
H-High II

*Ding Ding Ding Ding*

I was jolted awake by the long bell ringing, signaling the start of a half-hour break. I stood up and stretched my back, feeling the tension ease as I moved.

The others around me followed suit, rising from their seats. The girls averted their gazes, their cheeks flushed. Honestly, they weren't my type. My taste leaned more toward the seasoned, the kind of women who had a little life experience under their belts—milfs, as the kids called them these days.

The school uniform at H-High was all black, but I wore a white T-shirt underneath, leaving my black uniform shirt unbuttoned on top. It was a casual look.

I walked toward the usual hangout spot, the school terrace, where the atmosphere shifted significantly. This place was reserved for the top members of The Division—a private area with couches, a bar, games, and everything a club had to offer.

I plopped down on the comfy couch in the middle, breathing in the fresh air and soaking up the light rays of sunlight that filtered through the trees.

Meatshield No. 1 and No. 2 took their seats beside me, their massive forms almost dwarfing the couch. The others stood around, keeping a respectful distance, their eyes flickering between me and the views from the terrace.

As I checked my mobile, a message from my mom caught my eye. She needed me to pick my sister up from school since they were having a food fest. I sighed, what a drag. I wasn't really in the mood for any extra responsibilities today.

Just as I was settling in, the bread shuttle arrived, carrying my favorite snacks and drinks, along with my completed classwork. It was always a relief to see him, my little midget, He did the heavy lifting while I focused on the more important aspects of living a comfortable life.

As I munched on some chips and took a sip of my drink, an idea sparked in my mind. I turned to him, curiosity piqued. "Hey, do you know anything about Big Deal?"

The moment the words left my mouth, the atmosphere shifted dramatically. Everyone fell silent and was staring at me.


Jiho Sung POV (Meat shield No:3)

I leaned back against the rough wall of the terrace, the sun casting a warm glow over my face, and watched as my Hyung, relaxed on the comfy couch in the middle. He always had a way of commanding attention without even trying—an effortless charisma that drew people in. But today, something felt different.

The air was thick with tension. I could see it in the way our crew members fidgeted and exchanged glances, a palpable restlessness that hinted at the brewing conflicts with other major crews.

"Hyung," I began, my voice steady despite the buzz of anxiety surrounding us. "I've been wondering when you're gonna make a move. Our guys are getting restless with all the sparks flying from the other major crews around us." I gestured to the sprawling city of Seoul that lay before us, a place once ruled by the previous king of Seoul, a turf where power dynamics shifted like the winds. "We're in central Seoul now, and our rapid growth has surely caught the attention of the big shots."

Hyung raised an eyebrow, intrigued. I continued, eager to lay out the landscape of the current power struggle. "If you want to know what's happening, you first need to understand the four major crews." I took a deep breath and steeled myself to dive into the world of gangs that had become our reality.

"There's the Workers, Big Deal, God Dog, and Hostel." I could see Hyung nod, urging me to go on. "Let's start with God Dog. They emerged from a collection of various crews, all united under Johan Seong, a new player on the turf who's proven himself by taking out those who challenged him. It's tense in their ranks, especially since Jin Jang, the second in command, has to manage all the chaos. Johan uses fear to control his subordinates, and he does it well. His crew is composed of the 'Old Boys'—Dominic Min, Scott Kwon, Hope Park, and Ivan Park. They're the elite, but without a formal hierarchy; it's all about who can strike the hardest."

I paused, allowing the weight of the information to sink in.

"Then we have the Workers. They're based south of the Han River and led by an unknown. They're a different breed—they earn their money through legal means and conduct themselves like a proper business. They wear suits, for crying out loud! Unlike the others, who thrive in the chaos, Workers maintain a façade of professionalism. They've divided themselves into several factions, and each faction operates independently while still recognizing their ties to the main crew. Their status is marked by badges, each with its own significance."

"They have VVIPs, individuals treated with the utmost respect—only a few of them, Then there are the presidents of each affiliate and a bunch of other ranks. But trust me, it's all just for show. The real power lies in those who can act without needing badges."

I could see Hyung's expression shift from mild curiosity to a focused intensity. "And then there's Hostel," I continued, my tone shifting slightly as I mentioned the next crew. "They're centered in Guangdong, east of the Han River. Their leader, Eli Jang, built the crew from his orphaned friends, forming what he calls a family. Each member has a role—Eli as the father, Sally as the mother, and so on. It's like some twisted family drama, but they're strong because of that bond."

 "And Big Deal?" he asked, with a carefree expression, to be this confident in his strength, he is something else entirely, I'm glad I decided to follow him.

I nodded, knowing Big Deal was where the real danger lay. "They're based in Gangseo, west of the Han River. They've got history here, but not much is known about their origins. They operate on a number system, which means the lower the number, the more important you are. They're more romantic than the other crews—they don't fight dirty, and they won't tolerate those who do. But they're trying to encroach on our territory, especially in the money lending game, and they've been pushing some of our affiliated businesses to merge with them."

A heavy silence settled between us as I finished laying out the current state of affairs. I could see Hyung processing everything, his mind racing with possibilities. I knew he was calculating the next steps, by following him I knew he likes challenges and hates people getting in his way.

"Hyung, we need to act soon. We can't let them dictate the pace anymore. The longer we wait, the more restless our guys will become." I leaned forward, lowering my voice. "If we strike first, we can show them that The Division isn't just some upstart crew—they'll learn that we're a force they have to respect."

"Alright, we are meeting Big Deal today"

I felt a rush of adrenaline at his words, knowing that we were on the brink of something significant. With our crew's strength and Hyung's leadership, we had the potential to turn the tides in our favor we can get Gangseo under the rule of Division.

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