
Chapter 15: The new pair of siblings

Narrator's Pov

"I see...so that's what you need help with."

Oleg seemed a bit puzzled, thinking carefully about what the trailblazers had just told him, they were from beyond the sky, there was something called a 'Stellaron' that was causing the Fragmentum corrosion and also the eternal freeze, the Supreme Guardian had ordered their arrest after a sudden change, even lying about the trailblazers true intentions, who simply wanted to help.

"He~ I didn't know you made a little number on the Overworld" Seele smiled slightly amused.

Oleg slightly rubbed his chin looking a bit conflicted. "This 'Stellaron' you speak of...I've never heard of it before, but if it's a secret that we locals don't know about...then one name does come to mind."

"The supreme Guardian?" March asked while looking at Oleg.

"No...that woman's words are nothing but lies, she uses sweet words to deceive the underworld, she does not care for our surviva-" he was about to continue but Bronya quickly cut him off.

"Stop right there...I...won't allow you to insult the Madam Guardian" she frowned lightly.

"Miss Overworld... you've already seen it, how we suffer because of her choices." The chief of Wildfire looked at Bronya who simply kept herself silent. "I haven't voiced all the grievances from the underworld, but I'll respect your wish and leave it at that." The old man sighed softly before talking again. "And no, the name that came to my mind, was Svarog"

"Wait, the Svarog that brought all of these robots?" Stelle asked a bit confused.

"Why would a machine of the underworld know of important secrets?" Dan Heng crossed his arms above his chest also slightly confused.

"That robot witnessed the war, he might be older than all of us combined, if you want to pick up a thread, he might be your best source" the old man explained and then March spoke.

"The war against the Antimatter Legion, right? I heard that the invasión was hundreds of years ago..."

"Robots don't forget, if Svarog never heard of something called a 'Stellaron', then I'm afraid no one ever has" The old man sighed but then rubbed his forehead.

"We need to find a way to convince him to tell us whatever he knows." Dan Heng looked towards his companions.

"Ryan, do you think you could talk to him again?" Stelle asked towards the mentioned.

"I'm...not sure, I can most certainly try, but I have to admit I got lucky this time..." He shook his head a bit.

"We can always make him hand over his memory bank to us and search through it ourselves." March crossed her arms over her chest.

"We've tried to negotiate with him multiple times...but nothing works, maybe you might have a chance" Oleg smiled lightly towards the group. "But let's get more into detail tomorrow, you must be tired, go back to the town and rest, I'll make a few arrangements."

"Again? I'm kind of suspicious of more 'Arranged rests'..." March sighed deeply but Stelle patted her back a bit.

"As for our Silvermane Guard right here...I would like to have a word with you in private" Bronya flinched a bit but then nodded her head.

"I understand, Chief Oleg"

"Good, then let's return to the town, I'm kind of hungry" Seele looked to the others.

"You guys go on ahead...I'll have to stay here in the mine, I did tell Svarog I'd stop any kind of conflict that happens here" Ryan smiled slightly nervous at the others.

"You want us to stay, Ryan? We can help" Dan Heng spoke but Ryan quickly shook his head.

"No need to, I'll help with the mining too, I don't think it'll take too much time" he smiled towards his companions and they nodded their heads.

"Be careful, some Vagrants can resort to violence immediately." Seele warned Ryan.

"Don't worry, I'm capable of defending myself." He smiled innocently towards the others.

"We'll be...taking our leave, good luck Ryan, message us if something happens." Dan Heng slowly started to walk away.

Soon, the others followed him disappearing from Ryan's sight after a few minutes, he stood alone in the place before walking up towards the huge Geomarrow Vein, he looked up at it and rubbed his chin a bit.

"Does this Geomarrow...count as Earth?"

Ryan sighed softly and closed his eyes starting to concentrate, he pointed his open hand towards the huge Geomarrow Vein and frowned a bit, a magic circle appeared under his feet, said magic circle started to spin before stopping suddenly and turn to a brown colour, a brown aura slowly started to surround the Geomarrow Vein...

After a few minutes, the other group had already left the mine and started to walk towards boulder city, Oleg had decided to stay at the mine entrance to explain all the situation to Natasha and those who wanted answers.

"So...you said before that...Ryan was turning into an Aeon...you were joking, right?" Seele asked a bit confused while looking at the trailblazers.

"No, we were serious...we still don't know why, but he confirmed that he started to...get new abilities" March sighed a bit and rubbed her forehead. "For now, nothing too serious..."

"New abilities? What kind of? Does he have laser eyes?" Seele asked again rising an eyebrow.

"He told us he can hear the guilt inside of people...but we don't know the details." Dan Heng explained and Bronya flinched a bit.

"He can...hear people's guilt? Is that why...he wanted to talk to me? Does he know?..." She sighed a bit but then shook her head.

"Uh...that doesn't sound too amazing..." Seele admitted a bit disappointed.

"We don't know if he'll eventually get more powers..." The boy with the spear sighed softly.

"I hope he gets a transformation or something! Imagine he's about to get defeated and then he goes 'this is not even my final form!' and then he transforms" Stelle smiled and rubbed her chin.

"How much...do you know about him?" Bronya asked a bit curious.

"Uh...not really a lot, it's not that he intentionally hides stuff it's just that...we never really asked too much about him" March rubbed the back of her head. "Maybe we could ask?"

"That doesn't sound bad...we can talk to him before going to sleep" Dan Heng nodded his head.

"He sounds like a cold lone wolf...but he's actually kind of sweet...not like if we spent that much time together yet..." Seele looked to the side.

"Yeah...I've never really seen him angry, he's mostly calm..." March looked towards Stelle who simply smiled. "I shouldn't have said that..."

"I'm going to do everything in my power to anger him" Stelle promised to herself with a smile.

"How did you met him?" Bronya asked with interest in her voice.

"We found him in a chunk of Ice in the space...we still don't know why he was frozen, I suppose that's something we could ask about." Dan Heng responded.

"In a chunk of Ice? How did that happen?" Seele asked as she stopped walking.

"We...hum... we're not sure" March rubbed her forehead a bit. "There're a lot of things we still don't know about him."

"I see...well, I have to go and patrol a bit, you four should go to the Goethe Grand Hotel." Seele sighed a bit and then started to walk away.

"Did she say...Goethe Grand Hotel?" Bronya looked at the others a bit confused. "Like the one in the Overworld?"

"I'm curious now, let's go~" Stelle smiled and started to walk.

After a few minutes...

Stelle walked outside of the Hotel, she looked around trying to find something interesting to do before it was time to sleep, Dan Heng and March 7th had decided to stay with Bronya to make sure she didn't get harmed before she went to talk with Oleg.

"Yeah!! Let's go boys!! The Son of Qlipoth has given us his blessing!!!"

Hearing the cheers of happiness she rose an eyebrow, Stelle walked towards the entrance that lead to the Great Mine and opened her eyes a bit surprised, various miners were pushing minecart after minecart filled with Geomarrow while Oleg was In the front giving a few orders.

"Did the mining already finished? It was barely half an hour..."

She got a bit closer and then grinned a bit.

An embarrassed Ryan was walking into the city as many miners surrounded him, giving him praise after praise while apparently inviting him to drink and also to as she could hear 'get some bitches'.

"D-don't call me that please..." He smiled nervously to the miners.

"Don't be so humble, praise is everything you deserve, c'mon, we'll invite you to some beer!" One of the miners smiled down at the boy.

They slowly walked past Stelle, she saw how Ryan threw her a glance that screamed 'help me'...of course she completely ignored him and decided to take her attention elsewhere, looking at Natasha who slowly approached.

"Stelle, looks like you're fine" the woman smiled slightly down at her.

"Natasha, what happened? I thought they'd be for a while mining the vein."

"You should've been there, I didn't know Ryan could do something like that, we were about to go and mine the Geomarrow Vein after Chief Oleg told us about the situation being safe...but half way to the place Ryan walked to us...with hundreds of perfectly mined chunks of Geomarrow floating behind him." She looked slightly towards Ryan who was still being surrounded by various miners. "He said he mined everything by himself and was taking it to us so we didn't have to work too much."

"He...mined everything? And the Geomarrow was floating? Maybe he used that magic of his..." She sighed a bit with some envy. "I wish I had cool abilities like that too, for now, I can only bonk people."

"The miners started to call him 'Son of Qlipoth' hehehe" she laughed lightly. "They are messing with him a lot"

"He~...I'll never let him forget about that nickname" Stelle smiled looking

"I would advise you to go and help him, he looks like if he'd pass out if they continue like that" the woman chuckled a bit.

"I'll help him...I think I'll blackmail him too" she smiled and walked towards Ryan and the miners.

"Wait...Blackmail him?" Natasha looked a bit nervous towards Stelle.

Stella approached the small group of Ryan and the mines, she quickly pushed aside a few of the miners and hugged Ryan's neck with her arm.

"Ryan~ my brother, you said you were going to help me buy a new trashcan didn't you?" She asked with a small grin.

"What? I-I mean...yes! I did say that" he laughed nervously.

"You two know each other?" A miner asked.

"Yes! We're siblings" Stelle smiled and pulled Ryan closer. "He's my dear younger brother, can't you see the resemblance?"

"But his hair is lighter than yours..." Another miner spoke.

"What?! You think that we can't be siblings because his hair is of a lighter color than mine?! What are you?! Racist?!" She blurted out acting angry at the miner who said that.

"W-what?! No no no, I didn't mean that!"

"Not cool man" another miner shook his head. "You two can leave, sorry for offending you."

"N-no worries..." Ryan smiled nervously.

Stelle quickly pulled Ryan away from the crowd, when they got far enough she sighed and let him go.

"Bad acting Ryan, you could've done it better."

"If I had anticipated that, I would've done it better..." He sighed slightly. "And what was that about us being siblings?"

"It was the first thing that came to my mind, besides I improvised quite well, you can't argue." She smiled with confidence.

"You do have a point...anyways, thanks, It was the first time I got surrounded like that" he sighed deeply and rubbed his forehead.

"He~ you're shier than you look" she grinned a bit. "I wonder how will the other react to you being the 'Son of Qlipoth'~"

"You wouldn't dare..." He looked embarrassed a the girl.

"I won't tell them if you agreed to owe me a favor" she drove her hands to her hips smiling. "What kind of sister would I be if I didn't blackmail my brother?"

"Ugh...you win, just don't tell them"

"Yay~ anyways, let's go back to the Hotel, the others are waiting." Smiling she started to walk and Ryan slowly followed her. "So...you used magic to mine the Geomarrow?"

"Uh? Yes, At first I didn't think it'd work...since I was using earth magic, but It worked...spent a lot of magic though..." He sighed deeply and frowned a bit. "I really need to find a way to optimize my magic spending..."

"Uh, just how much can you do with your magic, it's too convenient...I'm a bit jealous."

"Sorry...I could do more but I've never really been good with magic, I didn't get as much training in magic as I would've liked..." He looked to the girl who simply smiled at him.

"I know~ why don't you turn me into your Emanator?"

"I don't know how that works Stelle...besides I don't think it'd be a good idea." He seemed a bit nervous. "I haven't even chosen what kind of path I'll follow..."

She sighed a bit disappointed. "Fine, but as soon as you can create Emanator, I'll be the first one, okay?"

"Fine...promise" he smiled lightly, still a bit nervous.

"Good, is that Bronya?"


Both of them saw how Bronya slowly walked out of the Hotel, as soon as she saw them, she approached them, apparently a bit nervous.

"Hey Bronya, going to meet Oleg?" Stelle asked with a little smile.

"Yes...I have an idea of how the talk will go...but I'm ready." She sighed but then looked slightly towards Ryan. "Ryan...could we have a talk later?"

"Uh...sure Bronya" the boy looked at her a bit curious.

"Thank you, I'll be going off then, have a good day." She nodded her head and then slowly walked away.

"She wants to talk to you all alone~" Stelle grinned towards Ryan.

"It's not like that Stelle" he deadpanned toward her.

"You totally rizzed her up~"

"...what does 'rizzed' mean?" He asked to the girl and she immediately looked at him...with pity.

"Okay it's decided..." She cleared her throat. "Before meeting again with March and Dan Heng I'll be giving you a few speech lessons..."

"I don't think it'll be a good idea Stelle..."

"Believe me, you'll thank me later!"

After an entire hour...

March and Dan Heng were in the later's room, apparently having a small conversation.

"I still think that the list is not necessary March..." He sighed a bit looking at the girl.

"And I keep telling you that it's necessary" she pulled out a small list and read one of the many questions. "we need to know if Ryan ever...uh...uh...if he ever drank while driving!"

"I don't think they have vehicles like that in his home..." He deadpanned to March.

"Uh...good point, but! What if we want to know if he ever dated a girl for economical reasons?"

"What are you going to ask him? His zodiac sign?"

"That a good idea!" She smiled and quickly wrote something on the list.

"I should've kept myself quiet..." Dan Heng rubbed his forehead.

"We are here~" Stelle smiled opening the door with a kick.

"Hey guys... Stelle said that you had a few questions" He entered behind the girl.

"Oh! Ryan do it as we practiced!" Stelle smiled and softly patted the boy's back.

"Oh yeah" he cleared his throat and looked at both March and Dan Heng. "Hey my fellas, my sis of another mother right here told me you two had some mind-blowing stuff to ask."


Both, March and Dan Heng simply deadpanned at Ryan and Stelle, Stelle seemed weirdly proud as she nodded her head a bit at Ryan's words, March slowly started to slap her ears, apparently trying to make herself deaf, while Dan Heng simply looked towards Stelle... weirdly scared.

"Stelle, what monster have you created?"

★ ★ ★

A/N: And that's today's chapter!

I'm going to love writing Ryan and Stelle acting like siblings.

Not really a lot to say this time so I'll leave it at this, I hope you enjoyed!

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