
Chapter 66

Chapter 66

Later that day, something curious happened. We'd spent the entire day moving our camp elsewhere after losing our spot, causing us to miss out on valuable resource-gathering time. Well, the boys did, anyway. The girls were still refusing to talk to them.

The girls were all simply sitting around our old spot, while the boys carried the tents and luggage and such to a reasonable location that Ike-kun had stumbled across when looking for where to move to.

I also stayed behind to confirm a suspicion that I had. I remained next to the spot apparatus, not making conversation with any of the other girls. I spent the time in idleness, watching as the time on the display slowly ticked down.

When it reached approximately ten minutes, my suspicions were confirmed. Coming out of the trees, Ayanokōji-kun appeared. It looked like he was here to renew the spot, not caring if he was seen.

"So, you came," I noted aloud.

"I did. You were expecting me?"

I nodded. "After how nonchalantly you've acted about being the leader thus far, I could only conclude that you'd also come to openly reclaim this spot too. There'd be no point in you just taking it for eight hours, after all."

"Well, you're certainly right about that," he said emotionlessly, as usual.

Silence befell us for a while, the ambient sound of chatter filling my ears as background noise. After a while, Ayanokōji-kun decided to speak again.

"Things don't seem so good here," he observed.

I sighed in response. "The boys and girls had an argument this morning."

"An argument?"

"That's right. Karuizawa-san's underwear went missing, and it was found in Ike-kun's bag. He claims he didn't steal it, and that somebody planted it there." I gestured toward the stack of luggage.

Ayanokōji-kun didn't respond instantly. Rather, he looked a bit hesitant, as if he was choosing his words.

"That's... quite disconcerting for everybody involved, really." He said eventually.

"Everybody?" I echoed, perplexed.

"Yes. Obviously, for the girls, it's quite a terrifying prospect, knowing that somebody stole underwear from them. However, it must also be uncomfortable for the boys. Put yourself in their shoes – somebody stole Karuizawa's underwear, and is allegedly trying to frame Ike. If underwear is found in your bag, it's especially hard to explain, and proving your innocence is near impossible. It wouldn't be too hard for the true thief to frame anybody. For the boys, they could be worried that they'd be targeted next." He elaborated analytically.

Really, just from hearing a little about the situation, he thought of all that? I had to give Ayanokōji-kun my genuine praise. Of course, I'd never say it to him.

"I suppose so. To me, it's all just a load of stupidness. It's obvious who the real thief is." I looked over to Ibuki-san, who was sitting alone, as usual.

"Ibuki, huh."

I was surprised that he knew her name. He must've been told it when he visited our camp yesterday. It was highly unlikely that he'd heard of her before that.

"It does seem like a very 'Ryūen' thing to do. Causing chaos in the other classes like this." He added.

"Yes. I can't understand what he stands to gain from it, though."

"If your class is less unified, the chances of him being able to find your leader increases. There is a bright side, though. The fact that Ryūen has resorted to such measures tells you that he doesn't yet know your leader. That's always nice."

I hadn't thought that far but, yes, I suppose the fact that Ryūen-kun was doing things like this now did mean that he hadn't found our leader yet. If he had, I had no doubt that he'd simply begin ignoring our existence.

"Do you think he instructed all his spies to do stuff like this should they fail to find the leader another way before dropping out?" I asked.

"Probably," he responded vaguely, as if dodging the question.

I glanced at the monitor screen. Thirty seconds left. I watched wordlessly as it ticked down, and eventually reached zero.

Ayanokōji-kun took the key card from his pocket, and pressed it against the device. After a moment, the capture was recognized, and the clock began counting down from eight hours once more.

"So that's that, then." I said.

"Looks like it," he replied.

He turned to leave, not even bothering to say goodbye, but stopped. He turned around, and decided to say one last thing to me.

"Horikita, what you're doing right now, quite frankly, is idiotic."

"W-what are you talking about?"

"This," he gestured to the surroundings. "Look at where you are. Look at what you were doing before I arrived. You spend all your time alone, playing the lone wolf. Sorry, but you aren't strong enough to fight alone."

"And you are?"

"I am. That's why I'm telling you this. I have that strength. That's how I know what strength is required for such a thing. And I'm telling you, you don't possess that strength."

I fell silent for a while. I wanted to disregard his words, act like he was just an idiot spouting nonsense, but I couldn't ignore the weight behind them. I couldn't brush the truth off forever.

"So? What am I supposed to do? Just give up?"

"No. If you can't fight by yourself, fight with another. You have classmates for a reason. Kushida and Hirata will help you."

"You really think they'd work with me?" I scoffed.

Kushida-san had made advances towards me, trying earnestly to become my friend repeatedly, and I had coldly rejected her every time, paying no attention to her feelings. She probably hated me by now.

"Of course. They want to reach Class A just as much as you do. Besides, hasn't Kushida been trying to befriend you for quite some time now?"

How the hell does he know that?

"I suppose so... I'll consider it, I guess."

"It's not like you have much else to do while sitting alone here. Goodbye, Horikita."

"Goodbye, Ayanokōji-kun."

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