
New York Continental Hotel.

<General perspective>

Ava then showed Beau and Zach the beach. They started running around and playing in the water. Ava looked at Regan and Marcus and said, "Take care of those two."

They nodded and followed Beau and Zach. Ava then ordered dinner for thirteen people.

Ava smiled and called Melissa. They talked for a while until Ava received a call from Regina.

Ava answered the call, "Babe, I was just about to call you. How are you, and is your mom alright?"

Regina replied, "Mom and I are alright, but I miss you and Elena."

Ava smiled and said, "Don't worry, you're transferring here next grade, right? Then we can spend every day together."

Regina nodded and said, "Yeah, I'm going to transfer to Los Angeles, but I still miss you."

Ava said, "Elena and I miss you too, but you need to take care of Mom until she recovers, right?"

Ava and Regina talked for a while about their day, but Ava didn't reveal anything about another Earth.

Regina said with a smile, "Ava, your injection is working properly, and the doctor said Mom can recover faster after I injected her with ET-ZAL."

Ava nodded and said, "If any doctor gets suspicious and asks anything, just say that your friend's parents work at Roses Pharmaceuticals."

Regina nodded and asked, "By the way, Babe, where is Elena? I haven't talked to her in 2 days."

Ava replied, "Well, Elena is doing a task that I assigned her."

Regina thought for a moment and said, "Okay, when Elena gets free, please call me. Bye, Babe. Love you."

Ava replied, "Okay, bye. Love you too."

They hung up the phone.

Ava looked at Beau and Zach, who were building a sandcastle while Regina and Marcus helped them.

Ava shouted, "Guys, we need to go back. Your parents might be back."

They nodded and followed Ava back to the lab, where she opened the portal to the factory again. As Ava passed through it with the food and kids, she saw it was midnight.

The kids were surprised as in Ava's world it was just 11:30 AM, while here it was 10:50 PM.

Elena looked at Ava and said, "We've been waiting for you for 15 minutes. I'm hungry."

Ava apologized and distributed the food among them.

Ava also started eating with them.

After dinner, Ava looked at the millions of microbots in the factory. Elena looked at the microbots and asked, "What are these things? Katie is creating them nonstop."

(Pic in the comment)

Ava replied while picking up one microbot, "This is a microbot. It can create most things if provided with material and energy."

Elena looked at the microbot in fascination. "This finger-sized thing can be this useful?"

Elena said, "So can we create a physical model of Callisto? I have completed the program."

Ava thought and said, "Okay, let's do it. We also need nanobots for that, as it needs more than one circuit."

Elena smiled, hugged Ava, and asked, "Wait, you said we need nanobots too, right? Where are the nanobots?"

Ava replied while showing Elena a small robot on her finger, "This is a nanobot."

(Pic in the comment)

Elena glanced at the nanobot and said, "This is so tiny."

Ava chuckled and said, "Of course it's tiny. It can create circuits and many things on a microscale."

Elena nodded and asked, "Do we have the necessary materials for the creation of Callisto?"

Ava nodded and said, "I have the necessary material to create five to six Callistos."

Elena smiled and said, "So, when are we going to start?"

Ava replied, "How about tomorrow? I think you need rest."

Elena thought for a moment and said, "Okay, but where are we going to sleep?"

Ava replied, "There is a motel 100 meters to the west. Katie cleaned it using microbots and cleaning robots, so we can sleep there."

Evelyn and Nora approached Ava and Elena. Evelyn said, "Sorry for intruding on your conversation."

Ava looked at Evelyn and said, "No, it's okay, Mrs. Abbott. What do you want to say?"

Evelyn looked at Nora and then turned to Ava and said, "We want to thank you for taking the kids to the beach. They are smiling like before."

Ava shook her head and said, "No problem. You are working for me. It's the least I can do."

Evelyn replied, "Still, thanks for everything."

Ava nodded.

Ava then informed everyone that they would be going to the nearby motel for the night to rest while drones guarded the motel and the factory. Katie would continue working to create more microbots and nanobots.


In New York, John returned to his old house and dug out the box he had buried when he planned to start a new life with Helen. This time, he was back on the same track, but his hands were free from the blood of innocents. He had a home to return to and a friend like his boss.

John opened the box, took out a gun and a bunch of coins, and drove his new Mustang that Katie had arranged for him to the New York Continental. While John was driving, Ray said, "Mr. Wick, I have a suggestion that might help you with your revenge."

John smiled and asked, "And what's that?"

Ray replied, "We can put a bounty on all the current associates of Mr. Viggo."

John thought for a moment and asked, "And how will that help me with my revenge?"

Ray said, "It will stop people from working with Mr. Viggo, and you won't have to face any unnecessary risks."

John chuckled and said, "Ray, tell me the truth. It's Ava's idea, right?"

Ray admitted, "Yes, it's Miss Ava's idea. But how did you know?"

John replied, "When I was with Ava, I studied her character and nature. You know what I found?"

Ray asked, "What did you find, Mr. Wick?"

John said, "Ava is a very cautious person. She tries to avoid every possible threat that could target her or the people around her. And she is a magician."

Ray asked, "Why a magician, Mr. Wick?"

John chuckled again and said, "Well, everything Ava does is beyond my understanding. So, for me, things I don't understand are magic, and the person who does magic is a magician, right?"

Ray said, "Yes, you are right."

John thought for a moment and said, "I also like Ava's idea."

John stopped the car near the Continental Hotel and went inside.

After entering, Charon saw John and said, "It's good to have you back, Mr. Wick."

John smiled, placed three gold coins on the table, and said, "I want to meet Wilson."

Charon nodded, picked up the telephone, and called Wilson. He then said to John, "Mr. Wick, you can wait in the lounge. The manager will be here soon."

To be Continued...

[Author's note: Please write a review; it motivates me to write.]

[Author's note: Please write a review; it motivates me to write.]

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