
Phil got emotional.

<General perspective>

Haley, connect the iPod to the speaker in the hall. Claire said, "Let me select the song."

Haley replied, "No, I will choose." As they were talking, Phil clicked on a random song. While Claire and Haley glared at Phil, he said, "It's just a song, why so much fuss?"

Claire sighed as the song started.

[Talking to the Moon - Song by Bruno Mars] [Female version - Ashley Marina]

-🎶I know you're somewhere out there

Somewhere far away

I want you back, I want you back🎶-

Claire said, "I don't recognize this one," as she looked at Haley.

Haley replied, "Neither do I."

-🎶My neighbors think I'm crazy

But they don't understand

You're all I had, you're all I had🎶-

As Haley and Claire were arguing, Phil looked at them and said, "Can you let me hear the song?"

Both of them nodded.

-🎶At night, when the stars light up my room

I sit by myself🎶

🎶Talking to the moon

Trying to get to you🎶

🎶In hopes you're on the other side talking to me too

Or am I a fool who sits alone talking to the moon?


🎶I'm feeling like I'm famous, the talk of the town

They say I've gone mad

Yeah, I've gone mad

But they don't know what I know

'Cause when the sun goes down, someone's talking back

Yeah, they're talking back, oh🎶

🎶At night, when the stars light up my room

I sit by myself🎶

🎶Talking to the moon

Trying to get to you🎶

🎶In hopes you're on the other side talking to me too

Or am I a fool who sits alone talking to the moon?🎶

Ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-ah

🎶Do you ever hear me calling?

(Ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-ah) oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh🎶

🎶'Cause every night, I'm talking to the moon

Still trying to get to you🎶

🎶In hopes you're on the other side talking to me too

Or am I a fool who sits alone talking to the moon?


🎶I know you're somewhere out there

Somewhere far away🎶-

After the song ended, Claire was about to say something but stopped when she saw Phil with tears in his eyes. Claire hugged him and asked, "What happened?" Phil wiped his tears while sneezing on Claire's shirt, causing her expression to turn a little weird. Phil said, "Just remembered my mother. I don't like her a lot, but it still hurts that she is not in this world anymore."

Claire comforted Phil while Haley disconnected the iPod from the speaker and walked towards the stairs.

Phil looked at Claire and said, "That was one of the best songs I've ever heard." Claire nodded as she looked around and saw Haley going upstairs. She asked, "Haley, who did your friend write this song for?"

Haley thought for a moment and replied, "Well, for her grandfather, as her grandma misses him."

Claire sighed sadly, "Oh," as Haley walked upstairs.

<Flashback Ends>


-Beverly Hills-

Elena woke up in the afternoon and found Ava sleeping while holding her hand. Elena thought, "How cute and peaceful she looks while sleeping, but last night she was like a demon. After I fell asleep due to the overwhelming pleasure, I felt like I was in an oasis." She poked Ava's face with her finger and remarked, "It's soft."

Ava suddenly opened her eyes, startling Elena. Ava asked, "What's soft?"

Elena replied, "You weren't sleeping."

Ava said, "No, I wasn't. I was just lying here. So, how are your legs?"

Elena checked her legs and exclaimed in surprise, "I can move them without any pain. Did that injection really work this fast?"

Ava replied, "Et-zal is a new drug that I created a year ago. It was approved by the medical council last month, but we haven't launched it yet because the government wants a partnership in it. Politics, you know."

Confused, Elena asked, "What does it do that made the government want to partner with a company?"

Ava sighed and explained, "Well, it makes your body recover faster than normal, even psychologically. But it can't recover lost limbs, and it can't be used more than once a day, otherwise, it will harm the user's body."

Elena nodded, surprised to learn that Ava had created it. She asked, "When you mentioned research before, was it technological research or medicinal research?"

Ava thought for a moment and said, "Now that you're part of my family, the truth is that it was genetic research, and I achieved success in it."

Elena's eyes widened, and she asked, "You mean you created a genetic serum like in superhero movies?"

Ava chuckled and replied, "Yeah, you could say that."

Elena asked, "So, that applicator with purple liquid in it was..."

Ava nodded, "Yes, it was a genetic serum named CH-24. Tomorrow, I'll inject you with it, as I've already been injected."

Elena asked with a sad face, "Don't you think it's too expensive for someone like me?"

Ava got near Elena and hugged her, saying, "You're a part of my life now. Even if you wanted to leave, I'd never let you go, got it? And as for expensive things, that serum can't be compared to you. Do you understand?"

Elena nodded meekly as Ava continued, "Now, smile." She tickled Elena, and Elena tickled Ava back, and they both started laughing.

Regina, standing at the door, saw all that and started laughing, saying, "Are you both 6 years old?"

Ava looked at Regina and asked, "Hey, come here. I want to try a threesome."

Regina's face turned red as she ran away. Elena pinched Ava's cheek and said, "You want to try a threesome."

Ava looked at Elena and said, "You don't want to."

Elena's face turned red as she slapped Ava on the shoulder and said, "Because of you, my thoughts had become lewd."

Ava pinched Elena's face and said, "Technically, you should be the one influencing me."

Elena said, "Yeah, I know about it. You are a minor..." As Elena stopped between the sentence and asked hastily, "Ava, how old are you?" while holding Ava's shoulder.

Ava replied, "I turned 15 this year."

Elena froze in her place. Ava saw Elena's expression and asked, "What happened?"

Elena looked at Ava and said in horror, "I am now a pedophile."

To be Continued.....

[Author's note: Please write a review; it motivates me to write.]

[Author's note: Please write a review; it motivates me to write.]

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