
The Start/Part 1.

2004/ Seoul South Korea.

Daehyun was Currently Still inside the Recording studio Looking Over the Songs of his Album that was Published a Moment ago on the Computer Only to notice a Very important thing that he seemed to have missed Which is the name of his Album.

(Daehyun's POV)

"Why is my album named L." Asked Daehyun, looking at Jyp who was Busy getting his stuff Together so he can head back to his office to finish some important work.

Jyp Was Sweating hard and said "That was a Mistake on my part you see I accidentally spilled something on my computer and when I tried to wipe it off I accidentally hit the Letter L on my keyboard and..." Said Jyp trying to explain, only for Daehyun to just stare at him with his usual straight face.

"You can stop now I'll forgive you." Said Daehyun, really not feeling the Vibe today at all.

Jyp sighed in relief but suddenly remembered something important and said "Can you do a English version of this album."

"Yes Im well versed in English." Said Daehyun knowing Jyp's thoughts clearly.

"Ok then let's get to work then." said Jyp taking a seat in the rolling chair while gesturing Daehyun to get back into the studio, intending to expand Daehyun's fanbase to America.

Daehyun sighed and got back up and headed into the studio.

TIMESKIP: 4 Months later.

Daehyun was Currently Inside his Room laying on his Bed on his phone reading the comments about songs of his album L that he now considers his since Sam Smith doesn't exist here and was having mixed feelings about some of the Comments while smiling at some.

Comment 1: Are you Fucking serious is this Singer Really Korean why wasn't he born over here in America and what is his name how come I can't find him on the Internet.

Comment 2/ Replying to comment 1: I know right and i think his name was L or Tae Daehyun.


Comment 4: what a beautiful album please make more in the future.

Comment 5: I can't stop listening to Lay me Down.

Comment 6/ Replying to comment 5: Same with me to the song is So good.


Comment 8: I'm not really liking this new Artist.

Comment 9/ Replying to comment 8: Then stop leaving unnecessary comments and Go look at some other artists.

Comment 10: I'm a fan now.

Daehyun Read over the comments and Chuckled at them, only for his phone to start ringing and seen it was his Cousin Ari, Which made his smile drop and Answered the phone.

"Wassup Small Booty" said Daehyun while Laughing.

"Shut the Hell up Before I come over there and fight you because your really getting on my nerves Right now all I wanted to do is check on you as your Cousin and best friend." said Ari, Already pissed

"Well your the one who called me so you should have expected this." said Daehyun Chuckling, knowing it's her fault.

Daehyun waited for Ari's comeback but was disappointed and looked at his phone and seen she had hung up Which made him laugh at her lame comebacks and sometime nonexistent ones.

Daehyun calmed down but suddenly felt his phone vibrate and seen it was His new Manager named Kim Changmin and Got up from his bed while grabbing his cane, only to notice a distinctve feature that stood out about his legs.

Daehyun had a Confused face while Looking at his Legs.

"Has the Former owner always been Bow legged or is it Because of this Disease or is it because I've never payed attention to the lower half of my body." Said Daehyun, wondering If this is harmful.

While Daehyun was In thought he walked forward a little and Didn't feel any pain in his legs and just shrugged it off since he has more important things to think about since during these past 3 months his Newly gained Manager Named Kim Changmin has been Snagging opportunities for him on TV shows and performing at award shows and modeling Etc to make his Already famed self even more Famous.

"Ugh now I really realize how tiring it is to be in kpop." said Daehyun while putting a hat on and a mask to cover his face and headed out of his room and went downstairs, heading towards the front door.

"IM LEAVING MOM." Said Daehyun Shouting.

"OK BE SAFE." said Aera Screaming from her room.

Daehyun shut the door behind himself while locking it and Seen manager Kim was waiting for him in the car.

Daehyun walked towards the Car and Got in the passenger seat and leaned his cane between his legs while taking off his Cap and Mask and took a breather.

"Did you br...." Asked manager Kim only for Daehyun to intercept his question.

"Can I ask you an important question." asked Daehyun, smiling at manger Kim.

Manager Kim had a suspicious face and said "what is it."

"Do you like eating hotdogs everyday." Asked Daehyun, still smiling.

"Yes why it's my favorite food for lunch." Said Manager Kim confused.

"So you like putting Hot dogs in your mouth everyday." said Daehyun, Still smiling.

Manager Kim caught on and Screamed "WHAT THE FUCK MAN I'M NOT GAY I'M HAPPILY MARRIED."

Daehyun's smile dropped and said with a straight face " then stop asking questions like are you brushing your teeth, are you taking a shower, are you eating well, how is your exercise going, every damn day it's getting annoying and I know how to take care of myself and it makes you sound like like a Pedophile so please stop."

Manager Kim sighed and Said with a stern face "it's my j...."

"Shut your refrigerator looking head ass up and start driving ,Now what, that's your job." Said Daehyun, Roasting with no remorse.

Manager Kim was shaking with anger but calmed himself down and started the car and started driving towards the Location of Mnet Asian Music Awards aka The MAMA.

Manager Kim took a deep breath again to Calm himself down and said with a chill smile "I'm surprised that you where Invited to perform at the Korean music Awards."

"Me to but if you actually think about it it's not really that surprising since Jyp has been Snagging a lot of Opportunities for me which also gave me a lot of exposure and on top of that I've been performing at all this Years award shows and doing my own performances nonstop." said Daehyun, thinking deeply and sighing.

"And your very popular despite debuting 4 months ago but you've been Doing a lot of gigs back to back so of course your on the top search list of Google." said Manager Kim, turning the steering wheel.

"perks for having Sam Smiths musical talents" thought Daehyun scrolling on his phone, going on his Facebook profile and immediately seen, 10.5 million Followers with a Checkmark next to where his real name was supposed to be that now is replaced with the letter L, which Almost made Daehyun choke to death on his spit from shock.

Manager Kim Chuckled and said "I'm surprised you didn't notice the huge change sooner."

Daehyun was staring at his phone screen with a shocked face and said "did they literally hack into my phone and changed my My profile name."

"Wait they changed your profile name I thought you where just talking about the followers and the Checkmark." Said manager Kim While pulling into a Parking Spot and turning the car off.

While Daehyun was about to respond he received a text from his Cousin Ari that had a Middle finger emoji with laughing emojis Which made him laugh and say "so she changed it while I was working out in he gym."

"What happened." asked manager Kim confused, wondering if he needs to find the hacker and file lawsuits and take other necessary measures.

"My cousin is the culprit but she sure is patient and has good timing how scary." said Daehyun Chuckling.

(Ari's POV)

"ACHOO." Said Ari sneezing in her arm.

"Are you ok girl." Said a Gay man next to Ari in a fashionable outfit.

"Yea I'm ok I think someone is talking about me." said Ari while fixing her makeup, thinking of her repulsive cousins smirk, making her instinctively have a deadly look in her eyes.

"ARI YOUR TURN IS COMING UP." Said Ari's manger Screaming, making Ari come back to reality.

"You got this girl Walk that runaway like your stealing Yourself a Sugar Daddy ok Boo." said Ari's Gay Friend, Being Extra.

Ari Chuckled while rolling her eyes and Made sure her outfit was ok and took a Deep breath to calm her Nerves and got Into her mode and started Cat walking to the stage with other new models in the background cheering her on.

"GO GIRL YOU GOT THIS." Said a random female Korean model cheering.

"GO ARI." Said a Male Korean model cheering.

"YESSS BITCH." Said Ari's gay friend Cheering.

"WOOHOO." said another female Korean model cheering.

(Daehyun's POV)

Daehyun was currently inside a Dressing room Backstage doing Vocal Trills with his mouth while his stylists were Working on his hair and face, with him sporting a black fashionable shirt that reveals just a little bit of his chest and Black Dress pants with black dress shoes on and a little bit of jewelry.

"ok were Done." said the Makeup Stylist.

Daehyun nodded and Got up from the Seat and checked his outfit out in the body mirror that showed a black fashionable shirt that reveals just a little bit of his chest and Black Dress pants with black dress shoes on and a little bit of jewelry, with his makeup done flawlessly, hair slicked back with a Few Strands hanging in the front.

"Thank you all for your hard work." Said Daehyun.

"You don't need to say thank you it's our job and we're getting paid for it." Said the Hair stylist, Chuckling.

Daehyun nodded and looked at the clock on the wall and seen it was time for him to head tothe stage and bring the Korean music award to it's knees.

(unknown girl POV)

The unknown girl was Walking down the hallway of Am Wondering where everyone went and Turned back around and headed in the direction of the Training room.

As The unknown Made her way to the training room she opend the door and entered it and seen The idol Trainees and Even some Company executives Watching A Huge TV Screen in Chairs and Even some Sitting on the Floor on Matt's.

The unknown Girl Walked up and said with a confused face "Aren't we supposed to have dance practice today why is everybody watching Tv."

A male Trainee looked at The unknown girl and Said With a smile, clearly enjoying his relaxation time "We are about to watch the Korean music awards."

"But isn't Dance practice more important right now." said The Unknown girl, Worrying about her career more than some award show.

"Taeyeon Just sit and watch the Show you can learn from some of these Idols and I heard a Rumor that L might be performing." Said a random female executive, who appears to be high in the company's rank.

Taeyeon sighed and took her seat in one of the Chairs, while Wondering who this So called L Was.

"Who I..." Asked Taeyeon, only to be cut off.

"Oh the Presenter is About to announce who is performing." Said one of the Male idol Trainees.

"Welcome to the 2004 Korean music Awards and I hope Everyone Will Enjoy The Rest of Their night because I know i Will." said Shin Jung Yup on the TV, With a Sleezy Face, making the audience laugh and start clapping, while shin Jung Yup started leaving the stage with the other host who is a woman named Kim Jung Eun following behind, while the Lights of the whole Auditorium Shut off.

"Um...so is no One Performing." asked one of the random female idol Trainees watching the Tv, with a sigh.

Suddenly a soothing beat came in on the tv, making Taeyeon and all the idol Trainees and Even the executives turn to look at the screen With surprised.

"OHHHHHH AHHHHHH OHHHHHHHH OHHHHHH AHHHHHH OHHHHOOOO." Said The Background Singers sync, going up and Down on the Registers, holding the notes Midway, With the drum beat coming in On the Tv.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH." Said the fans in the Audience Screaming Crazily on the tv, making the idols in the audience confused.

"OHHHHHH AHHHHHH OHHHHHHHH OHHHHHH AHHHHHH OHHHHOOOO." Said The Background Singers sync on the Tv, going up and Down on the Registers, holding the notes Midway.

As the drums stopped the soothing beat slowly faded out and a Piano melody suddenly came in On the Tv.

As Taeyeon and idol Trainees where Watching the Tv you could see a Handsome shadowed figure Coming into the Dimmed lights In a black fashionable shirt that reveals just a little bit of his chest with Black Dress pants on and black dress shoes and a little bit of jewelry, with his makeup done flawlessly, hair slicked back with a Few Strands hanging in the front, walking up to the gold Microphone with a black cane in his hand, on the Tv.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH L." Said the Fans Screaming Crazily, With some Kpop idols losing it to while some others where just clapping, on the Tv.

Daehyun Stood in front of the Gold Microphone with his eyes closed and let the female pianist play.

"So this Is L" thought Taeyeon Surprised,

Daehyun Opend his eyes and took a deep breath and Said Daehyun Singing in a breathy voice, With no Notes, while doing gestures with his left hand, on Tv "Guess it's true, I'm not good at a one-nightstand."

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH." Said the audience screaming Crazily, on Tv.

"Such a powerful and commanding stage presence without even doing anything." said a random male executive, Watching Daehyun perform on Tv.

"But I still need love cause I'm just a man." said Daehyun Singing in a breathy voice, holding the Notes a little, on Tv.

"These nights never seem to go to plan." Said Daehyun singing in a Breathy voice and going higher in the register into the head voice a little but went back down register with control, with no Notes, on Tv.

The Fans in the audience were going crazy and screaming.

"I don't want you to leave, will you hold my hand." Said Daehyun Singing in a breathy voice, holding the notes a little, With his left hand reached out to the Camera that is recording live, on Tv.

Taeyeon and the other Koreans idols and executives in the room where shocked by how good Daehyun's singing and lyrics where with some Trainee idols being envious and taeyeon couldn't Take her eyes from the screen intending to see everything.

"now won't you." Said Daehyun singing going up in the register a little bit, wirh no notes, with his arms raised, on tv.

"STAY WITH ME." Said the Background singers in sync, holding the notes midway, on Tv.

"Cause your." Said Daehyun singing in a breathy voice, with no notes, Pointing the audience on his right, on Tv.

"ALL I NEED." Said the Background singers in sync, holding the notes midway, on Tv.

"The background singers aren't to be played with." Said a Random Male idol trainee, Becoming Daehyun's fan.

"THIS AINT LOVE, ITS CLEAR TO SEE." Said Daehyun singing in a high register but went back down, with a little notes, on Tv.

"SO CLEAN." Said a random Shocked female idol Trainee, with everyone else being shocked even Taeyeon.

"But Darlin." said Daehyun singing, with no notes, on Tv.

"Stay with me." Said Daehyun and the background singers in Sync, holding the notes a little, on Tv.

"Seoul Let me see your hands, Hey." Said Daehyun Smiling while taking the microphone off the stand with the drum beat coming in and grooving, on Tv.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I LOVE YOU L." Said the audience Crazily, on Tv.

"such stage Presence." Said a random Female executive, with the others agreeing.

"I'll get there some day" Thought Taeyeon with her fists Clenched, still staring at the screen intently.

(Daehyun's POV)

"Why am I so emotional." said Daehyun singing, with no notes, Doing gestures with his Cane in his right hand, making the Crowed cheer.

"No, it's not a good look, Gain some self control." said Daehyun singing, going up and back down playing with the registers a little with a smile, With no notes.

"DEEP DOWN, I know this Never works." said Daehyun singing in his head voice but went back down the register, holding the notes a little.

"But you can lay with so it doesn't hurt." Said Daehyun Singing, With no notes, Gesturing to himself.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH L." said the audience Screaming.

"now won't you." Said Daehyun singing going up in the register a little bit, wirh no notes, with his arms raised.

"STAY WITH ME." Said Daehyun and the Background singers in a high register in sync, holding the notes midway.

"Cause your." Said Daehyun And the Background singers in sync, a little notes, gesturing towards the audience on his left.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH." said The Audience, already crazy.

"ALL I NEED." Said Daehyun and the Background singers in sync, holding the notes midway.

"THIS AINT LOVE, ITS CLEAR TO SEE." Said Daehyun singing in a high register but went back down, with a little notes, with his eyes closed feeling the song.

"But Darlin." said Daehyun singing, with no notes, While Gesturing towards the Crowed with a smile.

"Stay with me." Said Daehyun and the background singers in Sync, holding the notes a little.

"OOHHHHHHHH." Said Daehyun and the background singers in Sync, holding the notes Longly.

"OHHHHHH AHHHHHH OHHHHHHHH OHHHHHH AHHHHHH OHHHHOOOO." Said The Background Singers sync, going up and Down on the Registers, holding the notes Midway while Daehyun was grooving back and forth making the audience groove.

"OOHHHHHHHH" Said Daehyun Singing" Holding the note Longly.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH." Said Audience screaming madly.

Suddenly a guitar beat came in making the Audience Shocked and Started cheering madly.

"Now, he can be a sinner, or a gentleman." said Daehyun singing in a soft voice, holding the notes a little , while Leaning his cane against the Piano and walking toward the right side of the stage.

"He can be a preacher, when your soul is damned." said Daehyun Singing" holding the notes a little.

"He could be a lawyer on a witness stand." said Daehyun singing, holding the notes a little longer.

"But he'll never love you like I can, can." Said Daehyun singing, holding the notes a Little, while Pointing at random people.

Daehyun Walked on the stage walkway and said singing, holding the notes a little" He could be a stranger you gave a second glance."

"He could be a trophy of a one night stand." said Daehyun singing going higher in the register while holding the notes a little, pointing at a gay couple who smiled, while Still walking on the stage walk way.

Daehyun looked at the Kpop idol named in the audience and nodded to him while singing "He could have your Humor, But I don't understand."

Rain Nodded back smiling while grooving to the beat, making the other Kpop idols stand up and groove.

"Cause he'll never love like I can, can, can." Said Daehyun Singing, With no notes.

"WHY ARE YOU LOOKING DOWN ALL THE WRONG ROADS." Said Daehyun singing in a high register, holding the notes a little while waving at some fans who fainted from his attention.

"when mine is the heart and the salt of the soul." said Daehyun Singing, with no notes, with his hand on his chest.

"THERE MAY BE LOVERS WHO HOLD OUT THEIR HANDS." Said Daehyun singing in a high register, holding the note longly, while slowly moving the microphone away from his mouth with his head Raised upwards.

Daehyun slowly brought the microphone back to his mouth and said Daehyun singing, With no notes "But."

"HE'LL NEVER LOVE YOU LIKE I CAN, CAN, CAN." said The Background singers in Sync , with no notes, causing a echo affect, with the beat stopping on point.

Daehyun looked at the background singers with a smile and gestured towards them with his right hand.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH L, L,L,L,L." said the Audience screaming and chanting.

"I wish I had more time." said Daehyun while walking back to the main stage.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH." Said the audience screaming madly.

Daehyun Walked up to the microphone stand and put the microphone back on it and took a deep Breath and Said Singing in a breathy Voice, Holding the Notes a Little "Yes I do, i bealive that one day i will be where i was right there, right next to you."

"Sing along if you know it." Said Daehyun smiling, as the audience started singing along, as the pianist Played Masterfully.

"And it's Hard, the Days just seems so dark the moon, and the stars Are nothing without you." said Daehyun Singing in a Higher Register Breathy voice, Holding the notes a little, While looking at the kpop idol trainees who were Also singing along.

Daehyun looked at the audience in the middle and said singing in a high register a little, holding the notes midway "Your touch, your skin, where do I begin no words can explain the way I'm missing you."

"Deny this emptiness, This hole that I'm inside these tears, they tell their own story." said Daehyun Singing back in the lower register, holding the notes a little.

Daehyun gestured towards the kpop idols seating area and Said singing while gesturing with his hands, Going up a register a little and holding the notes Midway "Told me not to cry when you where gone."

"But the Feelings overwhelming It's much to strong." said Daehyun Singing, doing a Register flip a little While also holding the notes a little with a little grit.

"CAN I LAY BY YOUR SIDE." Said Daehyun Singing in a high register with a little grit, Holding the notes a little, making the idols surprised by his range.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHY WOOHOO." Said The audience screaming, with someone whistling in the back.

"Next to you, you." said Daehyun Singing in a breathy voice and climbing the registers and hitting the head voice and holding the note a little long, while pointing at the audience on the left that happens to have some actors attending.

the left audience was screaming madly, leaving the actors who were enjoying the performance confused by the fans.

"AND MAKE SURE YOUR ALRIGHT." Said Daehyun Singing in a high register With a Little Dramaticness" Holding the Notes Longly, with his head tilted upward and taking a deep breath.

"I'll Take care of you." said Daehyun Singing in a breathy voice and climbing the registers and hitting a high head voice and holding the note Longly, While slowly moving the microphone stand away from his mouth creating a echo affect.

"AHHHHHHHH." Said The audience screaming, for the millionth time.

Daehyun brought the microphone stand Back up to his Mouth And said Singing in a high register while going back down the registers, Holding the notes Longly at the lowest note he could muster with his tenor Voice "I don't want to be here if I can be with you tonight."

Suddenly a slow drum beat came in, making the audience dance.

"I'm reaching out to you." Said Daehyun Singing in a low register, Holding the note midway, With his left hand out and his right one holding the microphone, looking at the audience. His his arms out.

"can you hear my call." Said Daehyun singing in a high register but going back down the lower register, Holding the note a little.

"CALL, CALL, CALL." Said the background singers in Sync Climbing the registers, holding the notes midway.

"This hurt that I've been through I'm missing you, missing you like crazy." Said Daehyun Singing while doing register flips, hitting the head and going back down to the lower register, holding the notes a little long.

"You told me not to cry when you where gone." Said Daehyun singing, holding the notes a little long.

The Audience was swaying in there seats and the kpop idol trainees were grooving.

"But the Feelings overwhelming." said Daehyun singing, with no notes at all.

"IT'S MUCH TO STRONG." Said Daehyun singing in a high register with a little register flip" holding the note longly, with his head raised raised upward taking a deep breath.

Daehyun was still looking upward up and Said Singing in a high register with a little grit and his left hand raised a little with his right holding the microphone stand " CAN I LAY BY YOUR SIDE."

"Next to you, you." said Daehyun Singing in a breathy voice and climbing the registers and hitting the head Voice while holding the note a little long, smiling enjoying himself.

"AND MAKE SURE YOUR ALRIGHT." Said Daehyun Singing in a high register With a Little Dramaticness" Holding the Notes Longly.

"I'll Take care of you." said Daehyun Singing in a breathy voice and climbing the registers and hitting a high head voice and holding the note Longly, While slowly moving the microphone away from his mouth creating a echo affect Again, gesturing towards the audience who were crazy screaming..

"I DON'T WANT TO BE HERE IF I CAN'T BE WITH YOU TONIGHT." Said Daehyun in a very high register while doing a register flip, holding the notes very Longly, While slowly moving the microphone stand away from his mouth creating another echo affect,

while looking up and taking a deep breath, with the beat going up a notch.

"Lay me Down Tonight." said Daehyun and the background singers singing in a low register, with no notes.

"Lay me Down Tonight." said Daehyun and the background singers singing in a low register, with no notes.

"Lay me Down Tonight." said Daehyun singing in a low register with register flips, holding the notes a little.

"LAY ME BY YOUR SIDE." Said Daehyun singing in a high register With a growl" Holding the note longly.

"CAN I LAY BY YOUR SIDE." Said Daehyun Singing in a high register with a little grit while going back down the register, Holding the notes Longly.

"Next to you, you." said Daehyun Singing in a breathy voice and climbing the registers and hitting the head voice and holding the notes Very long, Ending the song While Slowly Moving the microphone away from his mouth with his head facing upwards and taking another deep breath.

Everyone stood up giving Daehyun a standing ovation

"Welcome the the Mnet Asian music awards." said Daehyun smiling, With his arms raised.

"AHHHHHHHHHH." said the Audience cheering while giving a standing ovation, with some people crying.

"Wow Just wow, everyone give L another Round of applause." Said host Shin coming back to the stage with the female host following behind.

"WOOOOOOOOAH." Said The audience screaming madly.

Host Shin was Shocked but quickly collected himself while Daehyun nodded towards the Crowed and Started leaving the Stage so host Shin could do his Job while not forgetting his cane, With the audience still cheering behind him and bim not knowing that he raised the ratings of this year Korean music Awards by alot.



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