
| 213 | TIMESKIP: Part One - United World Government Establishment

The confidential assembly situated in the Citadel's Hall of Unity was a short and secretive meeting of the higher echelons directly summoned by the highest authority of the United Navy. The reasons or objectives about what the conference entails remains a mystery in the sanctum of the UWG. 

However, it was clear that what followed after the meeting the establishment of a country under the authority of the naval organization, the United World Government.

The United World Government was announced in the celebration of victory in the 4th of September, Year 0002 of the United Calendar. The abrupt announcement was met with all kind of reactions, especially from the allied islands.

It was through this declaration that they had realized their partner wasn't a country on its own, but merely a naval organization. Even though the United Navy acted like a nation of its peculiar circumstance, it wasn't. 

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