
Chapter 30: Family

Words: 2,255


"Here's Yang's room."

Ruby stopped in front of the door, quickly knocked, and opened it immediately.

"Yang! Yang! They're here to help with your arm!"

Ruby disappeared leaving a trail of rose petals behind, and appeared next to the bed of Yang, who seemed to be in a daze staring out the window towards the forest.


Yang's voice was emotionless and somewhat empty.

"I asked not to be disturbed..."


Ruby smiled awkwardly.

"This is Tony. Remember what I told you about him? How we fell from the ship, and he held me..."

Ruby started stuttering in these phrases and nervously fidgeted with her fingers.

"Hello, beauty."

I decided to speak up.

"Heh, beauty?"

Yang looked at me with a hint of self-pity.


Yang repeated this while pulling her hand out from under the blanket, and a severed elbow appeared.

"That doesn't make you ugly, but what is that defeated expression on your face?"

I stepped forward and stopped by Yang's bed.

"I understand it's strange to hear something like that from a stranger... Well, okay. I'm here to help you."

My gaze fell on her hand.

"How so, Mr. Know-it-all?"

A crooked smile appeared on her face.


Ruby just frowned which looked very cute.

"Ruby, why are you so sweet and nice? Your sister is... well, you know..."

I grumbled just for the sake of it, and Blake and Weiss's heads were visible at the door.

Taiyang might have been there too, but he was probably kept away somehow.

"Yang, did you decide to give up?"

Weiss spoke while looking at her.

"Heh, Weiss... what else can I do? But I'm glad you're all okay... yeah..."

Yang said, and her gaze fell on Blake whose ears were pressed to her head.

"I don't blame you. We've talked about it before... I attacked head-on myself..."

"But he came for me."

Blake said it quietly.

"So, how exactly do you plan to help?"

Blake's tense cat-like gaze was fixed on me.

"Well... I'll just grow you a new hand!"

I shrugged and sat on Yang's bed. Before she could protest, I removed the blanket and touched her leg.

"Hey... ow, w-what..."

Yang exclaimed as her hand began to glow slightly and literally regenerate before our eyes.

The girls in the room just stood there and watched in fascination.

"It looks like that's it!"

I finished still in silence.

Yang herself began to move the fingers of her new hand and then touch it with her other hand.

"Are you going to thank this nice person?"

My arms were spread out, and I gave Yang a small smirk.

Yang threw herself at me with a squeal, knocking me off my feet and landing on top of me. She hugged me and started to talk.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"Oh, well, I can't complain when a stunningly beautiful blonde is hugging you."

I said it out loud.


Ruby "attacked" Yang and hugged her too.

"My hand is as good as new!"


Blake murmured with her eyes suspiciously shiny.

"I'm certainly glad that the adorable Ruby decided to hug me, but we haven't known each other for so long for that..."

I decided to tease them a bit.

After that, they left me alone... on the floor while the four girls started hugging and crying.

Ruby was the only one crying... The others tried to hide it.

However, Yang was definitely the happiest of them all, and in the end, she even kissed me on the cheek.

"You've earned it."

Yang said.

"It seems like I've earned too little."

I admitted this while running my palm over the spot where she kissed me.

"You said it yourself, we don't know each other well yet."

Yang smirked cunningly.

"I gotta show the old man the hand!"

"You have a good relationship."

I smiled as Yang and Ruby while holding her hand and disappeared around the corner."

"Clearly, you're all friends."

"Thank you, Tony, it means a lot to us... to our whole team."

Weiss smiled.


I approached and ruffled the hair of the bewildered Weiss.

"Smile more often, snowflake."

I chuckled and walked past her.

It was very lively inside the house.

Yang proudly displayed her hand to her father, who opened his mouth in disbelief, but he was clearly very happy.

Shinoa was talking with Blake who was following her sunny friend out.

Hermione helped Erin while Erin stood by the stove with a serious expression and stared strangely at some vegetable—or was it a fruit?

Rias had her face buried in a scroll, and she was reading something interesting.

"Thanks, kid."

I heard Qrow's slightly hoarse voice.

"It means a lot to us and to everyone."

"Oh, it was no trouble for me."

I said this while watching their family quarrel, and it was... wonderful. The genuinely happy faces, shining eyes, subtle.

It reminded me of what the original Tony and Lena lacked during their upbringing—families.

"... he's a very strong Hunter!"

I heard Ruby's words when I stopped floating on cloud nine.

"Is he?"

Yang's lilac eyes squinted as she looked at me, evaluating.


Yang said with a smile and slightly arching her back undoubtedly thrusting her ample bosom forward.

"Do you want to spar? I need to test my hand."

"Yang, I'll be the best sparring partner!"

Taiyang exclaimed.

"Old man, I want to spar with Tony."

Yang said and stared at him.

"But I..."

"Dad! She often fights with you anyway... Why not?"

Ruby said quietly, and it was the final blow to the man's heart.

"And I want to too! I saw how cool he moves!"

"Administrator-kun, you're quite the catch."

Shinoa remarked, and after that comment Taiyang threw a "scary" look my way.

"I'm not against sparr... sparring with such a bold... um, pleasant young man."

Taiyang coughed into his hand and looked at me in a competitive spirit.

"Does my opinion not matter to anyone?"

I raised an eyebrow."

"Don't you want to?"

Ruby looked disappointed, and a disappointed Ruby was... too powerful.

"I didn't say I didn't want to... Ruby, it's a crime to be so cute."

I sighed and gave in.

"Cu-cute... no-ot."

Ruby quickly ran around the corner so I couldn't see her.

"Not bad, but to get to my little sister, you'll have to go through me, Mister Ladies' Man."

Yang said with fire in her eyes...momentarily flashed with a reddish hue with fiery sparks around the edges.

"Yang! Don't say things like that!"

Ruby appeared next to her with tears in her eyes.

"What? Did my little sister like the boy?"

Yang asked playfully.


Ruby shouted.


Yang was clearly surprised and looked at me and then at my team with a somewhat fighting spirit.

"Who else wants to take a shot?"

"I can practically fight with anyone who... including you."

Shinoa pointed at her arm, and Yang's eyes widened slightly, and Yang involuntarily swallowed.

"Yang, you've just got back to... um, back to normal, and you already want to go to fight with a bare fist? It's irresponsible and foolish."

Weiss declared.

"And you're even more irresponsible if you allow her to do such things."

Weiss's gaze fell on Taiyang.

"Don't worry, princess, I feel like everything's fine."

Yang said.

"I don't think it's a good idea either."

Blake decided to speak up.

"And you're going there too?"

Yang pointed accusingly at her friend.

"I'm just saying, you might be better off resting... in case there are side effects."

Blake added.

"There won't be any side effects with magic."

I clarified, and some of them had skeptical looks.

"Magic? Really? Show me!"

Ruby immediately appeared next to me.

"Oh, man..."

Weiss put her hand on her face.

While I demonstrated some "tricks," Erina tried various unfamiliar ingredients, but there wasn't a huge amount.

She had already chased Taiyang out of the kitchen who wanted to cook, and it was done so professionally that the man really felt sad and left.

However, when the subject of sparring came up, he cheered up and looked at me promisingly for "daring" to touch his daughters.

"Do you need anything from your world? Ingredients?"

I asked Erin in the group.

"Hmm, I need spaghetti and freshwater shrimp."

Erin said that after a brief thought, the atmosphere around her had changed drastically.

A fifteen-year-old girl stood in front of us. She is also one of the best chefs in the world, and she is the future of many aspiring chefs.

"One moment..."

I searched the Dimensional Store for these products in her world. They weren't expensive so I bought them right away.


I placed the items in front of her. Erin took them and examined them closely especially the shrimp.

"Excellent quality."

Erin nodded.

"Hermione, watch if you want to learn how to cook."


Hermione nodded confidently... with a notepad in hand.

Then Erina put on an apron and started cooking while Qrow watched her movements... and his mouth slightly fell open.

"Tony, let's go!"

Ruby shouted, indicating that we needed to fight with them.

I went outside into the backyard of the pretty big house. Yang couldn't wait to try to test her hand in action.

"Are you ready? Well, try your best."

Yang only said that and then lunged at me. And... I just blocked her blow.

"I actually sent that Grimm Wyvern down with one blow... Do you think I'll even feel your hits?"

I said it with a slightly cheeky smile.

"We'll see about that."

Yang smiled wider and tried to charge straight at me, but I quickly moved towards her while dodging her straight punch to the face.

Yang managed to punch, and I gently grabbed her around the waist and turned her away from me so she couldn't elbow me.


"Don't you think that... oh, apparently not yet."

Yang tried to kick me in a very sensitive spot, and I pushed her away.

Yang didn't lose her cool, quickly flipped in the air, and landed on her feet while looking at me with flushed eyes.

She once again charged at me head-on without any prior plan.

"Your anger is your main weapon, but it's also what leads you to defeat."

I said while effortlessly dodging her strikes, and then, grabbing her hand, I tripped her, but I didn't let her fall and pulled her towards me.

"If we were truly enemies, you'd once again be left with nothing."

I spoke seriously and looked into her eyes.

"Yang, he's right."

Taiyang added in the same tone of voice.

"Your Semblance draws power from anger but also blinds you."


Yang stepped back a bit and hit the nearby tree to release some "steam."

She looked at her recently regrown hand and sighed heavily.

"Yeah, I know... I've already realized it."

"Alright, then it's my turn to show you how it's done."

Taiyang said, and he lunged at me three times faster than Yang could.

This was the first time I could spar with someone with such excellent fighting technique, and all his strikes were precise and showed experience.

I started responding and blocking his attacks without much trouble.

But it wasn't Taiyang's fault; it was more due to my physique. After a few minutes of this fight, Taiyang went flying.

"Wow, you showed that old man quite well."

Yang said it with obvious satisfaction.

"It's our turn."

Shinoa said while stepping a bit away from the group... along with Blake.

"What are you doing?"

Weiss glanced at them.

"I saw her fighting with Adam... I need that experience."

Blake said this while gearing up for battle. When they started fighting, Ruby intervened with them, hugging and dragging them away.

About forty minutes later, the "fights" ended, and even Yang fought with Shinoa, but this time she tried not to charge head-on.

As soon as we opened the door to the house...


Everyone swallowed.

"This... this is a wonderful aroma... mmm... food."

Yang said slightly blinking.

"It looks like Erina prepared something to eat."

Qrow slipped inside... and he was already sitting on a chair, and he was attentively watching Erina's magic.

Blake practically ran here when she caught the scent of the food and the shrimp.

"Your friend cooks good."

Yang said while looking at me.

"Tell me about it... We haven't even tried it yet..."

Ruby blushed a bit.


Ruby asked Erina.

"Ready, right?"


Erina looked at her with complete superiority and...abruptly opened the lid, releasing an even more delightful aroma.

"It's time for real food everyone, I'm starving."

Erina said.

There wasn't enough space at the table, so I just used Alchemy and made it slightly larger.

Rias also sat nearby while trying hard to resist the urge to "attack" the food.

When Erina laid out the dishes, Ruby couldn't resist and tried a bite...


Ruby moaned while sending everyone into a blush.


Rias moaned even louder.


Yang moaned and fire ignited around her which almost set her clothes on fire, but she didn't even pay attention to it.


Blake arched her back after trying the dish and barely suppressed a moan, although she blushed... quite erotically.


Weiss managed to hold back, but she was also very red.

"Ravioli di aragosta."

Erina spoke confidently and also sat at the table.

"You're a goddess."

Yang said that once she recovered from the taste explosion, Qrow and Taiyang... Well, they liked it too... to put it mildly.



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