
Inauguration Ceremony.

1993/California/Los Angeles.

It has been over a week since my little plot to get rid of oliver samwell was put into action which was surprisingly successful and during the time I got rid of him, while not forgetting to get rid of the evidence i immediately took over his company and gained 210,654,719 million by including buying the stocks from the rest of the shareholders who took my offers without question anyways during this past week I have been preparing to go to the white house which includes rigorous training in my singing which surprisingly boosted jhud's template from 50% all the way to 65% probably because I have been lax on my training lately and have been preoccupied with things that shouldn't be said out loud as even the universe has ears anyways yet again I also during this week have been seemingly distant from jamie which i can say for certain isn't my fault as everyone is busy, well that's pretty much it since most of my week has been spent preparing for the white house if you exclude big mama who has been recovering well, now on to my life.

(Crystalline's POV)

"Shit." I said, breathing hardly with sweat dripping down my body, having just finished my jogging, in my gym that is located inside my house because why would I go in public to do that who knows what would happen and I can still die despite my strong physique perk.

I pulled a towel out of my backpack I brought with me and wiped my makeupless face which didn't look really different if you exclude the fake eyelashes I always wear but don't really need since this body already has long eyelashes but I do it just to enhance my already beautiful appearance not to brag or be narcissistic but you and I can't lie that if I was still a man I'd try to tap this ass.

I put the towel back into my backpack and took my water bottle out and opened it and drunk it while sitting down the the weight lifting seat and thought "Status"


[Name: Crystalline Alina Knowles]

[Celebrity Rank: C]

[Gender: Female]

[Age: 25]

Health: Healthy

[Perks: [Strong Physique], [Perfect Pitch]

[Skills: [Jhud's Template [65%] [Karate: Master]

[Storage: [Dairy], [Money: 257,000,584], [Needle], [BMA:10], [MMA: 4], [BA:7] [PCA:11], [AMA:18]

I looked over my status and nodded at my networth which shows that getting rid of oliver samwell wasn't in vain and it's not that I enjoy killing but sometimes it's needed especially when getting rid of people like oliver samwell.

I sighed and dismissed my status window while getting up from the bench having recovered my energy from my perk and headed out of the gym, intending to go take a shower and get ready to leave for washington dc. since it isn't really far from los angeles it's only around 42 hours and 3 minutes by car but I'm not gonna say it's accurate but i can say it's around the time it's take to get their by car but me being me I'm taking my private jet to get their faster.

TIMESKIP: Washington DC.

I was currently inside my limo with my driver taking me to the whitehouse and me sporting a luxurious red ball gown dress, red heels, red hat, my makeup done flawlessly while sporting some expensive jewelry to, with my hair styled the same as always which is basically my signature hairstyle.

"Ms knowles we've arrived." Said my driver, getting out of the limo and coming around, opening the door for me.

I got out of the xar, only to be immediately assaulted with camera flashes and Interviewer's asking questions only for my bodyguards who rode in the car that was driving behind the limo to step up and shield me while I made my way into the gates of the whitehouse.

I made my way into the whitehouse with my bodyguards making sure nothing happens to me.

"You must be ms crystal." Said a middle aged man In a suit walking up to me.

"Yes that is me." I said, wondering what this man wants.

"I'm supposed to lead you to the inauguration ceremony hall this way please." Said the middle aged gentleman.

I nodded and followed him with my two bodyguards not lagging behind in the slightest.

As I was following the middle aged gentleman I finally arrived at the inauguration hall and walked in and seen a lot of politicians with some male ones who kept taking glances at me, with me not feeling anything in the slightest since I'm use to it at this point.

The middle aged gentleman showed me to my seat and I thanked him and took my seat and waited for the inauguration ceremony to start while my bodyguards stood outside of the inauguration ceremony door just in case something happens.

While I was waiting for the inauguration ceremony to start I looked around and appreciated the history of the whitehouse especially since it's currently 1993 and much of it hasn't changed much yet compared to the future.

While I was busy looking around I noticed the politicians and some celebrities who attended that I don't know quited down as a old politician took the stage, while I just listened to the speech.

TIMESKIP: A couple minutes later.

"This man is still talking" I thought, sighing internally.

"Psst...excuse me ms crystal the stage is ready for you." Said the middle aged gentleman, appearing out of nowhere.

"Oh...ok." I said and got up from my seat and quietly followed the middle aged man out of the room.

While I followed the middle aged gentleman out of the room my bodyguards followed along as we four made our way out of the white house, I seen a huge stage on the huge lawn with a orchestra band on it and background singers positioned perfectly.

"I'll take my leave now." Said the middle aged gentleman nodding at me while excusing his self, going back to the inauguration speech.

I walked towards the stage slowly while holding the arms of my bodyguard so I won't fall on this grass In these heels.

As I arrived at the stage I walked up the stairs and went back stage to make a surprise apoerance while the orchestra behind me were staring at me with shocked gazes, while my bodyguards took their positions on both sides of the stage by the stairs.

"CRYSTAL." Said a fan shouting from outside of the gate, with camera flashes going off from time to time.

I looked at the politicians arriving from behind the curtains with surprised and shocked faces at the sudden appearance of the stage in front of the white house and taking their seats in chairs in front of the stage while thinking "They should be coming out now and I'm pretty sure bill clinton doesn't know im here that also explains the prepared stage"

Bill clinton arrived with his wife Hillary clinton and his 13 year old daughter chelsea clinton who had a shocked face and asked "Daddy who's performing."

"I don't know sweetie I'm just as surprised as you are." Said bill while taking his seat in the front, with his daughter sitting in the middle and hillary sitting on the other side with a confused face.

"Yes he definitely knows I'll be performing but he must think I'm just a no show even though I accepted" I thought, chucking while grabbing the microphone and prepared myself.

The conductor of the orchestra tapped the Stick in his hand and said "1, 2, 3,4."

the pianist suddenly started playing a soothing melody while the conductor put his arms behind his back clearly played the audience which left them baffled.

The piano melody suddenly upped a notch as the conductor waved his stick, making the orchestra start.

As the orchestra band and the pianist played the conductor did a silence motion making the orchestra stop while the pianist started slowing the melody down and suddenly switched to another melody which was slow paced and started continuing the rhythm, leaving bill clinton baffled and his family and the politicians baffled and started clapping.

The pianist suddenly stopped playing for a moment and started another soothing melody with a blend of the national anthem.

"Ohhhhh." I said singing In a lower register backstage, holding the notes midway.

Bill and his family were still baffled.

The curtains on the stage opened revealing me, making bill clinton shocked along with his wife while his daughter chelsea screamed "CRYSTAL IM YOUR FAN."

Hillary pinched chelsea's hand making her compose herself while bill was still shocked which was caught on camera since this is live.

"MMMM." I said humming a notes in my head voice in a high register, holding the notes longly, at the edge of the stage with my left hand straight out towards the clinton family who smiled, with a fangirling chelsea's jumping in her seat.

The pianist continued the melody.

I walked towards the middle of the stage while huge crowed outside of the gate of the whitehouse which are my fans were screaming.

The melody suddenly masterfully shifted and restarted, showing the pianists skills.

I lifted the microphone in my right hand to my mouth and said singing in a lower register while going midway to a high register, holding the notes midway while taking my time "Oh, say can you see by the dawn's early light."

"What so proudly we haild at the twilights last gleaming." I said singing hoing up a register while playing with it and smoothly transitioning down to my lowest register which has gotten deep, holding the notes midway with control, as the melody went up a notch, while doing gestures with my left hand.

The piano melody went up a notch again.

"Who's bright stripes and bright stars thru the perilous fight, were so gallantly streaming." I said singing going up a register again while transitioning though it flawlessly, holding the notes a little long.

The orchestra suddenly blended into the melody flawlessly, leaving the audience shocked.

"SING IT." I said loudly to the background singers, with my left arm out at them, feeling the song.

"AND THE ROCKETS RED GLARE." Said the background singers singing in sync In a high register, holding the notes longly.

"YEAH." I said singing in a high register with rasp, holding the notes longly, coming in perfectly after them.

"HA, THE BOMBS BURSTING IN THE AIR." I said singing in a very high register, holding the notes longly.

"BILL, WE GAVE PROVE THROUGH THE NIGHT THAT OUR FLAG WAS STILL THERE." I said singing In a very high register holding the notes longly with a smile, making bill clinton cry, with hillary rubbing his back while other politicians got emotional.

"YEA." I said shouting with emotion due to fantasia's template of course.

"OH, SAY DOSE THAT STAR SPANGLED." Said the background singers in sync, in a high register with with no notes.

"BANNER YET WAVE." I said singing in a very high register, going all around the registers, holding the notes midway.

"O'ER THE LAND OF THE FREE." I said singing in a very high register hitting the head voice, holding the notes longly, with my arms raised in the air and my head tilted up.

"WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO." Said bill clinton who was still crying along with his family and the politician's audience giving me a standing ovation and my fans outside the gate screaming at the top of their lungs.

I brought the microphone in my right hand back up to my mouth and said singing in a very high register, hitting a very high head voice, holding the notes very longly "AND THE HOME, OF THE BRAVE."

"AHHHHHHHH, WOOOOOOOOOOO." Said my fans and the politician's.

"AHHHHHHHH." Said my fans and bill clinton who was still crying and his family and The politician audience giving me a standing ovation while my my fans outside the gate where screaming at the top of their lungs.

"Thank you, god bless you all." I said with a smile while gesturing towards the orchestra band and the pianist and the background singers.

I walked to the edge of the stage while everyone was still clapping and cheering and bent down and shook bill clintons hand then hillary's hand and waved and blew a kiss at their daughter chelsea with a smile who was fangirling very badly that it was almost concerning.

I blew a kiss to both audiences and made my exit very grandly, not knowing that this performance at the whitehouse will earn me a guinness world record for one of the best singers of all time, along with rolling stone talking about me nonstop.



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