

"Izan,can you pass me the water bottle" Pietro said with his hand stretched out.

Izan picked up the water bottle and threw it at him.

"Listen up guys" Coach Moreno said drawing all the attention of the players. Pietro who was in the act of catching the thrown water bottle from Izan got interrupted leading to the water bottle smacking him on the face.

This act brought sudden laughter to the players who couldn't stop laughing at pietro. Even Assistant Coach Moreno had to join in on the laughter.

"Okay guys,thats enough " Assistamt Coach Moreno said after the players had laughed for a bit.

"You've played well today but you have to keep it in your mind that the club expects more from you" he said whiles looking at the players.

After a moment,he continued " keep it up in the second half and let's see this game through. Now we wait for Coach Baraja."


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:

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