
Lost in the Flames.

The room exuded opulence with soft pink hues, featuring a majestic four-poster bed, intricate ceiling molding, and a grand chandelier. Tall, arched windows with heavy curtains allowed natural light to illuminate the luxurious details. A large patterned rug, ornate bedside tables, a plush chaise lounge, and pink armchairs with gold trim created a perfect blend of comfort and sophistication. This inviting, regal retreat whispered secrets of a grander time, setting the stage for a story steeped in elegance and mystery.

"My lady, where should I put this one?"

"You may put it on my desk."

I was sitting in front of my mirror. "This feeling is so normal," I said to myself. I felt a longing for someone else, a feeling like loneliness.

I wanted to go with him, to guide him, to secure his safety, but my duty wouldn't allow it. I stood up and went to my desk. I saw the report papers I was investigating. "Mei," it said. The name seemed familiar. Had I come across this person before?

"My lady, you seem sadder than usual," the maid said as she tidied my room.

"Is that so? I look sad, huh?" I replied, glancing at her.

"Perhaps it's because of my little whim of not going with him," I added with a bitter smile.


"Mom, are you inside?"

I can recall everything from my past. My mom was the head of the Warden organization.

"Come inside, dear."

I carefully twisted the doorknob. I was probably seven at the time. When I entered the room, my mom was speaking to a small child, probably around my age. I was surprised that my mom had brought a child into our house. I peeked at the boy from behind my mom. He looked weak and meek. He glanced at me, but his eyes were expressionless.

"Lykon, this boy here is named Flower."

"Flower? What a girly name," I commented, judging the boy secretly. He had white hair and red eyes, which made him seem like a cursed child to me.

"Do you think so? Haha, I found him in a garden of flowers, unconscious and freezing to death," my mom explained. "I couldn't think of any other name, so I called him Flower. He doesn't mind it, but what do you think?"

I looked away, noticing a vase nearby. I walked towards it, took the flowers inside, and then approached the boy, who was looking at me curiously. I tried to hand him the flowers. "Here. Flower. My name is Lykon. Nice to meet you."

He only looked at me and then at the flowers before taking them. He didn't speak, so I wondered if he was mute.

"Mom, why doesn't he talk?" I asked.

"Forgive him, Lykon. Little Flower is still adjusting."

Adjusting, huh?

I stared at him. That day, the boy seemed mysterious, but I didn't want to do anything unreasonable, so I just let things go on.

A few weeks later.

This boy my mother named Flower always barged into my room without notice.

"Lykon! Wake up!"

I rubbed my eyes, trying to wake up. "What is it, Flower?" I said. I really thought this boy wouldn't ever speak. Still, it surprised me how attached he was to me.

"I can play it. I can play the piano piece you asked me to play." He was different from other children. He was smart, remembered everything in detail, and could also help my mother with her work.

"Really? But you just heard it last night, didn't you?" I said. I didn't believe him at first, but when he played the piano in the living room, he nailed it. He played The Étude Op. 25, No. 6 in G-sharp minor, also known as the 'Thirds Étude.'

"How... in the world could you play that when you told me you don't have any memories of playing an instrument?" I asked, amazed and a little scared. This child was no ordinary child.

He played the piano so well, it was hard to believe.

Every day, whenever he didn't have to work with my mom, he would hang out with me. He would give me flowers every day, always with an innocent smile on his face.

"Hey, listen." We were in the garden, just the two of us.

"Hm? What is it?" I asked, eating a waffle made by my mom.

"I'm a curse." My eyes widened, and I looked at him immediately.

"What are you playing at now?" But he smiled at me in an eerie way. "I put a curse on this place. It won't be long until the people here are affected by it."

I sighed and pinched his cheek, annoyed. "If you put a curse here, then I'll have to punish you." I muttered. Though he often said things like that to get attention, I couldn't help but worry.

"Here comes the punishment!" I said, tickling him. He laughed and giggled in excitement.

What a weird boy.

A few more days passed with Flower around the house. One day, a member of the Warden organization came to visit us. They were carrying a glass box with a red crown inside. Flower and I were watching from the second floor while my mom greeted them.

"I wonder what the crown is for?" I asked, but Flower didn't respond. When I looked at him, he was gripping his head tightly, his eyes unfocused, as if he was hyperventilating.

"AHhhggg...gg.hhh..." he was struggling to breathe. "Flower? What's wrong? Flower!" I shook him, but he didn't seem to hear me.

Panicking, I ran to my mom. "Mom! Flower seems troubled!" I said urgently.

"What? Where is he?!" My mom followed me immediately, but when we got back to where Flower had been, he was gone.

"Flower..." I whispered, fear creeping into my voice.

Everything happened so fast. The next thing I knew, I found Flower dead in his room. Our house was on fire.

"This can't be happening. No... Mom... Flower!"

End of flashback.

I sat up, shaking off the haunting memory. "Now then, I should start my work here," I muttered, compiling the papers and getting ready to set out.

Today, while I was writing, I was listening to Ib's theme titled "Memory." My emotions were swirling inside, a mix of sadness and happiness at the same time. I was wondering if I should continue writing. It feels like I'm not meant for this. I want to be a good writer, but it's so hard. I just want to cry.

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