
Spending time with Elena.

<General perspective>

In the apartment, Ava and Elena settled in comfortably. Elena was munching on the sandwiches Ava made, while Ava was eating her egg rolls.

After lunch, Ava gave Elena the necessary data for the Calisto project. Elena lounged on the plush couch, an iPad in hand, while Ava looked at her as she checked the data.

They exchanged soft conversation, their voices weaving a comforting feeling in the quiet room. Laughter and shared stories filled the air, creating an atmosphere of ease and contentment.

As the afternoon stretched into evening, they found themselves engrossed in deep conversation, their bond growing stronger with each passing moment.

Ava found Elena closer because Ava was also an orphan in her past life, trying her best to live a comfortable life.

In that apartment, amidst the gentle hum of friendship, Ava and Elena started to learn more about each other.

Elena was intrigued to learn that Ava knew how to sing and had also written songs. Elena requested Ava to sing a song. Ava replied, "I have to get a guitar for that. Kurt has one in his room. I will get it after dinner."

Elena looked at Ava and asked, "Who is Kurt?"

Ava replied, "Kurt is Anna's husband. He and Anna will be home now. It's 06:30 now; let's do this singing dinner."

Elena sighed hearing that Kurt is Anna's husband, but she didn't know why she felt comfortable after hearing that.

Elena was taken aback after hearing it's 06:30, which means she and Ava have been talking for 5 hours. She didn't know how time passed so quickly.

Anna called ava and Elena for dinner, four of them took their seats.

After dinner, four of them got comfortable in the living room, they started talking about how there day was, Anna got a little angry that, Ava didn't invite her for shopping, but ava promised Anna that she will invite her for shopping next time.

Ava looked at Kurt and asked, "Kurt, do you still have the guitar that Anna told me about?" Kurt nodded and replied, "Yeah, it's in the storeroom. I brought it for fun, but that fun didn't last long." Anna put her hand on Kurt's shoulder. She knew that Kurt had tried to learn music for her but later found out that it wasn't suitable for him. Ava said with a pause, "So... can you give it to me?" Kurt smiled and replied, "Yeah, you can have it, but do you know how to play it?" Anna nodded, as she had the same question. Ava nodded and said, "Well, I know how to play. Did you forget my dad owns a recording studio?" Anna chuckled and said, "Yeah, I almost forgot that."

While Anna, Ava, and Elena were talking, Kurt got the guitar from the storeroom and placed it on the table, saying, "Here is your guitar." Ava picked up the guitar and said, "Thanks for the guitar." Kurt replied, "It's okay, it was getting dusted in the storeroom. You can use it." Ava said while checking the guitar's strings, "But still..." Anna interrupted Ava and said, "No 'buts,' just take it." Kurt asked while looking at Ava, "So, can you play something for us all?"

Ava replied, "Of course, you will be the first to hear this song." Anna was excited because she never thought Ava could sing.

Elena took out her phone and started recording because she thought Ava wasn't that good. She believed Ava was just a genius with zero fashion sense. She had been shopping with Ava, and Elena had to choose clothes for her.

[Until I found you - song by Stephen Sanchez]

Ava smiled and began strumming the guitar, the melody unfolding in the room.

As Ava sang, her beautiful voice blended with the guitar's melody.

"🎶Hold you, wrap me up in all your

I want you in my arms🎶"

"🎶Oh, let me hold you

I'll never let you go again like I did🎶"

Elena's eyes widened as she heard Ava's voice and the lyrics. Anna and Kurt had the same reaction.

Ava:"🎶Oh, I used to say

I would never fall in love again until I found her🎶"

Her voice carried the lyrics with an emotion that made the atmosphere in the room romantic.

Ava:"🎶I said, "I would never fall unless it's you I fall into"🎶

🎶I was lost within the darkness, but then I found her

I found you🎶"

As Ava complete the lyric, she looked at Elena, as there gaze meet each other, Elena's face turned red.

Ava:"🎶Hold you, pulled me in, I asked to

Love her once again

You fell, I caught you🎶"

As the soft melody fills the room, Kurt stands up from the sofa and extends his hand towards Anna, with a warm smile. "May I have this dance, my dear?" he asks, Anna was surprised yet delighted by the unexpected request. Blushing slightly, she places her hand in his, feeling the warmth of his touch as he leads her to the center of the room. They sway gently to the music, lost in each other's embrace.

Elena noticed that her face had turned even redder.

Ava smile and Continued:"🎶I'll never let you go again like I did

Oh, I used to say

I would never fall in love again until I found her🎶

🎶I said, "I would never fall unless it's you I fall into"🎶

🎶I was lost within the darkness, but then I found her

I found you🎶"

Elena and Ava's gazes meet again. But this time, Elena has affection in her eyes.

Ava:"🎶I would never fall in love again until I found her🎶

🎶I said, "I would never fall unless it's you I fall into"🎶

🎶I was lost within the darkness, but then I found her

I found you🎶"

As the song ended, Ava put the guitar to the side.

Anna asked, "Wow, you have a great voice! What's the name of the song you're singing?"

Kurt said, "Yeah, you sound amazing! It's an original, right?"

Ava nodded, as it's a famous song from her past life.

Anna hugged Ava and said, "Thank you for this beautiful moment and this beautiful song."

Anna then looked at Ava and said, "I think it's time you should go."

Ava nodded and held the guitar in one hand and Elena in the other, then left Anna's apartment.

As they entered Ava's apartment, Elena spoke with a smile, "They are one happy couple." Ava nodded and took Elena's hand in hers, asking, "Elena, will you be my partner?"

Elena looked into Ava's blue eyes and asked, "Professional or personal?"

Ava replied, "Both."

Elena hesitated, "Let's take one step at a time because I know you won't be satisfied with just one girlfriend. I have to think about it."

Ava pondered for a moment and then asked, "Then let's start as friends."

Elena nodded in agreement.

To be Continued.

[I changed one word in the song so it will match the situation, song belongs to Stephen Sanchez.]

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