
Chapter 63: Destruction

Words: 2,177


[3rd POV]

"It looks like you still have some skills." 

Lest Karr said with blood trickling down his cheek while facing the serious Krul Tepes. 

"But it's time to end these games." 

Lest continued as his hand quickly moved to his belt, pulling out a small sword that immediately grew larger. 

"Sword! Drink more of my blood!" 

Lest exclaimed while gripping the weapon tighter.

"Pff, relying on your sword." 

Krul said it disdainfully. 

A reddish energy began to form around her, and she swiftly struck Lest with her hand, creating a crater under Lest's feet and a nearby tree. 

But Lest managed to hold his ground and swiftly struck with his weapon while slicing off several fingers on Krul's hand.

"We've known each other for centuries. Who knew it would end like this?" 

Lest shook his head.

"Shut up! It's not for you to talk about it!" 

Krul exclaimed with her fingers already regenerated. 

Then, a greenish arrow landed next to Lest and exploded, momentarily distracting him, and Krul took advantage of it.

This time, a reddish energy surrounded her arms and legs to boost her extra strength. 

She jumped at Lest, flipped in the air, and kicked him squarely in the shoulder, causing it to simply split into pieces. 

Lest immediately tried to retreat, but Krul didn't allow him.


Lest Karr exclaimed, and an electric field formed around him, pushing Krul away. He then took up his sword again and let it drink more of his blood. 

He seemed to float a little as lightning cracked around him. 


Krul realized what he was doing as electrical arcs began to run along his sword. She could feel the area becoming charged with electricity.

"Krul Tepes, I hope you survive this so we can judge you." 

At that moment, he felt a foreign energy hurtling towards him at high speed. He quickly turned to parry the blow. 

He saw that it was a greenish arrow as he deflected it away, but he didn't see the cursed bullet that Shinya had fired at him. 

The bullet was aimed straight for his head, but Lest was truly fast. He managed to block it with his hand.

"Damn humans... always." 

Lest's gaze rose to the top of a building where he could see two people. One held a large bow, and the other held a rifle.

"You're always so easily distracted!" 

He endured the blow to his weak chest, but it would take him some time to regenerate.

"Forgive me." 

Krul said only and kicked him in the head, then drank his blood to ensure he wouldn't come to his senses anytime soon.


[Anthony's POV]

"That's quite a strong blow for a human." 

I heard Urd's words as he gracefully regained his balance in mid-air and landed on his feet after my strike. 

Instead of hands, he had bloody stumps that were rapidly regenerating.

"You make a good punching bag for a bloodsucker." 

I replied and attacked him again. 

It was evident that he had a lot of combat experience because he initially dodged my strikes, but I eventually managed to hit him, sending him flying once more. 

I used earth magic to conjure up a stone wall with spikes in his path this time. 

In the next second, I teleported right in front of him and was ready to hit him in the head with it. 

However, I had to dodge a few chains aimed at me. 

One of them managed to cut through my aura and slightly tear my clothes... Those Sinful Keys were dangerous weapons.

"As expected." 

I smirked while looking at Saito, who was trying to trap me with his chains from behind.

"We have one goal... but different ways of achieving it, and I must be the one to capture HIM." 

Saito said it lightly. 

"Urd, how are you holding up?"

"And you... are these your experiments?"

Urd pointed to my regenerated arms.

"No, I still don't understand where he came from." 

Saito shook his head. 

"Your comrades aren't in the best condition." 

Saito noticed when glancing at the soldiers in the distance.

"It's none of your concern." 

Urd's gaze indicated that he and Saito were clearly not on the same side at the moment... but the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

"If you've come against me, are you prepared to die?" 

I asked, and Saito pulled out four Sinful Keys that began to hover over him.

"Let's find out." 

Saiuto smiled, and hundreds of chains flew at me from the Keys while Urd drew a First-Class sword and also aimed it at me.

The tension between the three of us was noticeable, and each had our trump cards. 

Urd relied on his first-class weapon and physical strength, while Saito relied on the Sinful Keys. 

A huge number of chains tried to tear me apart, grab my skin, and hurt me, but I stood in the right stance and took a deep breath, and my heart started to beat faster. 

Bang (A) (15%)

A few seconds ago, the assimilation percentage had risen to fifteen percent. 

Bang's techniques, experience, and much more were being transmitted to me tremendously over these two days. 

It was the actual battles with opponents that gave such a significant boost to the assimilation speed.

I took another breath, and the heartbeat accelerated once again. 

A trembling wave passed through my body, and the Ki inside me momentarily calmed... 

The heartbeat was easy for everyone to hear in less than a tenth of a second. 

At that moment, the Ki inside me began to move chaotically. 

Exploding Heart Release Fist

This technique focused on raw domination in combat, brute physical strength, and destructive power.

Then, I became three times faster and stronger, with a faint afterimage of my figure remaining in the initial position. 

I ran toward the chains that were flying at me. 

In the second movement: the heartbeat continued to accelerate. My fist, protected by Ki, Aura, and Will, flew to meet the first chain. 

My heartbeat and strike were everything that happened in sync. 

The strike resulted from the creaking sound of magical courses and the physical container of the chain being torn apart. 

The shock wave shook all the other chains but did not stop them. 

I moved, struck, and in less than a second, I delivered a hundred blows. 


It looked like a pounding ram had broken all the chains. 

The shockwave knocked Saito aside, and his skin began to bleed. 

The way he clenched his teeth shows that he was in pain because all of these chains were attached to him. 


Urd simply couldn't grasp what had happened. 

They were preparing to attack, but there were sounds of clapping and explosions, and Saito was swept away by the shockwave. 

He was a vampire of millennia and decided to relocate to another place to assess the situation. 

"It won't work." 

I said next to him.

Urd could feel me with all his senses, but I was too fast, even for the Second Progenitor.

He had fought Saito before he betrayed him and won against him. 

He was literally the strongest vampire among all those currently living, aside from the First, and he was losing in speed.

"Gah... good fight." 

Urd said this when he realized that I had ripped out his heart. He began to feel that he was transforming into a demon. 

"W-Why... do you need all this?"

"Do vampires even need a reason for something they find interesting?" 

I replied with a question. 

Urd realized that he might be right, but he wouldn't admit it. 

"Rest in peace..."

The last thing he saw was the gleam of the sword and a sharp pain in his neck.

"Saito, I won't let you escape." 

I declared while still looking at the Urd's body that was turning to ashes. 

I have my Cinnabar Spindle in my hands. After all, vampires have powerful regeneration, and I need a strong or cursed weapon to kill them.

Ferid, Crowley, and Guren with Mahiru had already defeated Ky Luc, and the same was true for Lest Karr. 

The other vampires wisely surrendered when seeing this, but Saito had already regained consciousness and remained.

"You killed him, perhaps it's for the best." 

Saito clearly understood that he couldn't handle me alone. 

At that moment, there was a spatial rift next to him with cursed weapons capable of teleportation. 

"But it's time for me..."


 I said this while feeling my Will and magic execute the command. 

"It's harder to restrain someone like you than someone like Ferid or Crowley." 

I noted and approached them. 


I said this while casting a spell on Saito's weapon and his body. 

The weapon in his body was a not particularly strong demon, but it had the ability to teleport but was very limited. 

He needs beacons to teleport, and he cannot do this often.

On the other hand, Saito's body resembled a mishmash of chains, organs, magical connections, and Seraphim genes. 

But it was clear that he was not a Seraphim.

"Words, what kind of magic is that?" 

Saito asked with interest, but clearly not afraid of what might happen. He might have been a little anxious, but he was definitely not scared.

"I just wanted HIM to notice me... How pathehic that I was able to confess this at the end to my enemy." 

Saito smirked. 



I cut off his head along with the chain holding it, and chains ran along all his limbs like snakes. 

Then, I began to destroy his body with alchemy, but it wasn't too difficult. 

After he was "dead," his magical energy became passive, and I laid him down while feeling the medallion replenish with a strong soul.

"Here you are..." 

The alchemy didn't manage to destroy the four Sinful Keys now hovering before me. 

I didn't want to destroy them myself, but their resistance to this process was much higher than Saito's body. 

I took the four Sinful Keys, merged them all together into one, and then added my two. A bright light momentarily blinded me, and I felt... attention. 

If someone or something had noticed me, perhaps it was just that other space anyone could access with the keys.

"We did it. That was fantastic... although I almost died several times." 

Ferid chimed in.

"Oh, here's my hand." 

Ferid found his hand and raised it while pressing it against his body.

"It was very exciting." 

Guren said with flushed eyes.

"My blood is literally boiling, and I want more battles..."

"Darling, please stop..."

Mahiru tried to restrain him from behind.

"Noya, stop influencing him." 

I looked at Guren especially at the demon inside him. 

My Will pressed slightly on the demon who wanted to protest but suddenly felt pain and backed off. 

Guren also grabbed his head for a moment.

"Damn it..."

Guren fell into Mahiru's arms. 

"Now I'll have a headache all day. Where are the kids?"

Guren looked at Mahiru.

"With Shinoa." 

Mahiru replied. 

"I see you did it..."

Mahiru's gaze shifted to the floating cross next to me.

"Yes, but one is missing."

I replied and put the Sinful Key into my ring.

"For what purpose?"

Krul asked while tossing Lest's body next to her. Lest Karr was still alive but weakened.

"For dealing with Shikama Doji... which you better not interfere with. You wouldn't have been able to handle the Second Progenitor without the Sinful Keys, and it's better not to risk it."

I replied while looking at Lest Karr. 

"Are you not going to kill him?"

"No, I'll try to talk to him... but if I have to, I'll do it." 

Krul answered. 

"I see everyone's alive..."

"I almost died several times."

Ferid raised his hand but was ignored.

"Their arrogance doomed them. They didn't even bother to bring more nobles with them,"

Guren voiced his thoughts and waved to Shinya who had already descended from the roof of the building along with Yoichi and was heading towards us.

The vampires who surrendered were sent to Krul's city as she was now the highest-ranking vampire present. 

It wasn't over yet. 

There were other nobles around the world, and the council would definitely not be pleased with what happened... but the strongest vampire on the council was already gone, so maybe they'd reconsider.

Mikaela and Yuichiro were unharmed. 

They fought with two squads of Moon Demons, completing their task and diverting the attention of the vampires to themselves. 

They even encountered the Fifteenth Progenitors, whom they had fought for a long time, but they killed him due to his superiority and help from Chess and Horn.

There is no longer any danger from the Vampire Council, and there's not much left for me to do. 

I need to return Asumaru into a living body and then deal with the First... whose shadow I saw in the sky. 

I noticed him with wings on his back for a moment before he disappeared. 

He'll definitely be waiting for me.



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