
083: Full of regrets, green tea_4

Mother was right.

Comparing oneself to Lin Wu is simply diminishing one's own value.

Suddenly, Sun Shanshan looked up at Lin Guimei, "I understand, Mom, I will keep trying hard."

She would crush Lin Wu with her strength.

Not like Lin Wu.

Lin Wu could only resort to empty gestures.

Seeing her daughter so impressive, far superior to Lin Wu, Lin Guimei's eyes were filled with satisfaction.

Lin Guixiang was no match for her.

Lin Guixiang's daughter was still no match for her.

They would never surpass her!


Zhao Cuinong went to the 4S store to pick up her car.

Lin Wu followed Lin Guixiang to Beauty Chant.

Nine o'clock.

Both stores had already started to see lines forming.

Moreover, many people had arrived at the crack of dawn.

Otherwise, they would have no chance to be at the front of the line.

Seeing the crowd in front of her, Lin Wu began discussing with Lin Guixiang, "Mom, do you think we should open two more stores?"

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