




[Yukinoshita's POV]

"Why don't we go somewhere else?" Hikigaya suggested to Haruno, his expression laden with meaning.

Haruno caught on immediately and nodded in agreement. "Let's go."

"You are coming too." He directed firmly at Komachi, leaving no room for argument.

"No, I am staying with Yui." But Komachi stubbornly refused, her cute face contorted with anger.

"Let her be, Hikigaya." I interjected softly, signalling to leave her be.

"If you say so…." He responded, sounding indifferent, though his tone suggested otherwise, implying that it was my call.

Then he moved on with my Big Sister…

Her readiness and her eagerness to comply with his request raised a few doubts within me about any ulterior motive behind her usual smile, but I am not in a situation where I could dwell on that now.

It was also reassuring to know that she wouldn't push things too far with him, given her genuine fondness for him. And knowing his capabilities, he should be fine.

"..." - "..." - "..."

As I was left with Yuigahama and Komachi, silence enveloped us.

Yuigahama wore a nervous expression, while Komachi looked concerned.

She's such a good child.

Approaching her, I couldn't resist the urge to gently pet her head.

When I did, she looked up at me, offering a small smile.

Returning her smile with one of my own, filled with silent reassurance, conveying to her pleasantly that nothing she feared was about to happen here, and she understood immediately. Her smile brightened, melting away any lingering tension.

Ooww… she is so adorable… just like a cat.

But I still don't understand why Hikigaya did what he did, and I am not implying the part where he stared at me… no, but the later one, where he created a misunderstanding with his misleading words.

Was that really necessary?

After comforting our little Komachi, I turned my attention to the matter at hand- Yuigahama Yui.

"Yui, I would like to sincerely apologise to you, I am truly sorry for not being able to properly respond to your messages and calls in recent days." I expressed my genuine thoughts openly.

"....and I know it might be really shameful of me to say this, but I would like to continue our relationship in the future too. I hope you won't reject my request."

"No…! No…!" Yuigahama wore a nervous expression, though it wasn't quite the same as before.

This time, it seemed her nervousness stemmed from being suddenly overwhelmed by something.

"Is that a rejection?" I asked, feeling a twinge of disappointment.

"If that wan-!" I began, but was interrupted by her.

"N-no, I mean to say I would love to... I would love to continue our friendship." Yui attempted to mimic my formal tone.

But I didn't think she did it deliberately. Perhaps subconsciously, she felt the need to follow my lead… to express her seniority.

"...what I am saying is, let's be friends, Yukinon, friends." She concluded in her usual tone.

"Thank you, Yui. I hope I won't disappoint you ever again." I responded, feeling a weight lift off my shoulders at her acceptance.

"Yukinon, don't be so formal, you are making me nervous." Yuigahama said, her playful tone lightening the atmosphere as she nervously twirled a strand of hair between her fingers.

But there was something else weighing on my mind, something I needed to confess.

"There is something else I want to tell Yui, it was about the accident." I said, in a fixated tone of coming clean.

"Which accident…?" Yuigahama was, confused.

But before I could answer, I looked at Komachi, realising that she, too, deserved to hear the truth.

"I think you should also listen to this Komachi, as it also involves you. So I have an obligation to explain to you too."

In one way, it also affected her life too… no, not just her, maybe the whole Hikigaya household.

And so, I began to explain what exactly had transpired that day, leaving nothing out…



"I apologise for hiding it. I didn't mean to be dishonest with you."

"...n-no, I understand." Yuigahama weakly shook her head and tried to smooth it over. "I think there are some things you just can't say. And when you miss your chance to, it gets even harder to… I mean, it was like that for me, too… with Hikki."

"...thank you, Yui."

"No mention." She responded kidly.

"You know, Yukinon, I am kinda glad that we met today …and we talked about it finally. I have been feeling bad about it since the day you left with your sister after summer vacation."

It seems she recognized the car that day itself and felt bad, thinking I had hidden it from her, when in reality, I was the one who should have felt bad.

Yuigahama gave her own answer. "Yukinon… I want to know more… I want us to know about each other more, and I want us to get closer. If you are ever in trouble, I want to be able to help."

"So let me say it again, Yukinon, I would love to continue to be friends with you." Yui repeated her earlier words, with her usual kindness in them.

"...sure, I would love to." I responded, feeling a sense of relief.

"Me too, Yukino. I wouldn't mind my Big Brother breaking a leg or two for me to meet with you and Yui." Komachi chimed in, her playful banter adding a lighthearted touch to the moment.

"Haah, Komachi, Hikki would really be grumbling if he was here." Yuigahama said with an amused smile.

"No doubt." I nodded my head in acceptance.

"Who cares, let him." Komachi said.

Yuigahama continued. "But seriously, isn't it crazy how we all ended up meeting in the Service Club? It's like something out of a dream."

"Um-hum." I nodded.



[Third Person View]

Yuigahama had faced many realizations today, each one creeping up on her with a force she could no longer ignore.

From the very beginning, even before her feelings for him took root, she had always faced an insurmountable wall that was deliberately placed by Hikigaya.

…..and his interest in Yukinoshita and her reaction to that.

Through all her reflections and newfound understanding, Yuigahama came to the most crucial realization of all.

She, Yuigahama Yui, held- her friendship with Yukinoshita in higher regard than her romantic interest in Hikigaya.

This realization didn't lessen the sting. In fact, it made it all the more painful.

Suddenly, the night sky exploded with fireworks, vibrant colors painting the darkness.

"It's so beautiful!" Komachi exclaimed, her voice breaking the silence as everyone's gaze turned skyward.

"It is." Yukinoshita agreed softly, her black eyes reflecting the brilliant spectacle.

For Yukinoshita, it was the first time she had experienced something like this, and it was a memorable moment she would cherish.

She glanced in the direction of Hikigaya and her sister, who also seemed to enjoy the show.

Yukinoshita thought of going there and joining 'him'.

But then something occurred.

"Look! Look!" Komachi's excited shout pierced the air as she pointed upward.

"A shooting star! Make a wish, Yukino, Yui!" She bounced with excitement, grabbing Yukinoshita and Yuigahama's hands and dragging them closer.

As the shooting star streaked across the sky, everyone closed their eyes and made a wish.

…and so did Yuigahama.

Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath.

"Yukinon." Yuigahama began, her voice trembling slightly. "There's something I need to tell you."

Yukinoshita kept her eyes on the sky, but nonetheless, her eyes sparked with curiosity and concern. The fireworks illuminated her face, casting fleeting shadows that mirrored the uncertainty in her gaze.

"I have realized something important." Yuigahama continued, her voice gaining strength. "I value our friendship more than anything. More than… anything else."

A flicker of understanding passed through Yukinoshita's eyes. She nodded slowly, her expression softening.

"I understand, Yui." She replied gently.

Komachi's voice brought them back to the present.

"Did everyone make a good wish?" She asked, her eyes sparkling with childlike wonder.

Yuigahama smiled, feeling a newfound sense of peace.

"Yes, I did." She said, squeezing Yukinoshita's hand gently.


[To be continued….]


[Volume - 1] is Finished.

I know most of you don't care, but plz read the updated(:second) Auxiliary Chapter.

Also a review will be much appreciated. 

[Author Reminder : 10+chapters advance in Patreon.]


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