
CH 58: Jen Wants Attention (Fluff Edition)

(A/N: You already know how much I love reading comments, but I actually get scared when I look at how many new comments there are in this fanfic lol.)

Jen :"This can't get any worse, can it?"

Alistair :"Sure it can, just give me a minute."


Warnings: Fluff

Word Count: 1k


"Oh, so to control mana, you need to..." Sitting with the trio in Jen's house, while her and Ken's parents had gone on a trip by themselves, Alistair listened to Ken as he taught him about magic.

"That's right. So first, you..." While they were learning, with Ken teaching him diligently, Jen and Kevina were watching TV. Jen, however, didn't seem to be enjoying it much.

She groaned :"I'm bored..."

Kevina hummed, barely paying attention as she sipped on her soda :"I can see that."

Jen :"He finally came here, so why did he have to study?"

Kevina :"Maybe it's because magic is useful."

Jen threw her head back over the back of the couch :"Ugh, but we could be having fun instead!"

Kevina smirked :"Yeah, I bet he'd love to have "fun" with you too."

Jen's face twitched, blushing slightly :"Not like that, you pervert. I meant as in hanging out, or gaming, or going to the smoothies, or kicking some villain butt! Studying doesn't fall in the category of fun."

Kevina :"Not even magic?"

Jen sighed depressingly :"Studying is studying. Magic or math, they're both boring."

Glancing at the back of Alistair's head, she glared and pouted :"Hmph, if he doesn't hang out with me willingly, I'll make him hang out with me then!"

"How mature." Kevina sipped on her drink again as Jen rose to her feet and walked up to Alistair :"Hey~, babe."

"Hey, baby. What's up?" Alistair smiled, pulling his attention away from the magic book in front of him to Jen who smiled :"Aren't you guys done yet?"

Ken deadpanned :"Done? We've barely started."

Jen whined :"What?! But you've been at this for so long already!"

Ken :"Huh? Have we?"

Alistair :"Time really does fly when you're having fun, huh?"

Ken smiled :"That's true. I didn't expect teaching magic to someone would be so fun. Especially when they're actually paying attention."

As he looked at them, Jen and Kevina quickly looked away awkwardly. Pouting, Jen hugged Alistair from behind, hugging her face in his soft hair :"Babe~, come on~! Isn't that enough studying for now? I'm bored here!"

Chuckling helplessly, he turned to Ken :"Ken, is it alright if we took a small break? Because I don't think Jen is going to let us study in peace at this rate."

"Heh, you've got that right." Setting her chin on his head, she grinned cheekily at her cousin :"So you better end this class before I annoy the heck out of you both every second."

Ken sighed with a smile :"Fine, fine. I guess we can take a break so Jen won't feel lonely."

"Yes!" Jen pumped her fist in victory, causing Alistair to chuckle :"Geez, this is important, you know? But you just gotta have all of my attention all to yourself."

Standing up, Alistair picked her up bridal style in one swift move, making her yelp before she laughed :"Babe~! Put me down!"

He grinned :"Why? You wanted my attention, didn't you? Well, you have all~ of it now, so just enjoy it."

Carrying the giggling Jen to the couch, he sat down and sat her on his lap. Loving the feeling of her fat ass on his lap as she squeezed into him lovingly.

Ken joined them on the couch, sitting between Alistair and Kevina. While smiling to herself, Jen noticed something :"Huh? Babe, do you have a fever?"

Sitting up, she checked his forehead :"Yeah, you definitely have a fever? You alright?" Her worried look warmed up his heart, causing him to smile as he hugged her into him again :"Yeah, I'm alright.

It's just... you remember how I told you I came from space with the watches and that I don't have any memories?"

"Yeah, why? Does it have something to do with that?"

"Yeah, and it definitely has something to do with magic. When I got my hands on the artifacts of that magician, Hex, as you called him, something inside of me reacted pretty intensely.

I'm good now, actually. At first, I got one hell of a fever at night before recovering. Along with visions of destruction and screams. There was also someone that I think called out to me, but I can't remember what he called me..."

The place was silent, before Kevina tightened her lips :"...10 bucks on him being space Hitler?"

"Kevina!" Jen glared, but Kevina just shrugged awkwardly. Alistair didn't take offense though. Instead, he laughed :"Hahahaha, actually, I have a feeling that's not unlikely! I mean, considering my personality, being a villain is probably what had happened!"

"Hey, there's nothing wrong with your personality!" Jen argued, but Alistair smirked :"Tell me though, what would you do if I –did– turn out to be a villain?"

Jen smirked, giving him a confident look :"Then I'll just turn you good again."

He smiled in amusement :"You seem pretty confident."

"Of course I am. It wouldn't be the first time. Do you have any idea how many times Kevina has gone villain just for us to turn her into a good guy again?"

"That's different though. She's an ally turned evil then back to good. I would be a villain turned into an ally then back to a villain."

"Uhh, excuse me, did you forget that Kev was a villain at first too? One of my most annoying ones at that?"

Kevina raised an eyebrow :"Annoying? I'd call it one of the strongest villains."

Jen scoffed :"Nah, just annoying. Anyways, the subject isn't about you. Point is, even if you did turn into a villain, I'd still manage to find a way to get you back. You can be sure about that."

Alistair couldn't help but chuckle as he kissed her forehead :"Fair enough, love. Fair enough."

(A/N: I get that chapters like these are short, but they're supposed to be like this. Believe me, long fluff chapters are just annoying. Anyway, since this chapter with Jen was fluff, the next one will be smut. But for the next fluff chapter, what should the theme be? Vote, lovely bitches of uncle!)


1) Jen and Eve (Fluff Edition)

2) Game night

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