
Flexing Powers

Waiting for any possible reaction from Rimuru's end my sight was drawn to Diablo. The Primordial Demon was looking at Rimuru with reverence as he sent small glances in my direction. It seemed he was ready to attack me if I posed a threat. A small part of me felt utterly interested in his reaction if I were to speed up to him faster than he could perceive. An almost child-like intrigue and giddiness thrumming into my heart and mind at the same time.

'My Fae nature is kicking in...'

I shrugged my shoulders faster than almost anyone here could register. Rimuru easily doing so as his slowly fading red eyes squinted before returning to its usual blue hue. At this stage I was committed to the prank. Therefor, I tensed all of my muscles. My body was gone from its previous position. My position now face to face with Diablo who hadn't even registered my existence yet. 

Laughter echoed from Rimuru as Diablo recoiled. My newly attained fae nature cackling at the minute expressions and mannerisms of the Primordial Demon. I felt jubilant at the fact that I was able to see him react like that. The feelings were sustained for a few seconds before my reflexes detected a punch coming from Diablo. 

With a snap of wind the physics of my previous movement caught up. Friction, wind and many other forces snapped in his direction as he was blown away into a nearby building. His fist was naturally deflected in the remnants of the shockwaves, thus I just ignored my triggered instincts. Turning to see Milim and Shuna walking down the road towards us. Shuna looked unexpectedly happy, her form changed as her horns were completely gone and in their stead were a pair of beautiful elven ears. My ascension also affected her it seemed as she was now one of my species. As my sweetheart and wife this was naturally a little jarring. Her beauty and hair hadn't changed much however as her eyes were still bright redish-pink. 

Milim left Shuna's side in an instant, her body leaping at an incredible speed towards me. Unlike other times though, I was prepared this time and held out my hands. Extended arms met my own as I caught her and spun us around a little, dragging he closer to my body as I embraced her tightly. The warmth and smell of her and Shuna was nostalgic to me, as if I had spent millions of years away from these two and only just come back home to them. Odd was such a dissatisfactory word for me to use but it was the only one that could describe my emotions. She wrapped her legs around me as she dug her head into my breasts, taking a deep smell. Shuna ran up to us and leapt at me, my mind conjuring a set of hand to drag her in so my actual hands could scoop her too.

Her body was a little small for me now as I was currently standing at 6'2, my eyeline matching with Diablo's perfectly. Shuna snuggled into me as well, the celebratory cries of citizens around us creating a small pocket of privacy that oozed with love and care. That was another change, I could feel their love for me, as could they no doubt. They had ignored it so far but I couldn't help but notice everything about myself and my women now, from the small hints of lavender that Shuna used to scent her hair, or the aroma of Honey coming from Milim's lips... It was all there.

"I love you both, so much."

Their responses were mainly muffled hums as they were stuck to my body, their bodies not wanting to detach from mine. I laughed at their antics as I understood they were saying they love me too. My heart felt complete, full, so many echoing emotions of love pouring through our connections. The connection strengthened to such a point within the span of two seconds that there were small tattoos emerging on the ring fingers of all of us. Small lock tattoos emerged on their fingers solely as on my own a singular key was pressed into my skin. The locks were heart shaped whilst my key was coloured in a beautiful pattern that was equivalent of a moving aurora. Bonus, was that they were animated by magic, the 'ink' or magic that made this connection radiating energy in such a way that it made them look like actual rings to those who were not keenly observative. 

"Suppose it is a little late to ask you to marry me...?"

"Shut up honey!"


They retracted from me only to leap at me and drop me to the ground, my skull fracturing the cobbles below as it slammed against it. Shuna looked concerned for a moment until she saw my eyes gazing at hers, Milim kissing me on the lips in the meantime. That little exchange ceased when she noticed Milim getting ahead of her. Soon I kissed Shuna as well and watched as the two of them began to argue a little. 


A small heart beat radiated through the connection as a pink energy washed over the two, their thoughts linking for a few moments as they shared their true feelings. With an ease unexpected, to even myself, this was super effective. They both blushed and stared wide eyed at each other until they both, simultaneously, grasped each other's right shoulder with their left.


"Oi! Everyone forgot about me!" 

I ignored Yuna's voice as she strode over. Her form was now much more eloquent, demonic horns joining her hair in a backwards flow as bright purple light spilled out of her irises. She was around 6'1 in height but was plenty more buff, her muscles having muscles. Naturally this look wasn't grotesque in anyway, it simply looked like her muscles gained definition, a lot of it. Her mid-riff was exposed as she wore a sports bra type clothing. On her back was a massive great sword, the weapon looking heavy and cumbersome. 

"We didn't forget about you. We just woke up as well."

"Makes sense! Right. Will you become my sister!?"

She yelled the last part, her attitude utterly serious despite the child-like manner in which she asked for it. I swore sometimes that Veldenava must have been a womaniser because she was so much like Milim in some ways... Annoying and over energetic at times... 'Fuck, i find her annoying like she is my actual sister!'

A wave of power washed over Yuna as the woman's eyes radiated an ominous purple glow which instantly faded.

"AWWW... You did think of me as a sister! Yay!" She tried to run over to give me a hug but was given death stares by my women as they hated that our moment was interrupted. Wisely she dropped the idea and instead sent me a thumbs up. She ran off a second later to go find her adopted little brother, a strategic move as my women were fed up with her at this current moment.

"Honey... Why did you let her interrupt?" 

Milim was whining as she pouted, she wasn't happy.

"Well, you heard it from her. She's way too much like a sister. Plus, she is a Supreme Demon Lord now, best not to ignore her."

Milim rolled her eyes and flared her power, her head burying into my breasts as Shuna simply laid on top of me. Normal people would say it was uncomfortable but my fae side was finding this all very quizzical. My women may be a bit selfish when it came to me but this was something I loved about them, they wanted my attention all the time and it was my privilege to give it to them.

"Silviana, if you are done? We have some matters to consider." 

Milim shot Rimuru a dark look but only received a small smile from the slime as he glanced between me and my women. I sighed before pulling on the power within me, my tails lighting up as a wave of unnoticeable magic washed over the entire city. 

In a single moment and pulse of my powers all injuries were healed amongst the soldiers and citizens. Fires that were blazing were snuffed out. I could have done more but It would have been excessive and taken away the seriousness of the conflict, something I wished to retain within the minds of the citizenry. Our nation is not maintained by kindness alone, it is blood, sweat and tears that found a nation and keep it.

"We are here to lead and make it prosper, not to take away the seriousness and reality of life from our people."


Surprisingly Rimuru picked up on my thoughts through deduction no doubt. Milim didn't care and Shuna couldn't give two fucks as she just noticed some small holes in my dress. Neither had commented on my species change or looks change, their feelings surpassing those things... That was the end of my digestion as Shuna then began a tirade on how she was going to make me even better clothes that would fit me even better and be able to morph on command. 

|You deserve them...|

'Fuck, you're being kind now?'

|Hey! Look, i am a grumpy fucker okay? I am stuck in here and have nothing to do than watch your life|

'Then become a Manas?'

|Ain't that fucking simple, sweetie, I am not just a part of a skill|

'Ohhh, that makes sense. Also, please don't call me sweetie, it sounds wrong coming from you.'


I slowly floated upwards, Milim coming with me as she dropped into a princess carry, my eyes scanning over Rimuru for a little as I noted the power he was thrumming with. This was certainly a more powerful version of Rimuru. It was even more powerful than the vision I had in the past. A flash of vision hit me, Rimuru standing next to a beautiful Japanese woman, Shizu, as behind him was Shion and another woman that looked similar to Chloe from the future/past. In front of them giggles were heard by me, childish ones... That was when it changed drastically, a hovering skull emerging from the void and deflating that previous vision. As if a cancerous cist of malice and anger the skull transformed into armies of undead and a sonorous bell ringing. Such ringing made me blink in small fragments of understanding. The sky ripped open, magicules being infested by a purer form or version of itself.

'That's not good...'

The vision faded as the liminal space took over, the same vision of endless figures emerging and suffusing my mind. Like an anchor point I used this place to shelter my mind from possible danger, time being a dangerous thing even when it is only visions.


"Good to meet you... My name is Caleb Widogast, could you help me understand this place?" 

A spell of a form I was familiar with swirled around the man's throat as his brown eyes glowed dimly in the golden refractions of time amidst this space. My mind grasped at my former world's information where I quickly discovered that this man was from the world of Exandria, a DND world. 

"Hello Caleb? My name is Silviana, what would you like to know...?"


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