
Chapter 385: Fire Poison _1


Even a nest of ordinary hornets has its strong female 'guards'.

In addition to this, there are scout wasps responsible for standing guard and searching for bee nests.

Larger bee colonies may even have 'nanny bees' specially dedicated to nurturing the young.

There's an interesting phenomenon among hornets; some females will lay eggs in secret. As long as their actions go unnoticed, their eggs are raised together with the rest.

But if they are discovered, those hornets that laid eggs in secret face punishment, and may even be expelled from the colony.

This kind of situation generally doesn't occur among honeybees when there isn't a loss of the queen.

These fire bees belong to a special species of bee.

In Qin Niu's eyes, they can only be considered as a general special species; they are even slightly inferior to the Steel-winged Wild Bees bred by the Green Demon.

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