
Chapter 4: First Task

"Harry! Where have you been?" Cedric practically yelled out, so startled to see the young man.

Harry continued stepping further towards the three champions that were standing together. He smiled at Cedric. Harry thought he would be more upset with the Hufflepuff considering Cedric had done nothing to help stop his house's hate. The boy's greeting threw that plan right out the window as he seemed to have a genuine care about Harry's well being.

"I've been around," Harry responded neutrally, not sure how much or what he even wanted to say. He really just wanted to get the task over with and go back to his sanctuary. He still felt worn out from the ritual.

"Around? You haven't been around here, that's for sure! Didn't you see the papers? They've done almost daily articles on your disappearance. You weren't kidnapped were you?"

The questions flew out of Cedric's mouth. Harry was a little wide-eyed as he'd not been on this side of the Hufflepuff loyalty before. He'd already seen the negative side both in this year and in his second year.

"Well… I just finished meeting with Director Bones and I told her I was never missing. Plus, I'm an emancipated minor now who withdrew from Hogwarts, s'not like I should've been here either. McGonagall was sent a letter explaining all of this… I'm pretty sure the director and headmaster are discussing just that right now." Smiling at that final thought.

Harry was ambivalent to all the media frenzy and he simply hadn't seen it in person. Being told you're the main wizarding news story and understanding what that meant, in reality, were two very different things. Harry had experienced staring and strangers wanting to meet him but nothing much beyond that. Him being 11 years old on his return to the wizarding world helped. Adults did not want to make such a young boy feel even more uncomfortable than he already, clearly, was. Harry had kept his gaze on Cedric who just nodded, not knowing how to respond to the younger boy.

"You withdrew from Hogwarts?" Fleur asked incredulously. It was pretty well unheard of for a student to withdraw from the prestigious school. She had heard rumours of some substandard teaching in a few classes but Hogwarts still had world-renowned professors. Flitwick was a Charms Master of the highest degree. His background as a world champion duellist made his resumé all the more prestigious. When he retired from the circuit, he was sought after by more than just magical schools.

McGonagall was the only apprentice Dumbledore had taken in Transfiguration and he was the leading Transfiguration Master for what felt like the last century. Dumbledore himself was one of the most knowledgeable wizards holding Masteries in multiple fields. Beyond those three, Severus Snape was the youngest person ever to have created a new potion. That achievement met the requirements to doll out an automatic Mastery in Potions, making the man the youngest ever to have achieved that feat as well.

Babbling was an up and coming Runes Mistress that had been highly respected in her major publication that bestowed her mastery. Her ongoing academic publishing was considered to be at the pinnacle of what was currently being produced in academia. She was sought after to consult on projects and did exceptionally well with it. Septima Vector was the Arithmancy Professor here and she also was one of the most desired consultants in her field of study. There may be a few weak points in their faculty but there was still a reason Hogwarts was the foremost school in the magical world. It held the position of being renowned beyond its longevity and famous founders.

Voluntarily leaving Hogwarts was not something one did on a whim. There must be a reason beyond wanting to be privately tutored. Fleur did not know Harry well enough to really ask that question nor was the final few minutes before the First Task the ideal place to get to know him.

Harry did not want to elaborate on his situation with anyone. The fewer people knew, the better it would be for him. "Given my history here, it's for the best" was all he was willing to say. He caught her frown as she heard his answer and it felt a little odd that she inquired beyond what Cedric has asked. The same girl that had been nigh unapproachable.

Cedric was the kind of person that would inquire about his well being. Fleur, from the little Harry had noticed of her before the selection night, had seemed haughty and standoffish. Not the personality type to inquire further about one of her competitors unless it could give her an edge. Her frown didn't seem like it was because she didn't get any useful information. He also hadn't discerned any haughty or frigid tone to her questions or demeanour towards him. Viktor had just silently observed the discussion.

No further questions could be answered as the three heads of the schools came in with Crouch and Bagman.

"Great Scot! The young man we've all been looking for!" Bagman exclaimed upon seeing Harry.

"Bagman, the Task is supposed to start in five minutes, this is not the time for your fawning. The boy is here get on with it." Crouch grouched at the man.

Harry just focused on keeping himself calm. He had a couple of plans based on his earlier studies in the Chamber but he noticed a real problem since he woke up. It hurt to cast magic. He assumed his body was still recovering from the ritual and that casting magic was ill-advised. Not ideal when facing a dragon.

"Very well," Bagman said with a wince. It was not the first time that someone had taken him to task that morning. Ludo turned towards the champions and beckoned them to gather around him. He dramatically withdrew a bag from his robes. Harry noticed it was the same bag that was beside the dragon models he'd seen before he finished preparing the ritual. He had taken the Horntail… Would that matter?

"The First Task is… Dragons!" Enunciating the sentence as if he was announcing the opening of the World Cup yet again. Harry did his best to look like he had no idea that the task involved those fearsome magical creatures. Cedric certainly didn't know, given his rapidly paling face; Delacour and Krum did not look very surprised at the announcement. Any guilt he'd had for having inadvertently found out that those were the creatures that would be part of the First Task was now assuaged.

It was at this point that the three Heads of school came in, along with Director Bones and at least three aurors he'd not seen that morning.

The jovial features on Bagman's face disappeared as he saw them enter. "Ludo, there has been a…" She stopped and quickly checked exactly who was in the room before completing her thoughts. "There has been an incident. One that is still currently under investigation."

"What kind of accident?" Bagman asked quickly, not liking where this was going. He had bets to cover after all.

Bones commandeered everyone's attention in the room. "Everyone here needs to be aware as it has rather drastic effects on this First Task. Four dragons were brought, one for each of you. It was decided that the four were to be given a sleeping draught to ensure they were… lively… for the event today. Three of those four dragons died." Nobody missed her glare at Crouch and Bagman when she paused to consider which words to use.

The entire room froze, including Harry. His shock was genuine as well. Was it his ritual that killed the dragons? The instructions had not mentioned the immense pain he undertook. Now just hours after his ritual was completed three dragons were dead? Bones hadn't said which three yet. Maybe it was sabotage by something unrelated to his ritual.

"Was it foul play, Aunty?" Cedric was the first to break the silence that had engulfed the tent immediately after the proclamation of the deaths of the dragons.

Amelia gave him a withering look. Harry was sure they've had that unspoken conversation on ensuring he publicly addressed her appropriately. He wondered if the two were related.

"As Champions" she nods in the four teenagers direction, "the Heads of the three competing schools, and my aurors involved in the investigation, I have permitted this information to be released to you. However, it will not become public knowledge until I say so." She surveyed everyone in the room to see if there were any objections to it.

"The preliminary working theory is that the dragons were poisoned." The room was quiet as they waited for Madame Bones to explain further. "The handlers brewed a sleeping draught. The three deceased dragons all received doses that were beyond the standard and the Horntail received a double dosage. The Common Welsh Green received only a very minor dose. The handlers decided upon the dosages based on their levels of agitation. The Green required a very minor amount as they sleep far more by their very nature. The sole surviving dragon is being treated as we speak for all manners of ingestible poisons."

Harry didn't have to act out any emotions to try and blend in. He was bewildered and worried. First of all, the deaths of the dragons were shocking. If the book he had learned from were correct on dragons, then they had far more magical potential than he did. It had never crossed his mind that using them in the ritual would damage anywhere close to killing them. They were beings of magic. The power of individual rituals were supposedly minor. How could he have pulled enough magic out of them to end their lives?

Shock and disgust at the deaths of three majestic magical creatures flooded through him. Harry had literally stood on the dragons as he painted his blood onto them. He knew they couldn't use that to trace it back to him because the blood runes always vanished, consumed by the ritual. It had been the case in the other times he had used them in other rituals. He didn't even consider it wouldn't continue to work the same way. Would he have done the ritual if he knew he would sacrifice the three dragons just for some power gains?

The second thing that threw him for a loop was the incredible luck he had regarding the investigations leading theory. The ministry's plan for the sleep potion and his needs for the ritual were already inconceivably matched to perfection. Now the investigations were pointing at anything but him. How did he ever get so lucky?

The conversations around him had continued while he was lost in his thoughts. It had left him with a dazed look. Fleur bumped shoulders with him, lightly, to jar him back to his surroundings. Fleeting thoughts flit through his bain. Was she paying attention to him more than should be expected? Was she being kind to him? He thought she looked at him with a bit of worry.

Harry focused back and quickly paid attention as Bagman was already talking. "still being investigated." He let out a nervous chuckle. "The task will go forward with just a single dragon to face now. Inside the bag are the representations of the four dragons you would have faced. The order in which you'll face the single Common Welsh Green will be decided by draw as each has a number on it."

Bagman turned to the French Champion. "Ladies first, Miss Delacour." He said holding the bag out for her.

The Beauxbatons Champion put her hand in, with some trepidation, and withdrew a vibrantly red dragon with the number three draped around its neck. She did seem pleased by that result. Standing next to Fleur was Cedric and he withdrew the next dragon. It was the green dragon that looked docile compared to the movements of the dragon model in Fleur's hand. The red dragon was moving and still trying to escape her grasp. The Welsh Green dragon in Cedric's hand looked as if it was ready to doze off. It had the number one on it. Cedric would be going first.

Bagman stepped forward and held the bag for Krum to pull from next. He withdrew a dragon that was engulfed by his large hand. Harry could not get a good look at it. "Second! That means our youngest champion will be the encore! How exciting!" Harry reached into the bag while thinking he'd rather like to hex the man for being so happy about him facing off against a dragon, regardless of order. He withdrew his hand and found it held a rather poor depiction of the black dragon he'd seen up close last night. It was a very poor replica compared to the one he had taken last night. It must have been done on short notice. The charms to make it move or act like a dragon were pitiful compared to the others.

Having noticed the dragon's breed, the guilt he had for his actions last night vanished. He would have been facing the deadliest dragon in existence! It was the most fierce of the non-extinct dragon breeds- the Hungarian Horntail. A nasty piece of work that would have been a formidable foe for any living wizard. For a fourteen-year-old to face it alone was utter insanity. The ritual sure seemed like an amazing idea knowing which dragon he would have faced. He was still uneasy with the rituals and this wouldn't alleviate the feeling.

"When the cannon goes off, Cedric, you, are to come out and begin the task." Cedric nodded and then voiced the question all four champions were wondering simultaneously.

"Excuse me Mr Bagman, is there, a erm, a, uh, specific thing we are supposed to accomplish? Are we supposed to subdue the dragon?" The nerves Diggory was feeling were intense. The normally well-spoken young man was trying to put on a brave face.

Harry saw Crouch look like he wanted to strangle the man. He had not even told the champions what they were to be doing in the task. Bagman was far too easily distracted. The man was a buffoon and this was a giant game to him instead of a dangerous task to be wary of. Harry wondered if the three champions were rethinking their decision to willingly put their name into the Goblet, now that they were aware they would face an XXXXX creature.

Bagman quickly filled them in on what the actual task was before all of the non-competitors were ushered out. The champions were to have time for themselves- to prepare and focus without distraction. Harry was glad for it. He was dreading Dumbledore coming over and trying to get information out of him. He sat in the closest chair to him and just tried to relax and let his mind wander.

It was interesting for him to think back about his time in the wizarding world and what had just happened this lively morning. Nobody had said hi to him or wanted to just see how he was doing. Cedric came the closest but even he wanted to know where he had been. His earlier epiphany that people were not concerned for him, as a person, was shown to be correct again. The only person who had acted a little odd was Fleur Delacour. Her break from her haughty exterior was interesting and he didn't know why she'd done that. Her nudging him and the fleeting look were interesting points to consider. It wasn't the question that she had asked him so much as the body language and tone of voice. The nudge had been something to help him as she noticed he wasn't paying attention.

Harry sank further into the chair he was waiting in. He was going fourth and ecstatic about it. By the time the dragon got to him, it would have faced the other three. Cedric would be facing a fresh dragon and by the time it was his turn, hopefully, it would be substantially easier. He had a few plans but they may not be needed. Director Bones indicated the dragon was being treated for poisoning. Based off on his stays in the hospital wing and dosed up on potions, he usually felt sleepy and off. Maybe the dragon would be as high on potions as he was after a quidditch injury. Especially considering that casting magic was something he was hoping to avoid as much as possible.

The turns went quickly as Cedric was quickly called out, following the cannon blast, and Harry focused simply on staying calm. The occlumency exercises were of use in this endeavour. He did not allow his focus to drift when Krum exited the tent to begin his turn. He'd actually ignored the others, not that they had tried to talk to him or even get his attention. Even a tired and less dangerous breed was still XXXXX levels of dangerous.

When Krum had left, Fleur tried to get his attention but Harry was zoned out. She'd hoped to catch his eye but she wasn't able to. She got up from her chair and tapped his shoulder lightly to get his attention. Harry opened his eyes to see Fleur Delacour standing over him. He made eye contact with her, green meeting blue, and he wondered about her again.

"May I call you 'arry?" She asked politely, again missing her 'holier than thou' attitude. He simply nodded with no idea how to deal with a situation like this let alone an older beauty like Fleur. "I was hoping to be able to talk to you during this school year. My Father asked me to try and reacquaint our families if you are open to it."

Harry cocked his head to the side as he heard 'reacquaint'. "Your family and mine were related?" He asked with a frown. Nobody had told him he had French family members, much fewer members like this impossibly beautiful silvery blonde-haired young woman.

She giggled and smiled softly at him. "Non," she said placing her hand on his shoulder. "Papa's parents were good friends with your father's parents."

That was exciting for Harry! Nobody had told him anything about his grandparents and meeting some of their friends would be awesome! "Are they coming to watch the tournament?" Realizing that wasn't completely clear, he hastily added, "Your grandparents, I mean?"

Her face dropped the smile giving way to a neutral look. "Non, they passed on a few years ago." Instincts which Harry didn't know he had kicked in and he placed his hand on hers in comfort. Their absence obviously affected her. She looked down at their touching hands and her soft smile returned. Looking directly at him again she quietly finished her thought. "They would have loved to have met you though, I am sure."

Their moment was interrupted by the cannon going off signalling Fleur was supposed to start the task now. She looked back at him one more time and quickly leaned forward to peck his cheek with her perfect lips. "Be safe 'arry" she breathed into his ear as she slowly stood before squaring her shoulders and walking out. His emotions were warring with each other for how to react. He was elated that someone had talked about his family and said something other than the useless anecdotes everyone repeated as if they all took a seminar with a three-point presentation.

There were three things everyone always mentioned. His physical likeness to his father but with his mother's eyes. His parents were Gryffindors and that his parents loved him so much they sacrificed themselves for him. In a single conversation, that was cut very short, she'd dropped two bombshells on him. Their families were apparently acquainted in the past and her family may know about his grandparents. Nobody had even told him their names! Surely she must at least know that!

The other emotion trying to battling to win the race for prominence was pure, unadulterated, lust. Fleur was otherworldly in her looks. Silvery blonde hair that no muggle could ever have naturally and deep dark blue, entrancing, eyes. These features were not the reason for this lust. It was her body's movements and where his natural line of sight was positioned when looking forward. He was sitting and she walked over to him remaining standing. She leaned forward to kiss his cheek. The kiss didn't do it either. It was the eyeful of cleavage that she gave him. Her clothes were modest but her upper body was perpendicular to his upper body. His eyes were a foot away from the most revealed state of breasts he had ever seen. Gravity had gripped her top and pulled it towards the earth's surface. The millimetres of movement opened up a glorious sight for a teenage boy.

He had no idea if it was done on purpose or why she had kissed him on the cheek. Were the French more amorous and flirty? It was the positioning of him being seated and her bending down that had given him the inadvertent look that turned his cheeks rosy. She hadn't made any other kind of overt flirting, that he was aware of. He wouldn't question it further. He'd thank today's never-ceasing luck. Seventeen-year-old knockout gorgeous girls don't date down three years. The best looking 7th-year females at Hogwarts weren't scouring the fourth years looking for a date. The momentary view of a few inches of her bared chest that weren't covered by her large bra would be chalked up to luck.

Harry idly noted how she did not seem concerned about the task really. Her body language had not shown it at least. She was interesting, that was for sure. Did her family really know his? Harry wasn't sure how he could verify it. If she was tasked with offering to reacquaint their families, why hadn't she talked to him shortly after arriving? She would have had many opportunities before he hid in the Chamber. Was there a good reason for that? He'd have to be careful; she could just be trying to mess with his head and take away his focus from the tournament.

Harry decided to clear his head and wait in silence for his task to start. He did not want to miss the cannon going off. Harry had done as he assumed Salazar would've wanted. He'd used his brain. The instructions had said he could not bring in anything but his wand and uniform. If he left his bag in the tent and summoned it only a few feet into the arena that would be a helpful trick. It was an easy way of being able to bring in preparations. He'd considered using his most prized possession, his father's cloak, but he didn't want to let everyone know he possessed an invisibility cloak. He'd come up with a few ideas but wanted to wait and see how the dragon responded.

Only a few minutes later, the cannon went off. The tent must have been behind a silencing because the second he went through the tent flaps, he could hear the dull roar of the crowd. He entered the stadium wearing the outfit Dobby had picked out for him. There was no insignia of any school affiliation like all the other champions had. He was representing only himself. He strode further into the temporary stadium noting how full it was. He saw people cheering and many jeering. Just like when he played quidditch, he let everything fade into the background and focused on the task. He saw the massive beast and was struck by the obvious thought that it had not had a good day.

There were gashes all over its scales and one eye looked to have been heavily damaged. It reminded him of the basilisk eyes when Fawkes had clawed them. Furthermore, Harry noted the dragon was exhausted. It was trying to stay awake but was still falling asleep. It was like a toddler demanding to not go to bed when their body was betraying them and they were falling asleep in spite of their fervent wishes.

Harry observed the dragon as it's eyelid kept on drooping shut. He waited a minute as the beast did, in fact, fall asleep. Harry summoned the mokeskin pouch and when it reached him he withdrew his trusty broom. He ignored the pain of casting magic while holding the summoning charm. He mounted his broom and quickly flew to the nest. He grabbed the golden egg that was only twenty feet from the massive sleeping green dragon. After securing the egg he flew towards the exit and left the arena accomplishing his task. The dragon hadn't even woken up as he flew around the arena.

As he got through the exit, Harry started laughing. A full-blown belly laugh. He dropped to his knees, he was laughing so hard! What a ridiculous underwhelming task! He'd been so worked up and stressed about facing a dragon. When the real McCoy came, it was a total joke! With him going fourth, the dragon did not even have the energy to keep awake. He couldn't help but continue to laugh as the stress bled out of his system in raucous laughter.

Harry put his broom back in his pouch and walked out of the tunnel into where Madame Pomfrey was checking over the champions. Harry was ushered past the other champions and saw their condition. Cedric had multiple burn spots where Harry saw a salve had been added to restore his skin. The hufflepuff looked tired and beat up. His attempt had taken the longest. Krum looked a little tired. He was in better shape than Diggory but still looked like he'd been in a scuffle if not a fight.

Fleur had no burn marks on her but she looked winded. She had beads of sweat on her face and it appeared she had just performed an arduous task. Didn't her task end a few minutes ago? Why was she still perspiring? Harry wasn't able to catch her attention at this time and Pomfrey told Harry to sit on the fourth bed. He'd seen her in this mood before so he did exactly as he was told. He was rather experienced in the futility of trying to do anything other than what he was ordered to do around the matron. Some battles were best not fought.

She began diagnosing him and after only a minute she cleared him of any health problems. He already knew that as he'd just flown on his broom and then back. He was worried, for nought, that she may find results from the ritual he had undergone this morning. Other than his use of magic causing discomfort, he felt fine and no different than before. He did not feel any obvious effects of the ritual. It's not like he was suddenly extra powerful or anything.



Harry Potter was not exactly pleased with this new predicament. He'd been somewhat coerced into sitting up on a podium with the other three Champions. It was simply expected of him to be going along with whatever the organizers had arranged. He was to meet with the press following the event. He hadn't wanted to be in the tournament and he definitely did not want to be paraded in front of the press. He was tired, sore and exhausted from the ritual that killed the three dragons. The other champions all seemed to have expected it so he was willing to go along with it as long as they all were. There were many things he could get upset about and answering a few questions about this circus should be fine.

All four of the Champions would be taking questions from the massive assembly of media personnel that were in attendance. As he made his way to the closest seat to the door many of them were staring directly at Harry like he was the champion with the allure. Bagman, the pillock, was moderating the press event. Harry noticed another podium spot set up with a few people within a short distance from the podium. They were seated in a small row of chairs. Perhaps it was a general podium where the media could address other parties instead of the champions. Bagman engaged his voice amplification charm to get things started.

"Welcome esteemed guests and media members! We shall conduct this press opportunity just as we did with the Weighing of the Wands ceremony, but this time with Harry Potter!" He began the opening of the press conference and Harry did not appreciate being singled out.

"We will have a Q&A section with the Champions and the tournament organizers as well. Please remember to state your name, your affiliation, and whom you are addressing before asking your question. Without further ado; let us begin."

Harry watched, dreading everything about this, as he saw the first person be designated to ask a question first, a portly middle-aged man. "Boris Gelding, Bulgarian Bugle, and my question is for Mr Potter. Can you explain how you were found, including the circumstances, as you were the subject of a massive missing person's manhunt."

It was obvious to all that Harry did not look happy with the question. Harry hated that they were prying into his personal life and not keeping to the tournament. He took a moment to think about how he wanted to answer. The crowd of reporters looked ravenous to hear this tale. Harry was not media savvy and had never given any kind of interview. He was nervous and, frankly, too cranky to be putting on a show like this. Since he reemerged, he'd been questioned and then competed against a dragon. Then he was forced to undergo medical evaluation, receive his score, given the update on the next task, and then he was pushed into a mandatory press event.

He didn't even want to be in the tournament and nobody had taken his wants or needs into consideration once. Only Fleur, in their very brief interaction, had treated him like a person. He was not in the headspace to answer questions politely and was openly scowling at the reporter.

He answered the question as bluntly as a hammer would do to a bone."I was never a missing person! And I was not found. The instructions I had been given said there was a task to attend today with no information about what time or any details beyond just the date! I was told, just this morning, that I missed a ceremony that nobody bothered to inform me of. I was not ever missing! I withdrew from Hogwarts, by letter. It's not my problem they can't communicate!" He was trying to hold back his anger but he was so done with this day.

The reporter named Boris looked highly pleased with the response as he was ushered away from the spot designated for asking questions. No follow up questions were being permitted. The next person in the queue spoke up next.

"Barbara Smith, New York Wizarding Times, and my question is for Mr Potter. Where have you been staying and studying if you no longer attend Hogwarts? Can you tell us about your educational plans and living arrangements?"

Harry hadn't even looked up. He was trying to keep focused on being calm. This was testing his frayed patience. When he looked up, his emerald eyes bored into the woman. "No, my personal life is private." Harry felt like he could barely hear anything other than the throbbing of his blood pumping.

A wave of murmurs took over the room following that declaration and Harry watched the third person step up to ask a question, a disgustingly flamboyant looking woman with horrid glasses and far too much makeup. "Rita Skeeter, Daily Prophet, Mr Potter do you think your parents would be proud of you entering the tournament to garner more fame and publicity?"

That did it! Whatever final hold he had on his emotions had now tipped Harry past the boiling point. He looked over the swarm of reporters and they were all focused on him. He looked at the person that was supposed to be moderating the press conference and Bagman looked equally interested in the question. He shook his head in disgust at the adult that was supposed to be moderating.

"This is an event with more than just me up here. I've been asked every. Single. Question so far! I will not answer any further questions until all the other champions answer an equal number." His eyes burned with the inner fury he felt. His magic was coalescing around him. He wasn't a bloody show dog that would jump and sit for their amusement. If this was part of the task then it was for all of them equally.

The champions were arranged on the podium in the order they underwent the first task. Fleur was sitting closest to him and she smiled at him that she hid from the press by turning her head towards him and shaking out her long lustrous hair out with her hand. Harry looked at Bagman and the man finally realized he should actually moderate.

"Yes, Yes! As our youngest Champion has said, this is a press conference for more than just him! So please direct equal numbers of questions to all of our four wonderful contestants!" He boomed out taking back control. When the man did his job he was quite good at it. There was just too much vacant space between his ears.

"Did you have a follow-up question for anyone Miss Skeeter?" Bagman asked as the woman was still at the front.

She looked back at Harry. "My question was asked before the change to the new format. Mr Potter, will you answer it?"

Harry glanced to Bagman and the man shrugged his shoulders a little before nodding like he thought he should answer. Harry sighed.

"I'm sorry I've forgotten what you asked Missus Skeet."

"It's, Rita Skeeter, Miss Rita Skeeter." She glowered at the affront. How dare he not know of such a preeminent journalist like herself. Many in the crowd chortled and snickered at the exchange. Rita was not well-liked by her compatriots.

"My question is, what do you think your parents would say about you entering into this tournament? Would they be proud of your attention-seeking behaviour?" There was a vicious undertone to her words no matter how sweet she tried to make it sound.

Harry had bad press in his second year and had seen rampant speculation about how he got into the tournament in the short time he was at Hogwarts, after the selection feast. A decisive statement would be a good idea, he figured. He knew he would have to answer and he actually did recall the question, he just didn't have an answer thought out yet. He wanted the response to be without any gap so it seemed like it was off the cuff.

"I'm not sure who told you that I entered the tournament. I have told anyone who has asked the honest truth: I did not enter myself." Each word of the last sentence was punctuated with a slow yet firm cadence.

"I was told I had to compete by Mr Crouch, Mr Bagman and Headmaster Dumbledore. If there was a way out of competing I would have taken it." Harry was resolute and spared only a half-second to glare at anyone who would dare to claim otherwise.

"The Tournament's name makes it clear it was meant for three competitors, not four! I was entered under no school. I am just happy to just get through the first task without injury. I don't care about my score, the prizes, or eternal glory. Attention seeking behaviour? I've never even been interviewed until now! I wish you'd all let me just compete as a side note and focus on those three." He gestured with his hand to his fellows sitting beside him.

Harry directed his eyes back onto the Daily Prophet reporter as he finished his tirade. "As for my parents? I hope they'd be as furious and disgusted as I am for being forced to take part in this. It's hard to know when I've never even had a conversation with them," his voice had broken out quietly but with each successive word, his voice grew louder and by the end, it was commanding and frankly somewhat intimidating. As far as he was concerned, this issue was resolved as of now.

He was beyond furious about being asked about his parents. How would he know what they would think? He'd only had one memory of them - their death. His hands were shaking underneath the press table. With all the flashes of the cameras, even his vision was spotty. His mouth was dry and his whole body was pulsing from adrenaline and fatigue.

Bagman quickly moved on from the rebuke and lingering awkwardness by indicating the next reporter to come up and ask a question. Fleur was asked about her method for the task and she eloquently explained how it worked. Cedric was asked about his feelings on facing the dragon first as it got easier with each successive attempt. He'd answered it politically correct - that it was the luck of the draw. He thought his score reflected that; Cedric was in first followed by Fleur then Viktor third, and Harry in fourth.

The press conference had continued with various questions and answers. Harry was hardly paying attention to any of it. Three rounds of questions went to the other champions, interspersed with questions for the Heads of the educational institutes and organizing Committee before Harry would be asked to answer a new question. By that time, his hands were now steady and he had regained his composure.

"Marie Dumont, Witch Weekly France, Mr Potter, I will not pry into your personal life as you've made it clear you don't wish to talk about it." The woman paused to gleefully look at him. She quite obviously enjoyed the interchange with the last reporter to ask him a question. "My question is tournament-related, please bear with me for a moment. Our sources indicate you do not have a girlfriend or betrothed. With the Yule Ball coming up, have you given any thought as to your date or dance partner for opening the Ball?"

"The Yule Ball?" Harry parroted back confused. He looked to his fellow contestants and saw that both Fleur and Viktor seemed unfazed by the question. Cedric's reaction could be taken either way.

"Yes, the Ball on the 25th of December. It is a long-standing event that is a part of all Triwizard Tournaments. The Champions dance with a partner and open the Ball as they are the guests of honour for the occasion." The reporter kindly elaborate.

Harry glared over at the tournament organizers. Then realized he'd need to actually answer the question. He didn't let his anger at being unaware of another aspect of the tournament get directed to the polite lady. "I'm sorry, I was only told about today's task and the information for the next one. Your question makes it the first time I've been informed about the Ball. I'd prefer to not attend anything I'm not required to attend."

The reporter looked let down at the very thought he would skip such an event. She was a Teen Witch Weekly reporter and was hoping to have a new angle to write on no matter the answer! This response killed the article that she had been planning to write and possibly follow up with successive articles.

"Harry, all Champions are required to attend the Yule Ball. Your attendance is mandatory; I am afraid it is a part of the tournament." Bagman unhelpfully added with a nervous chuckle. Harry thought it was so very kind of Bagman to inform him in front of everyone. He was not happy with this being dropped on him now with a room full of press watching his reaction. His fury bristled and required release. With everyone in the room watching him, he took a long slow deep breath and then another.

"First, you don't tell me about the Wand Weighing Ceremony and now, secondly, I'm finding out from a reporter's question that I'm to attend a Yule Ball! I was told three dragon's died today! For Merlin's sake, there are four champions in a triwizard, a TRI-wizard, tournament! You all told me it's a three task tournament! That is at least five events that I now know about!." Harry didn't let anyone interrupt him as he wanted to get this all out in front of the media quickly. He was going to throw them to the wolves.

"A total lack of security on the Goblet of fire, abhorrent failure to communicate all the important event to a champion, and now three dead dragons! Do I need to watch for poison at the Yule Ball? Is there actually going to be some security and protection around here? Has your investigation into how I became a champion yielded any results?" His sneer that adorned his face would make even Snape proud. "How long will you continue to make an absolute mockery of this tournament?"

Harry had had enough of this press conference. He was just pissed right off now. He'd been on edge ever since he woke up in pain from the ritual. He knew he couldn't stay any longer. There would be a lot more questions now that he spewed out such acidic remarks. He had his cloak and knew that if he could get somewhere unseen, even briefly, he could sneak back to the Chamber of Secrets.

The media were focused on the responses of the tournament Committee and Harry decided to make a break for it. He was at the end of the podium, closest to the room's back exit. He slipped off his chair and quickly moved out of the room through the entrance that the Champions had come in from. There was nobody in the room so he slipped his cloak out of the pouch and put it on as quickly as he could. He darted towards the exit before people could search for him.

He caught the flash of silvery blonde hair in his peripheral vision and saw Fleur had come after him. She'd been very kind to him up there. When he was getting out of control she'd made herself prominent, drawing attention to herself instead of him. She'd smiled at him and seemed generally sympathetic to his discomfort up there. There was very little she could actually accomplish with her efforts though. Any kind of displays of remote affection would bring a whole slew of articles that would exacerbate the issue, not help it.

He just wanted to get away from the media. Even as enticing as Fleur could be, he wouldn't risk revealing himself even to her. He hadn't intended to let so much of his frustrations slip out but he was tired and exhausted. He needed to go rest and recover from the dragon ritual. He had to get away before they could corner him. He needed time to figure out how to become independent and protect himself. He wasn't very far along in his occlumency studying yet, he had basic defences and some help in the sorting and processing of information but he was still a beginner. Under his cloak, he felt safe. It wasn't hard to make his escape to the grounds and once he was there, he would have no issues getting back to his new home



After returning to his Chamber, yesterday, he ate and soaked in the tub. That was the extent of the rest of his day. He'd fallen asleep early in the evening and woken in the late morning the next day. His body had needed the rest and he felt a lot better the second time he'd woken up since the Dragon Power Ritual. Today he was going to organize and plan his next steps.

Part of what he had been learning was creating a better mindset. As vaunted as the Gryffindor's 'charge first and ask questions later', action-orientated response to every problem was, it had almost led to his death every year since his return to the magical world.

What business did he have in his first year trying to assist in protecting the stone? He had not even been aware of the magical world for a year yet. The only reason he was still alive was due to other's mistakes. He could see that clearly now.

There was a rational sense in having traps that a trio of first-years could bypass to ensure that they would be slowed down until a staff member could intercept them and suitably punish them. Fluffy was the primary deterrent keeping students being involved where they shouldn't be. The Cerberus was restrained to not be able to get within six feet of the door Harry vividly recalled when the stumbled into Fluffy the first time. Between alert wards and seeing a snarling Cerberus, his common sense should have kicked in and proceed to leave the corridor well alone. Other students must've discovered the trapdoor's guardian and driven all thoughts of returning from their heads.

The mistake that allowed him to keep living was Quirrell's. The second he had the Stone, he should have been incapacitated or outright killed. He had lept in head-first and should've failed in his efforts. In his second year, the part in his brain responsible for the fight-or-flight responses must've been on out of commission. Fighting a basilisk was just plain suicide for a student with less than two years of magical education, whose best offensive spells were schoolyard hexes. Whatever part of the brain is designed to engage his survival instincts had obviously not read the operating manual, if it was even functioning at all. The first time his brain was aware that the monster was a snake, one that could kill by making direct eye contact, it should have pushed every rational part of his brain to ensure he did not seek it out.

In his third year, he actually began to engage in some form of forethought, with the caveat that it happened only after he almost had his soul sucked out. In fairness, no thirteen years old should be put into a situation where they are in such proximity to a dementor. He had almost begged Professor Lupin for private tutoring to protect himself. It had paid off in spades as he kept Sirius, Hermione and himself from losing their souls. The planning for the actual whole encounter was seriously subpar.

The past three years had almost lead to multiple deaths. Harry wanted no part in blaming others. If he was going to be taking control of his life, he had to be responsible for all of his actions. He could blame Dumbledore for his upbringing, he could expose the past few years events to the press or even tell Director Bones about it. If she was related to Susan Bones, then her response to finding out that a basilisk was roaming about the school that her family member attended would cause quite a lot of havoc.

Harry had been thinking since he found a sanctuary all for himself. He was trying to be independent and had to plan ahead. He had to focus on bettering himself, he had to be proactive. He could get upset about how unfair his circumstances were, he could moan about how his terrible upbringing was, he could continue to gaze into his past and find fault in all the people that were around him all day every day, but none of that would help him become a better wizard.

When he looked back on his upbringing, he realized he shouldn't begrudge it. Those experiences shaped him into who he is today. He wasn't a delusional pampered prince like Draco Malfoy. He wasn't a shy boy who was bested by his own fears like Neville Longbottom. Harry knew he was by no means perfect, yet he was content with who he was. He wasn't happy with many of the actions in his past and he would learn from them.

Salazar's memoir talked about it openly. He'd made a great many mistakes in his life. Even when he knew he was heading towards his end he did not indulge himself in self-pity. Instead, he spent years preparing a set of rituals for his future descendants. He transformed the Chamber of Secrets into a place capable of instructing his heirs even a millennia later. Learn from your mistakes, analyze your past and then move on from it.

It is what he was doing now. He'd learned he couldn't leap without looking. He needed to improve his efforts in learning magic and prepare himself. He was working on being more organized. He had mentally began creating a list of priorities and things to investigate.

Harry had finished eating and made his way into the study. He sat down at the desk and decided to prioritize his next steps. His independence was predicated on him passing three OWL wanded exams. His magical education would allow him to stay alive in the upcoming tasks and better understand the world he was a part of. It had to take precedence over anything else. Harry needed to go over each topic in his head then consolidate it into actionable items. He picked up the quill and began to create his list.

Topics to Investigate:

Tom Riddle

The memory of the night of his parents' deaths made this abundantly clear. Riddle was trying to kill him specifically. If he was there to kill James Potter, he could've just left when the deed was done. If the plan was to wipe out the Potter family in its entirety, then why would he be willing to spare Lily Potter? She had no blood relation to the Potters… Was that why Riddle was willing to spare her? Riddle and his pureblood support base hated muggle-borns, there should be very little consideration to spare her. They killed and desecrated muggles, muggleborn, and blood traitors regularly. Harry's analysis left two likely conclusions. Riddle was there to wipe out the Potter bloodline or he was there to kill Harry specifically.

This led to two avenues of investigation. First, research the Potter family history to see if he could discover any reason that Riddle might have to kill off his family. Secondarily, to try to divine why a Dark Lord would try and kill a fifteen-month-old toddler. Dumbledore probably knew but he had refused to answer before. Harry added the two points under the topic.

Invisibility Cloak

Harry wrote out the words as he recalled just why he needed to research his family heirloom. Invisibility cloaks were not capable of hiding a human soul from detection. Homenum Revelio was a well-known charm that was the standard detection spell because it was so very reliable. Again, he had two ideas to look into. First, souls and how they interact with magic. Surviving the killing curse could have altered his soul, so it may be why the charm failed? The charm detected him when he was not under the cloak, he knew. He also needed to figure out if it was something to do with his soul and any random invisibility cloak or if it was just his cloak.

The Chamber of Secrets

That led Harry to the next topic. The Chamber of Secrets itself. The first time he had returned he noticed the lack of destruction and the cleanliness of the place. Dobby knew he was not really in Hogwarts… The next point to consider was the Dragon Power ritual. Harry was not willing to believe that it was a coincidence that there were four dragons on Hogwarts premises and the ritual-tracking book revealing such a specific ritual. Somehow the Chamber was adapting to its surroundings, changing and redirecting his education. He at first thought it was pre-programmed, but the Dragon Ritual closed that line of thought.

The Chamber was far more than a large cave with a study, once he really thought about it. Nobody had been watching to see if he had gone into the Chamber or if he was coming out of it. At least a half a dozen people who were aware of its existence and that only Harry could access it, shouldn't there be someone watching it or a detection ward placed at its entrance? He'd disappeared while he was at the school and a manhunt to find him was created, so why was it ignored?

If Salazar's book was correct and he was somehow distantly related to Slytherin then, at minimum, half of his ancestors were. Tom Riddle, supposedly, also had an ancestor that was a part of his magical lineage. That meant there were at least two branches of families related to Salazar Slytherin. It was inconceivable that neither family had ever searched for it. Harry couldn't fathom that Tom Riddle was the very first person to have found his way into the Chamber. No other Parselmouth had successfully searched for the place in a millennium?

Based on what Harry knew of the muggle myths, like the Loch Ness Monster and Bigfoot, people had devoted vast resources trying to prove or disprove their existence. Years of people's lives were spent researching them and all of the clues that had ever been unearthed about them.

The standard book on the history of the Hogwarts blatantly mentions it. Countless students had been sorted into the house named after the man. The very house where the ambitious and cunning students were said to be sorted. Was there not an ambitious and cunning student that would have found it?

Teenagers don't normally just discover a myth like this and then keep their mouth shut. Riddle should have lorded it over his contemporaries. It should have been the proof that he was the Slytherin's heir! Gloating was a prerequisite for becoming a Dark Lord! If the man's diary was capable of controlling the basilisk, why didn't he use that as leverage? Like an 'If you don't capitulate to my demands I'll release a basilisk on all your offspring.'

Even Harry's experience with the chamber should have made far larger waves. The story of him saving Ginny should have been big news. There should have been multiple discussions about it with the Weasley family. Bill and Charlie should have thanked him profusely when he met them before the World Cup. Their reactions were rather muted. Wouldn't Charlie, a dragon handler, have wanted to go and see a dead giant snake?

Harry himself had never considered returning until he needed somewhere to sequester. Nobody had requested he provide access for anyone else. Not even Dumbledore asked to get in and ensure the safety of the students, considering Harry hadn't entered the basilisk's lair to see if it was another one. Something powerful was at work. The Chamber of Secrets is an open secret. Someone should have found it before Riddle. Something was compelling people to keep it a secret. Even Harry didn't want to talk to anyone about it. Harry constricted his thoughts to two short subtopics and moved on.

Potter Accounts and History

Harry would need to meet with Bloodfang once he was able to, to take control of his inheritance. He had to try and find out why his dad hadn't taken up his position as head of the family. Bloodfang had not deemed any incongruity. It was a simple statement of fact for him. Was it a common practice during times of war? He could try and find out about the property of his parents and grandparents. Were they stored somewhere or disposed of? This was pretty well on hold until he could see what was in the vaults.

House Elves

How does the bond between himself and Dobby work exactly? What were their limits and its history? Harry was interested in them generally. Researching about it was not a priority at all.

Triwizard Tournament

He had until February to figure out the task and prepare for it. He needed to try and crack the clue, his Golden Egg. General magical training would also be important. The most pressing issue was this Yule Ball. He needed to learn how to dance and comport himself at a traditional dance. He was apparently a guest of honour. Where could he get a date and learn to dance? It was a month away. Harry did not want to make it a priority but given the time constraint, he would have to. Harry completed his list and looked it over.

Tom Riddle - Why kill an infant? Why kill off Potter family?

Invisibility Cloak- Soul Magic? Invisibility cloaks

Chamber of Secrets - How does it adapt? How does it enforce its secret?

Potter Accounts and History - Meet Bloodfang after emancipation.

House Elves - History and abilities

Triwizard Tournament -Yule Ball, Second Task

House-elves could wait. Dobby took care of his necessities and seemed aboundingly happy with the current arrangements. The Potter Accounts and History were tempting to look into but it could be done anytime. He'd already waited thirteen years and he could put it off for now. Plus, he did not want to head out into the wizarding world and be seen. A trip to Gringotts wouldn't be conspicuous. The Chamber of Secrets was simply spectacular however, sadly, he had no idea of where to start researching or an inkling into how the magic behind it worked. Portraits were the only type of magic he knew of that could adapt or interact with his presence here. Dobby had claimed there were no portraits of any kind in the entire area. He was at a dead end.

The topic that he had some ideas on who to ask was Tom Riddle. Researching why the psychopath was after him was the most important item on the list in the long run. In the meanwhile, it could wait. The one he was yearning to delve into, and hopefully solve, was his invisibility cloak. It was his father's cloak! It helped create a unique anomaly of magic! He wanted to know everything there was to know about it as quickly as possible.

Unfortunately, it was something that could wait as well. It was infinitely useful for avoiding detection but not important to understand in the here and now. The Yule Ball had the shortest timeline and should be his priority. He needed to learn how to dance, manners, etiquette, and anything else he would be expected to know regardless of whether anyone had bothered to teach him. This would be a good step towards becoming his own man.

He could do the easy route here. He could go back up to Hogwarts proper and ask an adult what he should do. He could ask where he could learn to dance or if one was willing to teach him, perhaps Professor McGonagall or Madame Pomfrey. He could fall back into the role of being a child and let the teacher hold his hand as they walked him through the problem. Or, he could figure it out on his own, ensure he knew everything he would be expected to and not to just cohere to the base expectations. This could be an opportunity to go beyond doing what is just merely adequate.

Harry sat back in his chair and thought of where he could find out about dancing lessons. There were dance studios in the muggle world. He let his mind wander, hoping it would bridge the gap between needing lessons and how to find out where to get some. He couldn't just fail and go back to being a boy, he was going to be his own man and make sure he was prepared for this! He let himself unfocus as he glanced around the room for anything that could help.

He roamed his eyes across the desk and over the room. Neatly stacked blank books were not going to help him. None were glowing at the moment. None were going to spontaneously give him the information. He saw his ritual book sitting with the prize he liberated from the dragon handlers tent. The little dragon he'd pocketed. He smiled as he grabbed the book and dragon replica placing them in front of him. He had a couple of days until his next ritual, the seventh day of the week as it was only the 4th day of the week now, but he knew it was prudent to see if it had shown up. He had needed multiple days to prepare for the one he completed yesterday.

He went to move the dragon off the book and place it on the parchment, upon which he had just circled the most immediate task he needed to accomplish when his hands grasped the model dragon and he immediately dropped it. The dragon was a few inches off the desk when he realized the little model was warm to the touch! Not warm as if it had sat in a warm room and matched the ambient room temperature. No! This dragon was warmer than the room's temperature. He could feel it emanating heat, around its chest, when he grabbed it to move it!

He watched, amazed, as the little dragon woke up from its nap. It reared its head at him for having the gall to drop her while she was sleeping! It growled at him! Harry thought back to the other models which Cedric, Fleur, and Viktor got. Hadn't they stopped moving within a minute or so? They were just replicas of the magical creatures that they should have faced, according to Bagman.

Harry whirled and summoned his mokeskin pouch. He'd placed the second replica he'd gotten in it. He quickly withdrew the miniature, which denoted the order for the champions, out of the bag. It was still the same. A fake dragon but with the animation charms worn off. He held his holly and phoenix feather wand in his dominant hand. He recalled what he'd been practising with charms, that they were mostly fueled by intent and power, and called upon his magic to power the charm as much as he could muster. He took a moment to make sure he was intending the spell correctly too. He deliberately spoke the incantation, finite incantatem, with power and authority. The overpowered spell left his wand and hit the non-moving replica. He watched as the spellwork used to imitate the physical likeness of the dragon unravelled into a plain rock. Harry breathed a sigh of relief. It was just a replica. The rock had just been hastily done because he'd stolen the well done one. The animation charms had just lasted longer.

He glanced back at the still animated replica and it had cuddled up in a ball. It had squawked at his waking it than rather cutely went back to rest. Harry ran his fingers over it. He hadn't noticed just how well they had done the spellwork. The dragon produced heat, it had the spiked tail and its body was covered in lifelike scales. He had gotten up close and personal with the real dragon when he painted it with his own blood. Whoever did this artwork was a real master of their craft. He couldn't find a single blemish or error. It was perfection personified. As he ran his hand along its length he could hear a low rumbling. The little creature was purring!

Harry refocused now. He needed to find something like a wizarding phone book. Harry blinked at the deja vu moment. He whirled around and found the little book Bloodfang had given him. The goblin had told him he could find capable tutors using the Wizarding Directory. He opened the first page.


The Wizarding Directory is a self-updating list of all wizarding businesses that have applied and have been approved to list themselves. Within the book, you will find every business that has listed itself. Each firm will contain the following information: the name of the business, a concise list of their products or service offerings, their contact information, and a brief description of the company.


There are two ways of using the directory. The first is to have it display all of the information at once for the witch or wizard to peruse manually. The second option is to search by topic and only the relevant businesses will be listed.

To show the entire contents of the directory turn to page 2. Once on the second page tap your wand to it and say 'reveal contents'. To search by topic repeat the first step of placing your wand on the page and then say your topic.

Harry continued to read the information on the first page. The businesses listed in this book were not registered with the Ministry of Magic. The Wizarding Directory was published and maintained by the International Confederation of Wizards. This book listed all of the businesses that were registered and allowed to operate within the country he had gotten it from.

Harry turned the page over and followed the directions. He tapped his wand and said 'dance'. The page quickly filled with information. He glanced over to the third page and it also was full of information. He started reading from the top noting they were in alphabetical order.

Anderson Academy

Anderson Academy is a family-run academy for dance. Specializing in traditional wizarding dance instruction. The studio was founded by the late George Anderson in 1896. George had a distinguished career as a Tap Dancer….

Harry groaned. The first one was a write-off. How was he to pick between all of these options? Just read them in order and hope he stumbles into something useful? He read the next one.

Beatrice School of Performing Arts

Beatrice Adams, the famous retired singer, actor, dancer, and musician provides private lessons across all the performing arts. From contemporary piano lessons to play acting Beatrice provides individualized tutoring for young witches prior to Hogwarts and through the Summer breaks. A proper lady should be well rounded and Beatrice….

Ugh! The second one was useless. They were relevant to the specific topic but he didn't have time itemize each one that was may do what he is looking for and then to correspond and research them all. Even then how would he figure out which one would teach him properly? Inspiration took suddenly; he may know who to ask!

"Dobby" Harry spoke to the empty room.

Dobby appeared beside him. "Yes, Master Harry?" The elf was almost bobbing up and down in excitement just for being called.

"While you were working for the Malfoy family did they ever talk about or use a dance studio? Like, did Draco get sent away to learn how to dance somewhere?"

The little elf physically shuddered, as if a shiver had run down his entire body when the dreaded name of his old masters was spoken aloud. He was slightly downcast from it until he realized he could help the Great Harry Potter Sirs!

"Dobby knows! Dobby knows!" Harry kept his face level while he inwardly cringed at the overly exuberant elf that was actually bouncing where he stood.

"Do you know the name of the studio or how to contact it?"

Dobby's mood instantly fell. "No Dobby be bad forgetful elf!" It was a good thing Harry had forbidden him from hurting himself without permission.

"Can you tell me if you recognize any of the ones in this book?" He asked while taking the book off the desk. He orientated it so Dobby would be able to read as he lowered it so the book was at a readable height.

Dobby's beady eyes focused on the book and he shook his head after carefully going through both pages. Harry turned the page wondering if there was more than just two pages worth of information. Words filled the third page and took up a third of the fourth. Dobby studied the words and abruptly brought his arm up to point at one he recognized.

"Missy Cissy be sending bad little master to this one!"

Harry turned the book back so he could read it and saw the name: Lacroix Ballet Academy. Harry read it had been in business since 1482 and specialized in tutoring highly selective clientele and producing burgeoning ballet stars. They were more than a school of dance as they regularly promoted their own small scale productions as well.

Being a fourteen-year-old boy he had no way to pick between them nor fully understand everything that was offered in the description of the business. The Malfoy family would be conscious of perceptions and would be able to evaluate top instructors. They would send their heir to a prestigious school. He had no way to garner other reliable options. Not wasting time, Harry grabbed a clean sheet of parchment from a desk drawer and began to compose his letter, as the instructions said to send an owl to Madame Lacroix for any inquiries.

Madame Lacroix

My name is Harry Potter and I understand, you take inquiries on behalf of the Lacroix Ballet Academy. Yesterday I learnt I am to be a guest of honour at the Yule Ball that is a part of the Triwizard Tournament which is being hosted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. A reporter indicated I am to participate in the opening dance and that my attendance is mandatory.

I find myself facing the large issue of not knowing how to dance. The Ball is one month from today and I need to learn how to dance in a rather short period of time. Your advert in the Wizarding Directory did not mention the price of your services, the type of instruction offered, nor did it include dates and times available for lessons. I would like to inquire about all three items. I would be rather grateful for an expedited response. At present only my owl, Hedwig, is able to locate me. Please give her your reply so I am able to receive it.

Harry Potter

Harry had written as neatly as he could. The normal chicken scrawl that he sent to his friends wouldn't reflect well on him now. His hand muscles were protesting the precision he tried to enforce upon it. He looked it over with a critical eye and was satisfied. There were no ink smudges and most of his writing was tidily done. He pulled on the bottom edge to lift it off the desk but met some minor resistance.

The silly slumbering simulacrum had rested its head and neck on the top right corner of his letter. He smiled remembering he thought it would make a nice paperweight for his desk when he took it.

Harry pulled a little harder and successfully yanked the page out from the dragon. It growled at him and began to stretch as it woke up before it intended. Harry ignored it as he folded the paper into thirds and placed it back down on the desk so he could press on the newly folded parchment. He carefully lined it up so it was in equal thirds and the edges were perfectly uniform before creasing the paper. Gingerly, he picked it up and held it aloft in his left hand.

He opened the drawer, where he had gotten the parchment previously, and leafed through it for an appropriate envelope. His right hand carefully clutched an envelope and he brought his attention back to his desk. The six-inch tall Hungarian Horntail was standing tall. Its wings outstretched and it eyed him malevolently. Harry watched as it pushed its neck forward and opened wide its maw. Fire spewed from its depths and lit his carefully constructed creation alight!

The paper was lengthwise towards the dragon and a quarter of it was engulfed in flames from the fireball that came out of the tiny toy dragon! Harry cursed as his letter was now ruined. He dropped the now smouldering letter and scowled at the dragon. His list of priority topics now had burnt bits all over it as well. It was time to end the cute creature. It was a nice paperweight but had now annoyed him. Inconspicuously he drew his wand and repeated his earlier actions.

He drew upon his cascading magic and focused very clearly on his intent. This was going to be even more overpowered than the last charm he'd used to return the dragon to whatever state it had started at before the spellwork to make it a little dragon. The charm was expertly cast and perfectly accurate, left his wand and closed the distance to its target within the blink of an eye. As spell made contact, Harry watched in disbelief his spell be reflected off its scales! The spell careened upwards and dissipated into the stone ceiling of the study. Harry's jaw dropped. That powerful a counterspell should have destroyed all the spellwork on the animated likeness of a dragon. What just happened? How did it not destroy the simulacrum?

You can read advance chapters of "Unveiling Destiny: Harry Potter and The Triwizard Revelation" on my Website. Check out https://dravenshadefall-shop.fourthwall.com for exclusive content and early access!

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