
Chapter 81

---Several Weeks Later---

Returning to Skyrim, having collected an ample amount of Stalhrim, we returned to Whiterun to plan our out our next move. Heading to the Breeze Home to eat and talk over a pint of mead, as we entered the home, we discovered a guest had moved in while we were away. Rushing in, with weapons drawn, my fiancées quickly encircled them while Aela and I stood by the door.

"Who are you, and why are you in our home!?", Angelica growled, pointing her longsword at my new housecarl.

"My sincere apologies, I am sure you have more than a few questions so please give me a moment to explain.", Lydia said, with her hands raised, "While you were away, Jarl Balgruuf named your husband a Thane of Whiterun and assigned me, Lydia, to be his housecarl. I moved in about a month ago and have been taking care of the residence since then."

"Housecarl? Thane? What are you going on about?", Clarice inquired.

"It is an honorary title given to individuals who have provided invaluable assistance to the Jarl and the Hold. While it does not make him a nobleman, it does put him above the rest of us in social standing.", Aela informed them, patting me on the back, "Congratulations, Victor!!"

"Oh, so it a position similar to a Knight then!", Deirdre remarked, understanding things now, "That makes Lydia his bodyguard?"

Nodding her head in confirmation, Lydia acknowledged that she was indeed correct. Stating that her duty was to protect my assets, family, and I, she swore to do her utmost to carry out her duties. Satisfied that she was no threat to us, the women sheathed their weapons and apologized to her. Accepting their apologies, Lydia conceded that she would have done the same in their place.

"So then, Lydia, I notice you have made some improvements to the home.", I said, looking around at the new furnishing, "Where did you get the funds for all of this?"

"The Jarl sent a large sum of gold to you for slaying the dragon and saving the city. I used a small portion of the funds to have the home cleaned and furnished.", Lydia responded, handing over the remaining funds to me, "I hope everything is to your liking."

Taking a few moments to explore the home, I wanted to see all the changes she made. As we looked around, it became apparent that she had furnished the home just like it had been in the game. Grateful to her for putting in all the effort to do this, I felt a bit bad that it was all for naught as there was one major problem.

"You did well Lydia, unfortunately, there is one problem you failed to consider. This home was designed for a family of five in mind, my family currently numbers eight in total. We intended to perform renovations on the home to accommodate our growing family…", I stated.

"I…I realized that once you came in the door. Jarl Balgruuf failed to mention you had a harem.", Lydia said, bowing her head in apology, "Once you are away on your next journey, I will make the necessary arrangements to remodel the home."

"It may be a few journeys from now, I have a job for you.", I stated, turning to the rest of my group, "How about we head over to the Bannered Mare, and discuss our next steps there?"

Happily agreeing, as they enjoyed the food and drink, the ten of us headed over immediately to secure a table.

---Bannered Mare---

Grabbing the same table as before, we placed our order with Saadia before getting down to business. Rolling out the parchment map of Skyrim onto the table, I marked down the locations that I recalled led to Blackreach.

"Alright, currently we have two primary objectives, collect one or two Elder Scrolls and gather up various Daedric Artifacts. To speed up our timetable, I propose we divide ourselves up into two groups. I will head out alone to collect the Daedric Artifacts while you ladies head to the Tower of Mzark to retrieve the Elder Scrolls that is sealed away inside.", I stated pointing to the map, "After that is done, all of us will meet up at Dimhollow Crypt to secure the second Elder Scrolls."

"Wait, you are asking us to do this alone?", Deirdre asked, looking at the other women.

"Correct, while it will not be easy, I believe the nine of you can pull it off.", I answered, with a warm smile, "If you do not want too though…"

"We will do it!", Lucoa spoke up, with an excited smile, "Right ladies?"

Voicing their agreement, my fiancées were ecstatic to head out on their own adventure this time around. Handing over a few documents, a bag of holding, and a coin pouch, Aela and Lucoa took charge of the items as they were the most experienced adventurers among the group of women. Discussing the equipment and supplies they would need to complete the journey, Mylene began jotting down a list of things to buy in the market.

"Already planning your next adventure?", Saadia asked, setting our mugs down, "Where are you all headed off to this time?"

"They are heading out to look for an Elder Scroll, and I am going to track down Daedric Artifacts.", I answered.

"Oh, that sounds very exciting! You sure you would not like some company during your journey? The roads can become quite cold and lonely at night.", Saadia asked, attempting to seduce me again, "A strong man like you should have company in his tent to keep him warm."

"I appreciate your concern, but I will be fine.", I said, waving her off.

A bit miffed that I was brushing off her advances a second time, Saadia pulled up a chair and inquired why I was uninterested in her. Taking the matter personally, as the other patrons constantly made passes at her, she wanted to know why I did not show any reaction to her temptations. Setting my mug down, I looked her dead in the eyes and told her exactly why I was uninterested.

"Your so-called affection toward me is skin deep, at best. When you look at me, you see a quick way out of the hole you dug yourself when you sold out your countrymen, Iman.", I remarked, as the room grew quieter, "If you could so easily turn your back on your own people, why would I trust you around the most important people in my life? Remove your traitorous, backstabbing presence from my sight, you cowardly slut!"

Opening her mouth to rebuke me, Hulda quickly interjected herself before she could utter a word. Demanding to know if what I said was true, she vehemently denied the allegations I was alleging. Rising from her seat, Saadia attempted to sway the patrons to her side by claiming I was liar.

"Everyone here has seen the Alik'r Warriors scouring the territory looking for a female Redguard that matches your age and description.", I said, turning to Aela, "You have made countless journeys throughout Skyrim. How many other female Redguards have you seen in your travels?"

"I can count all of them on two hands…", Aela stated, looking at her, "If you are certain of your innocence, how about we invite the Alik'r Warriors here to confirm for themselves?"

Agreeing with her logic, the other patrons felt that was a fair request to settle the matter. Immediately shooting that suggestion down, Saadia insisted that she was innocent and that there was no need to involve them. Hearing the nervousness in her tone, even the drunk bard could tell she was lying through her teeth.

"Honor and loyalty mean everything to us, you lack both of them.", Mikael the Bard shouted, "Get out of our city!!"

"I remember now!! She sold her city and her people out to the bloody Thalmor!!", one of the patrons howled, "That bitch is working for the Aldmeri Dominion!!"

At the mention of the Aldmeri Dominion, the tavern went into a full uproar. Realizing that her cover was blown, Saadia pulled out her dagger and lunged at me. Cursing my name for exposing her, I slammed my fist into her face, breaking her nose. Stumbling back a few steps, Saadia collapsed to the ground and passed out.

"I saw some Alik'r Warriors near the Whiterun Stables. Just hand her over to them and let the people of Hammerfell have their justice.", I suggested, "They are the ones whose homes were razed and their families torn asunder."

Wholeheartedly agreeing with me, Hulda asked one the regulars, Uthgerd, to take Saadia to them to get rid of her. Happily obliging her request, Uthgerd tossed Saadia over her shoulder and headed for the stables.

"Ysolda, you still interested in working here?", Hulda asked, glancing over at the redhead sitting at the bar.

"Yes ma'am!", Ysolda acknowledged.

"Good, I am in need of a new bar maiden. Grab a towel and get to work.", Hulda chuckled, with a big grin, "Welcome aboard!"

Letting out boisterous cheers, the patrons settled down and got back to what they had been before. Turning back to my group, Mylene and Olivia were grinning ear to ear with glee. Asking them what was so funny, they admitted that they hated her for trying to seduce me right in front of them.

"I know you would not fall for such provocations, like Roland would have, but it is still very frustrating. The first time it happens, we kind of expect it, but after brushing them off and they do not take the hint…that is when we get angry.", Mylene commented.

"Its nice to have her out of our hair.", Olivia added, with a bloodthirsty smile.

"Haha, I must say I did not expect you to knock her out.", Aela giggled, "I like a man who is unafraid of laying down the law, when the moment calls for it."

"To be clear, I would never raise my hand in anger against the people I love. Everyone outside that small group, I will happily eviscerate them if the need arises. Be it deity, demon, or man, I take shit from none of them.", I chuckled, "Now then, where were we…"

Getting back to planning, Ysolda brought over our food with a cheery smile and left us to it.

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