
Warning reporters.

<General perspective>

Ava went downstairs, leaving Elena and Regina as the only ones remaining in the room. Elena, looking at the beautiful star-filled sky, said, "It's beautiful, isn't it?"

Regina nodded, "Yeah, it is."

Elena turned to Regina and said, "You like Ava, don't you?"

Regina sighed, "Yeah, I like her."

Elena smiled, "What was her answer?"

Regina hesitated, "She said I have to accept you as her girlfriend if I want to date her."

Elena patted Regina's head, "You don't have to force yourself."

Regina said hastily, "But I really like her, and I also like spending time with you."

Elena's eyes widened, "Is that true?"

Regina nodded.

Elena, looking into Regina's eyes, said, "If you like Ava and also enjoy spending time with me, then why not accept it?"

Regina, flustered, said, "But it's not normal, having a relationship with two people at the same time."

Elena chuckled, "You're worried about whether it's normal or not? Regina, you love a girl, even if she acts like a guy, and that's not considered normal by everyone."

Regina's face turned red as she hesitated, "But..."

Elena interrupted, "No more 'buts.' You know there's a quote in my favorite book: 'Love is a fire. But whether it is going to warm your life or burn it down, you can never tell.' At least try it; you never know what you're missing."

Regina thought for a moment and then replied, "Okay, I will try it. If it doesn't work out, we'll still be friends."

Elena nodded with a smile and hugged Regina.

Elena then showed Regina the book that Ava had given her. Regina didn't have much interest in books, but when she found out that Ava was the author, she got interested. Elena read the book out loud from the beginning so Regina could hear it.

Meanwhile, Ava went downstairs to the kitchen, which was outside the lighthouse in a small house. Ava took out the bag she had brought before arriving here.

Ava thought, "It tastes best when it's fresh."

Ava took out the salmon and started preparing Garlic Butter Salmon and Asparagus. Ava knew how to make it because Melissa liked seafood, so Ava had been forced to learn. After some time, Ava started to enjoy seafood too.

After 15 minutes, the Garlic Butter Salmon and Asparagus were ready to serve. Ava put it on three plates equally and placed them on a big tray.

Ava then went to the bedroom and saw Elena reading the book out loud while Regina listened with her head on Elena's lap.

Elena smelled something delicious and turned to see Ava holding a tray.

Ava looked at Elena with a smirk and said, "Am I disturbing your moment?"

Regina got up from Elena's lap and started pretending that nothing had happened. "Oh, Ava, you're here. I am so hungry."

Elena was astonished by how Regina was acting as if nothing had happened, considering Regina had been using her lap as a pillow.

Elena sighed and took a plate for herself. "It smells good." Regina nodded and put some salmon in her mouth, her eyes widening. "Wow... it's delicious."

Ava smiled and took a bite of the salmon, thinking, 'It tastes delicious when it's fresh.'

Elena said, "It's really delicious, slightly sweet and buttery with a garlic taste."

Ava nodded, knowing she had made it. After they finished their dinner, Ava took the dishes back to the kitchen. Regina and Elena offered to help, but Ava refused, saying there was a dishwasher in the kitchen.

Ava returned to the bedroom to find Regina and Elena reading the book together while lying on the bed. Ava smiled, went downstairs, took out her phone, and called Melissa.

Melissa picked up the phone and said, "Hello sweetie, I was about to call you."

Ava asked with a little concern, "What happened?"

Melissa replied, "Nothing, just wanted to know where you are."

Ava sighed, "Mom, I am at the lighthouse with Elena and Regina, and we just had dinner."

Melissa said, "Oh, that lighthouse. Anyway, sweetie, take care and good night."

Ava replied with a smile, "You too, Mom. Take care of Grandma and Dad, and good night."

After they hung up the phone, Ava then called Helen.


Helen saw Ava's call, parked the car to the side, and picked up the phone. "Hey Ava, how are you?"

Ava replied, "Fine. Anyway, where are you?"

Helen replied, "I just entered Santa Monica after two days of driving. It was a road trip for me, but I didn't get bored since John called me from time to time."

Ava nodded, "Helen, do you have the address for the place you're staying? Get there, and I'll inform the person managing the place about you."

Helen replied with a smile, "Ava, thanks for everything."

Ava said, "Helen, I'm not a saint, and John is working for me. That's why I helped you both."

Helen nodded, "Okay, good night. I need a fresh shower; I haven't enjoyed one in two days."

Ava chuckled, "Okay, good night."

As Ava hung up the call, she thought, 'I need a headquarters for the organization, but I want it to be the best. Building it will take manpower that I don't have. What can be the solution for it?'

After some time, Ava got an idea to solve her problem: "Microbots."

Ava started creating the design and structure of the microbots on the hologram. She saved it in her watch, planning to create them after a week as she wanted to enjoy her days with Elena and Regina.

Katie suddenly said, "Miss, I found that some people are following Mrs. Hana."

Ava asked hastily, "Who are they?"

Katie replied, "They are reporters from different media platforms."

Ava nodded, "Did they get any photos of me or Regina?"

Katie said, "No, Miss. They started following Mrs. Hana this afternoon."

Ava sighed as her tone became cold, "Hack every reporter's phone and personal computer. I want every piece of information about their professional and personal lives."

Katie said, "Got it, Miss."

After a few minutes, the reporters' information was in front of Ava.

Ava said while checking it, "Find any evidence of crimes or anything they would be ashamed of and send it to their phones with a warning: if they follow Hana or try to learn anything about Blue, their entire lives will be uploaded to the internet."

Katie replied, "It will be done. Anything else, Miss?"

Ava nodded and relaxed in her seat, "Inform all the media channels anonymously that if they try to send more people, their private information will be uploaded to the public like those reporters."

Katie said, "Okay, Miss."

To be Continued.....

[Author's note: Please write a review; it motivates me to write.]

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