

WHITE, a concept hard to wrap your head around. It embodied purity, goodness, health, positivity, the psyche. But it also embodied the soul and its everlasting nature within existence. Raistlin had even made mention of an ocean he had read about that embodied this essence in higher dimensions.

BLACK. It was an essence that was death. Undeath, death, blight, disease, pestilence, rot, gluttony, curses, wrongness, evil, malevolence, torture... It was the anti-thesis of WHITE, the opposing balance of the purity of souls. The stuff of reality's plights, the substance that brings all the wrongs and dangers of the real world and also the meta-physical world.

GREEN, Nature and life. It essentially boiled down to the start of life, the spark that began it all and sets all life forms apart. From the smallest molecule of living material to the mighty T-rex of Earth. All of it was a part of the pyramid of GREEN essence, an unknowing expression of the spark of consciousness...

COLOURLESS... An essence that was forged by consciousness; people. This essence was an artificial one that people had made with aid from the other essences. COLOURLESS, expressed itself most within constructs and artefacts. From turning golems into sentient AI to making slave robots... It was possible with this essence.

Naturally we had gone through all of the aspects of these essences, their in-depth concepts and how they interacted with rules. There existed many Dimensions and Worlds that only had certain colours' influence. All worlds had small amounts of all elements but usually one or two essences dominated. Earth was apparently one where Colourless Essence had started to usurp Green's place, the power of technology driving forwards the world's evolution in the stead of Life itself. Despite major questions I had at the time he had ignored them and continued on. At the time I was angered at his attitude but I realised now that the topic was simply too expansive to stop for inconsequential questions whilst I knew so little.

Apparently these essences weren't the only ones too. There were a multitude of different essences that could effect Dimensions. Some had completely forged their own 'colours' of essence or even just a completely foreign one. When I had asked him about those he simply snorted and continued on, the sign being that I did not have the qualification to know yet. Frustrating would be a mild way to put the whole experience but at this stage of learning and comprehending, I just wished for it to be over. I wanted to embrace my wives, smell their perfumes, spend a night watching Master Chef... Raistlin's lecture finally finished, the information filtering into my mind as he pointed a finger at me. A beam of pure white energy filtered into my forehead before vanishing. Hundreds of books on Dimensions filling my mind, for future reading purposes.

"If i keep you any longer I fear you will attempt to destroy my tower. Leave. Go meet your partners. When you reach a stage that you wish to know more, simply call my name out into the time-dimension."

"Mhm. Thank you, I guess."

"There is no issue... I apologise for treating you as I have, it is painful to teach properly for me, always has been, but you needed it."

I looked up and saw him smiling kindly at me. He looked like a gentle and frail old man, tiredness seeping into every crevasse of his being. Wrinkles were creasing his forehead as his body seemed much more decrepit to me. If his physical image was to say anything, I would think he was slowly dying. He looked malnourished and lost, the light behind his eyes dimly gleaming amongst the darkness of his soul's burdens.

"If i do not see you again... I wish you a good life, daughter of Tiamat and Gaia..."

His hand waved towards me as I reached out towards him, my eyes widening and my muscles flexing to stop his power even if temporarily. It failed. My vision narrowed and I found myself falling through a black void, the tower's scenery lost to me. Falling, that was all I could sense. Vision was impossible as I slammed down against a hard object, my breath being expunged from my 'lungs' as I was slapped forwards, my rotation acting much like a spinning clock-arm.


I inhaled as I sat straight up. Leaning against the edge of the fountain I saw multiple different people from the city surrounding me. Frowns, biting of lips and scratching of heads giving me the impression that they had stopped to help me but knew very little about actually doing it. My brain was a little fuzzy but soon cleared as my Ultimate Skills kicked in, my Infinite Mind working at full power to collect my memories and order them. 

'Yes, I fell. That won't do.'

Standing up I felt the rules much clearer in the world, my eyes finding minor runes hovering in the air or in my mind when some concepts influenced me. I flexed the concept of Gravity, specifically anti-gravity, floating upwards to my feet as my tails splayed out behind me. My Magicules were contained perfectly within them as they each had a different colour, light fluctuating off of them. Radiation from the sun warmed me as I felt the hot embrace of reality for the first time in years. I flexed my hands, the muscles straining slightly as my body was still somewhat tired from using so much magic previously. My perception of people around me was slowed, their faces reflecting my face through their eyeballs. I rolled my shoulders as I stretched, my control over everything around me giving me less security and more concern.

I was most definitely not the only one who figured this out. Ainz must have figured some of the system out to develop gate spells again. This meant that mages from Nazerick were most likely stronger, all of the NPCs would be stronger. Calling them NPCs felt wrong for some reason now, they were always real people, just the dimensional perceptions limited the person that Ainz used to be from interacting with them. Much like beings of god-like power in the 4th Dimension could toy with us or our reality, he could do the same for the dimension his 'NPCs' were within.

'I was stupid... We could achieve peace. They aren't just AI, they are people... If i knew this earlier...'

'Best not to cry over spilt milk. We could achieve it in future, possibly?'

I used my Future Perception of Time to try and see the outcomes of that possibility, only to find that there was no definitive answer. All previous visions I had seen lead towards Nazerick being enemies with us, this was based on the logic of things remaining as they were at the time however. If things change? The visions could change entirely... The first act of repairing this bridge would be to see if I could bring back Shalltear. One soul out of my million plus souls.

'White essence could do it. But I could also use Green and Black... Bringing her back as an Undead would annoy the Dryads... Eh, who cares, they can whine all they want.'

|This act would require a monumental amount of magicules...|

'From your vantage point, yes. From mine? It is just understanding what essences and concepts to grab at... Plus I am in a unique position because I have her soul within me, as a part of me.'

|... Fine... Let us assume you can do it without error or issue. What will she do when she sees her mortal enemies appear before her again, her soul not having been at rest within you?|

'Nothing... Because she will be unable to do anything.'


'Morgan. Trust me, like I did when I inadvertently gave you control over my magic from the start and let you continue to do it...'

|Bitch! You didn't trust shit, you didn't even know!|

'Don't know what you are talking about... *Whistle noises*'

I grinned as Morgan began to argue in my mind. My time perception slowly faded as the runes returned to my eyes. Time returned back to normal flow for my senses, the voices of several citizens turning panicked as they saw an unconscious woman suddenly teleport into standing and look at them all with a placid and controlled expression. It was fun to try and see things from their angle.

"M-miss! You should see the apothecaries or something!"

A rather rough and burly looking Goblin looked at me with his facial expression tightened and swooped downward in concern. I smiled at him and chuckled a little. Some of them had wonder cross into the light inside their eyes, recognition finally striking them.

"Silviana-sama! C-c-can I have your autograph!?"

Red hair was tossed in the wind as a woman rushed up to me and got close enough that I could smell her breakfast on her breath. The entirety of her face was lit up in excitement as a slight vibration in her voice and step made her look like a wind up toy. Joy of being able to interact with people like this swept into me and I nodded whilst going to talk.

"Of course. Your name will now be Alexandria."

Pure gold flashed through her body as the entirety of her body became more beautiful. A fox tail slowly grew from her back as it began to take on the colour of a tumultuous storm, the lightning crackling along the fur of her newly gained tail. She was previously an Oni woman, now she was a Nocturne Fey... One of my species. I turned to the goblin man, as he quickly glanced between me and the woman, the situation confusing him to no end.

"For the act of trying to help me, someone who was a complete stranger... Your name shall now be Romero."

Golden light flashed and his body was quickly consumed in a mass convergence of golden light. Concepts were merged into the light but a sheen of the World's will smothered my vision of them, as if it were a closely guarded secret. Shrugging at the unavailability of the concepts I waited for the man to finish his evolution. Minutes passed until my magicules slowly seeped into his body and became his own. He was now a tall elven-looking man with greyish skin that glimmered under the gossamer beams of sunlight. Every element of him shone in new light, including the soft pink and purple tail that seemed to phase in and out of its form. 

"Ah, um, t-thank you I guess...? Does this mean I have to do as you say now?"

"If i said yes?"

He paled a little as he looked into the distance, his mind obviously wandering to something personal. I leant forwards a little as I began to laugh, the man turning back to me and frowning.

"It's not funny..."

"It is, because I am messing with you!"

He turned utterly emotionless as he just gazed at me. Hilarity was not found within him at all in this situation. Meanwhile the woman I had just named, Alexandria, was fiddling with her newfound tail.

"WOAH!!! Its so fluffy...!"

"Romero, if you do not wish to work for me then that is your choice. But i think that Tempest has some need for powerful, but moral people. Perhaps becoming a Judge, or a teacher... After being taught of course."

His expression became dazed for a little but he slowly began to frown. A few times since he did so he looked close to speaking but failed to do so.

"Tell me, what is the issue?"

"M-my wife needs healing... Along with my child... They both are suffering from a disease. She came from a human kingdom in hopes of finding a cure. When I met her she was so lively and lovely, I almost instantly fell in love with her. We married a few months ago after we found that she was pregnant... Little did we know that she would get worse."

"Take me to her."

"A-are you sure?"

"Please. I would not have someone who could be cured die because she couldn't ask for help."

Tears slowly slipped from the corner of his eyes before he wiped them off in a manly display of emotional strength. The red-head beside him grinned from ear to ear as she stepped up beside me and tried to act more important than she actually was.

"Of course I'll come and help! I am sure I- we, can save her!"

The rest of the crowd that was assembled before backed away with her display, many of them not wanting to interfere with my day at all. My reputation was good and caring, but they knew I was a demon lord and that such a position required respect. Normally I would shake my head at such stubborn etiquette but I was too consumed in Alexandria's grandstanding. She was way too energetic.

'Do i just have some way of taking all of my own energy and conveying it to other people?'

|No comment|

'Hmmmph, you are just still mad you lost the argument.'


He continued for another minute as Romero began directing us towards his house. A little detour before I would go and meet Shuna. I needed to give her a hug and just be around her.


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