
141 - Audition?

Without realizing it, time flew by.

In two weeks of classes, my skills and my MeTube channel had changed significantly, even though I hadn't released any new music.

I had performed at two weddings the first weekend and another wedding the following weekend, earning me $5,000 for the weddings alone, plus another $1,000 for the bar gigs I did the rest of my free time, bringing the total amount of money in my bank account from $15,000 to $21,000!

As far as my skills and stats are concerned, the changes have been very good.


| Character Status


| Name: Noah Black

| Title: Endurance, Tuned Ear.

| Level: 01


| HP: 150/150

| MP: 68/150


| Weight: 72 Kg

| Strength (STR): 14 -> 15

| Dexterity (DEX): 13 -> 14

| Constitution (CON): 15

| Intelligence (INT): 15

| Wisdom (WIS): 12

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