
Omniscience in Marvel 8

Title: Touching Upon Divinity.


MC's POV (Continued)

Looking down on the Earth below me, I decided to just free fall and see where I'll land. Wherever it is, I could just build a cave or something where I'll get a bit of shelter.

Seconds tickled by and soon, I was only a few meters away from solid Earth. Coating myself with my cosmic energy, I allowed myself to be swallowed by the earth until I felt I was down enough.

"Disintegration." I muttered slowly causing the energy around me to spread, destroying everything in its part for a few meters.

"Damn. That took a lot out of me." I said as I looked at the small space I had just created. It took a good ten percent of my cosmic energy just to use that technique.

While free falling, I had thought about a technique that could achieve this particular effect, and this was the result.

A Destruction Level Ability, and as it's name intoned, it wasn't something to be used lightly. Due to the small area it affected, it didn't take much of my Energy, but anymore than the current 10 meter square would've seen him exhausting his reserves.

With a mere forty percent of my energy remaining, creating a habitable home shouldn't be a problem. The only issue was that of light. As a Deviant, I could see in the dark, it was probably a physiological trait, but as a human, that wasn't pleasant.

So creating the desired home in my mind, I allowed it to come up with the perfect level of Energy it would need to create said home, and followed by a small explosion, my energy levels plummeted.

Still, looking at the opulent and modest looking one room apartment, I couldn't help but nod.

"I really am a genius."

[Short Timeskip]

The balance between my soul and body had reached a new level of harmony, an unexpected development but not unwelcome. The very ability to convert energy with a mere thought hinted at an untapped potential.

But the challenge remained: replenishing my spiritual energy without depleting my cosmic reserves. The balance between the two was a puzzle I needed to solve.

As I contemplated the task before me, I realized that I could harness the power of my Absolute Intelligence to create a solution. Just as I had manipulated the psychic Energy to form a barrier around the cosmic energy, I could do the same to create a reservoir for my spiritual energy.

With a focused mind, I delved into my inner world and began to weave the fabric of reality within it.

Now, I wasn't a normal person. In my True Form, I was a Creator, and drawing upon the boundless depths of my knowledge, I formulated a plan to construct a mindscape—a sanctuary where my spiritual energy could flow freely without fear of depletion.

A constant cycle.

With my eyes closed, I entered a state of deep concentration, allowing my thoughts to drift. In the vast expanse of my inner world which was as Chaotic as the current Earth

"Hmm. Chaos…is it?" I thought out loud as an idea struck me. Wasn't this the perfect canvas for the creation of a perfect world?

Still in deep connection, I willed the Chaotic Energy in my Inner world to begin to compress. Initially, it proved stubborn but with a little application of force, it was subdued and began to follow my Will.

This process continued for an unknown period of time and soon, the Mass of energy had been converted to an Orb the size of a baseball, glittering with a cacophony of colors and exuding a mysterious aura.

Looking at the ball, I envisioned the framework of the mindscape I wanted to create, its foundations rooted in the very essence of my being. A God.

With a flick of my wrist, I released the orb into the center of the Inner World, watching as it expanded and enveloped the entire realm in a radiant glow.

The chaotic energy transformed, weaving itself seamlessly into the fabric of this New World, harmonizing with the very essence of my being as a new world was birthed.

A perfect cycle of night and day with all the elements necessary for Creation was Born, and in that instant, I felt it.

I felt a sudden pull which I allowed, and in the next moment, I found myself back in my physical body. The only difference was…while my eyes was still closed, I could feel my new World.

My Mind-scape felt so close to me that it gave the illusion that I could summon it into reality. Curiously, I tried it only to feel a splitting headache that forced me to open my eyes.

And as I did that, my view of the World was changed…drastically.

Everything felt so…Clear.

"Mind's Eye." I muttered. I just instinctively knew what this new ability was. Also known as The Third Eye or The Inner Eye, a mystical, esoteric, and mental concept that provides perception beyond ordinary sight.

Enthralled in this new perception of the World, my Absolute Intelligence activated once again on its own and began processing everything I saw. For a moment, I felt time come to a halt before speeding up and then rewinding.

Numerous clusters of lines Materialised in front of me causing me to stretch my hands to touch them, but as I did, I blacked out.

However, whether it was due to the Temporal anomaly I felt, before passing out, I felt a few pairs of eyes try to zone in on my location. Before they could however, the sound of glass shattering rang out before I was welcomed by the darkness.

Normal POV.

"He truly is an anomaly." A beautiful brunette said as she stepped out of the Void and arrived at Leucadius current location. Watching his unconscious frame, she couldn't help but wonder whether she'd made a mistake by dispelling her suspicions on him.

After giving him a name, she had felt a familiar connection with the young man that prompted her to keep a close eye on him.

She was that if he truly was an anomaly, then there'd be trouble wherever it went. It was the same with them; Elder Gods, it was the same with Her Spawns and their Spawns after them. It was the same with the Celestials, the Eternals and Deviants.

Anything that went against the norm was an anomaly, but within anomalies, they were the ones that fell into the category of anomalies.

The man Leucadius, was an anomaly amongst anomalies, and expecting history to repeat itself, she had kept an eye on him.

True to her expectations, the young man had touched upon something that he shouldn't have…Not now at least. He was still too weak to contend with the actual people who stood at the top.

It was fortunate that she was strong enough to contend against them since she was in Earth and Earth was her Domain. Had they been persistent in probing for this new anomaly, she feared she wouldn't be able to protect the young…Godling.

For some weird reason, he gave off a unique aura akin to that of Beings with Divinity. She couldn't get a read on what this New divinity was but she was sure it was one.

"It's a good thing he's bound to the Earth then. A New Guardian is always welcomed." The woman, Gaea, said before wrapping him in her own Energy.

Looking around at this new place, she couldn't help but admire the decor of the place. It wasn't as extravagant as those of her children in Olympia but it was beautiful in its own way.

With a small smile of acknowledgment, she disappeared, along with Leucadius unconscious form.


"My King…" A woman stood Infront of a large throne and was about to speak before she was interuppted by the man sitting on the throne.

"Hmm. I felt it too." A man seated on a throne replied to the woman standing in front of him with his eyes closed.

"Do you think it's a human?"

"Impossible." The kind stated with certainty. "Following the destruction, no living being is still left on Earth."


"I know. There's a possibility it's one of our own." The kind said as he opened his eyes and gazed out of his castle. His eyes piercing the walls of the Dimension he was in and extending all the way to Earth.

Unfortunately, as soon as his sight Landed on Earth, it was obstructed by a veil of Energy he wasn't familiar with. He could only attribute it to the cosmic energy unleashed by the celestials and withdraw his gaze.

"Send for Sersi. Have her come here at her shortest possible time." the king said and closed his eyes. "Have Zuras– Thena come with her. There might be a need for their expertise in this new occurrence."

"But my King, the planet won't be able to-"

"We're Eternals. We don't die. Relay my orders." The king snorted coldly, interuppting the woman who bowed with some fear in her eyes nefire turning and leaving.

The king coldly watched her leave before he turned back to earth and sighed. "To think that we'll be forbidden from even returning back to our home."

"It's a necessity…they said. Look where that got us." The king lamented before shaking his head and closing his eyes once more. Hopefully, he could mask Sersi and Thena's cosmic energy, allowing them entrance into Earth.

Unknown to him, Powerful beings were also having designs on this new anomaly they had all sensed and were also scheming their ways into gaining a new ally.


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